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December 8th, 2012 10:00

Remove Vostro 220s motherboard


I have a  Vostro 220s with all the original parts and components and now I wanted to pass these parts to a bigger cabinet, since it's hard to find components for slim towers, so I can upgrade it. The problem is, I can't remove the motherboard. I followed the steps on the guides supplied by Dell at <ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell> and they only say that I should remove the screws. I removed them all (eight in total) but the board still seems to be held by something I cannot identify. 

Apperently it's something near the back panel (where is all the USB, VGA etc.). I found some images in a forum where someone had the exact same problem:

Thank you in advance.

6 Professor


8.8K Posts

December 8th, 2012 10:00

The 220s doesn't have a removable IO shield, so I don't recommend moving the motherboard to an aftermarket case.

May I ask what exactly it is you want to do? It is possible to upgrade the 220s for mid-level gaming, Blu-ray playback, multiple SSDs, etc.

If it's a video card you're concerned about, the Sapphire 7750 will work with the stock power supply. More-efficient, higher-wattage, and quieter power supplies are available from Seasonic (up to 350 watts).

Note that the LG775 CPU is end of life, so even moving the motherboard into an aftermarket case with high-wattage power supply will have limited results for gaming, as the machine will be CPU-bound.

19 Posts

December 8th, 2012 20:00

In the 3rd pic if you look at the back panel there are 4 "nuts" holding the vga port and serial port to the back of the case.  If you use a socket you can remove those nuts and the board will slide right out .

6 Posts

December 9th, 2012 19:00

Yeah, the problem started because I need a better video card and all of them demand a better power supply than the one I have and finding one that fits the slim tower is hard. I'll take a look on those you mentioned.
I'll also see if I can remove those screws, because I've found a very good power supply for a good price but it wouldnt fit Vostro 220s's tower.

Thank you both!

19 Posts

July 27th, 2014 20:00

look at the first post, look at the 3 pic in the links he provided.

on either side of the vga port (blue for monitor) are 2 small hex shaped screws/nuts unscrew those 2 using a small socket

on either side of the com port there are 2 also, remove them as well and the motherboard should be free (if you removed the screws inside the case already)

1 Message

July 27th, 2014 20:00

Would you mind posting a pic of said nuts? I'm not quite sure that I'm picking up what you're throwing down . Thanks.

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