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May 12th, 2005 22:00

Paging File Size for 2GB RAM

What paging file size is recommended for a XPS Gen4 system with 2GB of RAM?

12.1K Posts

May 12th, 2005 22:00   Here is some more information about virtual memory

2.1K Posts

May 12th, 2005 22:00

Set your Max and Min size to 768 MB with 2 GB of RAM (I have 2GB of RAM installed and the largest size I've seen in use is around 200 to 250 MB. The more RAM installed = smaller page file needed.

Message Edited by VCraig on 05-12-2005 08:26 PM

584 Posts

May 12th, 2005 22:00

Usually 1.5 times the physical ram; so in your case it would be 3 Gb.


2.1K Posts

May 12th, 2005 23:00

In addition to SR45's reference there is more here:

Also, I should have noted I've not had any issues with the 768 MB page file for my uses. Your mileage may vary depending on the type and number of apps you have open at once, etc. 

Message Edited by VCraig on 05-12-2005 08:57 PM

265 Posts

May 13th, 2005 13:00

@dforrest wrote:
What paging file size is recommended for a XPS Gen4 system with 2GB of RAM?

The initial and maximum page file settings are 1.5 and 3 times your total ram respectively.
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