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This post is more than 5 years old


March 9th, 2007 03:00


In anticipation of the long awaited resolution to the XPS 700/710 concerns that have been shared here on the Dell Community Forum, I have asked ChrisM to allow us to begin a new thread that has a NEW emphasis. ChrisM once again, has demonstrated a genuine care and respect for Dell’s customers by allowing the previous thread to reach the 1,500 threshold, and by sticking this new thread at the top for all to see. No one can deny, that Dell has not tried to “hide” the concerns and complaints of its customers, but instead has provided a forum for them to share and be heard.


Sometimes change can be a difficult process, and the cost to all can be significant. There are many here that have been posting since the beginning, when the first thread was stuck at the top last July 3rd, 2006. Eight months and nearly 14,000 posts later, we are beginning to see a light shining on the horizon of Dell’s renewed effort to give customers a much improved experience.


In many ways, what we as customers have been a part of, is potentially a trend that other corporations are going to have to take seriously. What Dell is doing for its customers is seldom, if ever, seen amongst large corporations. Truly listening to its customers and then responding in a humble and meaningful way, is something that most customers have only ‘wished’ for. It has taken some time, but in the end, Michael Dell, the newly announced CEO of Dell, took the initiative and responded directly to our ‘cry’ for an upgrade path for the XPS 700/710 computers.


Because so many Dell customers have had positive experiences in the past, the belief has always been kept alive that Dell would find a way to ensure that Dell’s foundational emphasis on a positive and personal customer experience would find renewed support corporate wide. As Dell works to provide future computer systems that the enthusiast and gamer can be proud to own, it is the hope of all that have shared here on the forum, that Dell’s willingness to turn their failures into a success, will be met with customer excitement.


A corporation’s success, in an ever increasingly competitive market, in the end will be tied to the corporation’s willingness to open its doors to customer input and involvement. From here we made a difference and had an impact that may very well be an important ingredient in a strong and influential corporation’s customer care revitalization. As Jim Collins writes in Good To Great, “All good-to-great companies began the process of finding a path to greatness by confronting the brutal facts of their current reality. It is impossible to make good decisions without infusing the entire process with an honest confrontation of the brutal facts. As a result, they emerged from adversity even stronger.”


May this thread be the beginning of a new chapter for Dell and the XPS 700/710 customers with Dell listening to the voice of its customers, and confronting those realities, so that each of us may experience Dell at its best; turning each reality into success, one by one. Thank you to each and every person that gave so much to make ours and future customers experience a richer one.

Let the posting begin!


Message Edited by gbakmars on 03-08-2007 11:59 PM

807 Posts

July 9th, 2007 00:00

We're all pretty much still here hoju. Welcome back! :smileyvery-happy:

81 Posts

July 9th, 2007 00:00

Looks like I'm back for another round with Dell. I wonder how many people from the 2006 "episode" still read these forums.

1.9K Posts

July 9th, 2007 03:00

Good to see you again simspon.

July 9th, 2007 05:00

Hello all,hope everything is well with your family and friends.
Been awhile since I have chimed in.
When I first bought the 700,and finally received it....loooong...time.  I was so upbeat with my purchase.
To tell you the truth,I don't even dust this puter any more. Its old, in puter years its older than me!!
I don't have to say what's wrong,with it , you all know.
So now we are going to get an upgrade. When??.....and by the time we get the "upgrade" we still have outdated ..fill in your own word here.
Sorry folks,but what I see is the ole....carrot in front of the donkey trick..
I sincerely hope that we all do not end up being the hind end of said donkey....tic....toc....time will tell
Support the troops....Cheers!!!
 Its a hard lesson but its real

26 Posts

July 9th, 2007 17:00

When you told Chris that "never is such a really, really long time", you left off "almost as long as we've been waiting for resolution"

1.9K Posts

July 9th, 2007 19:00

How about that video that was supposed to be up last Monday?  Did the one guy come back yet?  Another delay?

July 9th, 2007 19:00

Hey Chris M.  Do you know when we might get the next update?

75 Posts

July 9th, 2007 21:00

You are right..
Monday they don't say anything,
Tuesday they announce that they will announce something this week
Wendesday they don't say anything
Thursday they say the update will be there by friday
Friday, 4:59pm  they announce something, and if your lucky it's the actual information, but usually it's just an anouncement saying they have been delayed..

2.3K Posts

July 9th, 2007 21:00

romills wrote:
Why you asking about delays.. It's only monday, they don't announce delays till friday..

I thought they announce on Tuesdays that something is coming "soon" before they announce the announcement on Fridays :smileytongue: sorry Dell, j/k

75 Posts

July 9th, 2007 21:00

Why you asking about delays.. It's only monday, they don't announce delays till friday..

102 Posts

July 9th, 2007 21:00

hojusimpson wrote:
Looks like I'm back for another round with Dell. I wonder how many people from the 2006 "episode" still read these forums.

I may not speak up much.. but i'm still here as well.  I check in all the time to see what's going on and if anything new has been posted.  I just haven't had anything all that good to say so I...
My Order:

XPS 700 Black ,Core 2 Duo E6600
512 GB NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX
4 GB Ram
16x DVD 16x DVD+/RW
13 in 1 Media Card Reader
X-Fi Sound Card
Ordered on 6/9 (corrected)

Ship Dates:
Called on 7/26
Order Confirmed on 7/28
New Ship Date: 10/10
Both Hard Drives Crashed:  1/07

2.3K Posts

July 9th, 2007 21:00

romills wrote:
You are right..
Monday they don't say anything, Riiiiiightttt
Tuesday they announce that they will announce something this week Sooooonnnn
Wendesday they don't say anything Deafening Silence
Thursday they say the update will be there by friday Blow out the air out of our balloon
Friday, 4:59pm  they announce something, and if your lucky it's the actual information, but usually it's just an anouncement saying they have been delayed..

Sorry Dell, still j/k trying to keep my sanity here intact

201 Posts

July 9th, 2007 23:00

sjfried49 wrote:
When you told Chris that "never is such a really, really long time", you left off "almost as long as we've been waiting for resolution"

No, but you certainly have a point.:smileyvery-happy:

201 Posts

July 10th, 2007 00:00

Can you guess under which shell the mobo is?

32 Posts

July 10th, 2007 00:00

Maybe this is really just a bad dream, when we wake up everyone will have a new mother board under thier pillow.
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