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This post is more than 5 years old


October 16th, 2013 18:00

Optiplex 330 m/b in a Optiplex 320 case?

I have a Optiplex 320 Mini Tower that has a bad motherboard. I found locally a motherboard from a Optiplex 330. Also found some pics of the 330 board and the layout looks similar enough to the 320. Will the 330 m/b fit and function in the 320 case?

The part # of the failed board is MH651, the pics I have found of the 330 are of the KP651

77 Posts

October 16th, 2013 22:00

Hi mikeh420,

The motherboard of Optiplex 330 system has same dimensions as Optiplex 320 system. It will fit in the Optiplex 320 tower. Optiplex 330 uses 305 W power supply and Optiplex 320 uses 280 W power supply.

You may use the system board but Dell has not tried and tested the system board of Optiplex 330 in Optiplex 320 system.


Hope this helps. Feel free to reply for any further question.

56 Posts

October 17th, 2013 09:00

I'm in luck then. This system has a 305 W power supply.


77 Posts

October 23rd, 2013 03:00

Hi mikeh420,

I hope motherboard of Optiplex 330 works fine with Optiplex 320 system.

Feel free to reply for any further question.

1 Message

March 20th, 2014 22:00

I have same situation and 330 mb seems fit, but front panel connector has too short cable for 330 and differeent place of empty pin... will this work if I just perforate plastic of the connector in the needed place and conect FP anyway? Where I can find pinouts?

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