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This post is more than 5 years old


March 12th, 2008 05:00

USB Ports not working on XPS 410

It looks like I have joined the nonworking USB crowd. The ports on my computer are dead, but I'm able to run my mouse and keyboard through the two USB ports on the side of my Dell Flat Screen Monitor. I have tried plugging my keyboard and mouse into the USB port the Monitor is plugged to in the back on the computer, but no luck. The only combination that works is running through the USB ports on the Monitor. I have downloaded the latest BIO. No luck. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not very computer savvy, but can try some things.



2 Intern


935 Posts

March 12th, 2008 10:00

This is what I did to get my USB ports working on my 410 when they suddenly didn't work. Hopefully, it will work for you.


  1. Shutdown your PC
  2. Unplug the PC from the wall socket or surge protector
  3. Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds
  4. Plug the PC back into the wall socket or surge protector
  5. Power on the PC
  6. Check mouse and keyboard

March 12th, 2008 11:00



Wow, you made my day. Everything worked after trying your suggestion. Now if I can just figure what I did to cause the USBs to stop working so I don't do that again. It sounds like this is becoming somewhat of an epidemic.


Thank you so much for your help and quick response. You have been great.



1 Message

January 17th, 2009 10:00

I would also like to thanks you keithg2. It fixed my USB port failure on my XPS410 in about 1 minute.  The time was a few seconds to power down and unplug, 30 seconds to hold power button in and the time it took to power back up.  I had the same problem as eberger except my monitor does not have USB ports so I had no USB ports that worked.  It it hard to find a solution when you have no input devices. This fix was on page 8 I hope this brings it back to the top and Dell will pick it up as a fix in their Technical Support Database.

4.6K Posts

January 17th, 2009 12:00

Why does this thread have two pages - each with just three posts in it?


And eberger1964:  You're meant to highlight the post which answered your question - i.e. keithg2's... not your own post, because he won't get the (rightful) credit for providing the solution :emotion-55:

1 Message

January 28th, 2009 17:00

Keithg2 - My son's xps 410 quit working after a power outtage. The hard drive and bays all start running but  no luck on the USB ports and no video. I've tried your solution for the USB ports but that hasn't worked so far.  I spent 2 hours with Dell taking out the memory, the internal modem, etc. and they said it was the mother board. I'm still thinking it might be the fancy video card my son had Dell install when they built the machine, Any ideas?  thanks.......

4.6K Posts

January 29th, 2009 09:00

Welcome to the forums slines :emotion-21:



You really pught to have started your own thread.


Anyways...since you're still able to power the system up, it would suggest the PSU is OK?

So... however unlikely a reason... have you tried reinstalling drivers again... primarily the chipset and graphics drivers?

If you have... or doing so doesn't make any difference... then it could well be that either the motherboard or graphics card were toasted by the power outage :emotion-6:


I personally think something on the motherboard would go, before the graphics card was taken out?

The easiest way to confirm it, would be to replace the graphics card (even if you have to borrow one from a friend - temporarily), with a known working card.

If it still doesn't display anything, then it's likely the motherboard has indeed blown :emotion-43:



This last bit is going to sound like advising somebody to shut the barn door, after the horse has bolted - I know, but...

this helps illustrate perfectly, how important having the system running through a UPS (uninterruptable power supply) is :emotion-55:

In the event of a power outtage, they keep power going to the system, long enough for you to be able to save whatever it is you're working on, and probably long enough to backup your important files/data as well (the better/more expensive ones offer 15 - 30mins of power - maybe more nowadays).

Perhaps more importantly... they also help prevent damage from power surges.


I personally have my (working) PC's, connected to their own individual 625VA Belkin Regulator Pro Gold Series.

And the UPS (plus all the peripherals I use as well - i.e. monitor, printer, external hard drives etc) are connected to Belkin 7-Socket SurgeMaster GOLD Series surge protectors!

Given how much it cost me to build the systems (both are gaming rigs), I would bawl uncontrollably if components were to be taken out due to a power surge/outtage :emotion-3:

Hence my 'belt 'n' braces' approach to power protection!

16 Posts

January 31st, 2009 08:00

I'm here to report my XPS 410 USB port failure as well.  Its been going on and off for about a year and a half.  I called Dell last week and they told me that it was most likely corrupt files in the OS (Vista Home Premium) so that I had to reformat.  I reformatted.....and its STILL happening as I speak.  I'm going to try Keith's fix and I pray to GOD it works.  I do have a feeling though that its a motherboard issue but we'll see.  Thats for the help everyone!

16 Posts

January 31st, 2009 16:00

Well, I tried Keith's method and it didn't fix the problem.  I called Dell tech support again and they asked me if I had upgraded my BIOS and I hadn't.  I upgraded it and told him that I hope this clears up the problem but if it doesn't, I am most certain that its a bad motherboard.  He agreed and told me when he calls me back tomorrow, if the problem is still occurring that they will send me a new motherboard.  As soon as I got off the phone with USB ports failed and keep continuing to fail.  This problem here for me is most def a motherboard problem!

2 Posts

January 31st, 2009 16:00

I would like to express my appreciation for the solution offered in this thread.  It worked for me. 

Now a complaint.  It is only because someone else posted to this thread just prior to my getting on line that I found it.  I'm new to this forum, and I posted my problem last night.  I cannot find my own post today--only way I could figure to find it was to do an advanced search on my user name.  But I got no matches .   Go figure. 

This forum is not user friendly!  I have used many different forums for software products I use and they are all easy to search and use.  This forum is not.





29 Posts

February 1st, 2009 07:00

Welcome to our nightmare forum. Why they shelved the old one and opened this mess is beyond me. Looks like some DELL techies had way too much free time on their hands.

2 Posts

April 5th, 2009 16:00

Hey folks... Im equally frustrated with Dell lately. For years I have been an avid fan of their systems, but lately...

In my small town, I am a repair tech with an excellent record. I aint the best, but I have a good name. 

As I sit here in my shop, I find myself staring at the only two customer machines awaiting repair.

BOTH are DELLS. One is an XPS 410 and the other is an XPS 210.

BOTH are suffering from the same problem (USB ports not working).

BOTH customers already called Dell support, paid $45.00 (as I recall) for nothing, then brought them to me.

I tried Keith's suggestion to no avail. Unlike the other posters, video is NOT a problem.

If I boot to a bootcd, USB works fine. If in BIOS, USB works fine. 

As soon as Windows kicks in (safe boot as well) USB fails BUT IT DOES POWER THEUSB DEVICE (ie., optical mouse lights and reacts to movement).

This tells me it is not the motherboard... can it be a conflict with a windows update and the motherboards onboard USB controller?

Any ideas will gladly be tested!!!

16 Posts

April 7th, 2009 07:00



I have an XPS 410 now since april of 2007 and around the beginning of 2008, I started getting the 'USB Device Not Recognized' problem causing all USB devices to not work. Well.....I FINALLY found out what the problem was. It was my darn MOUSE!!! Check and make sure you are not using the customers mouse or keyboard. Dell replaced my motherboard twice and keyboard as well. I never took the new mouse because I thought it looked cheap and generic and frankly, didn't think the problem was the mouse. Boy was I wrong! You can go to this link and read more here if you care too.....


Hope this helps!!

3 Posts

June 17th, 2010 16:00

This is an old page, but my XPS 410's USB Ports all have stopped working upon Windows boot.  They light up and work during BIOS, but as soon as it progresses past that point and Windows boots, all the lights go off and they are dead?  Any insights?

10 Elder


44.3K Posts

June 17th, 2010 17:00


This sounds like a different problem and you probably should have started a new thread. And yours is probably software since the ports work before Windows loads.

What version of Windows?

What happens if you boot in Safe Mode (press F8 before Windows starts to load)?  If the ports work when you get to the desktop, then open Device Manager and expand the list under USB. Right-click and uninstall all USB entries. Reboot normally and Windows should reinstall the ports automatically.

If not, you may need to run a Repair/Reinstall of Windows.


17 Posts

July 15th, 2010 08:00

Another "me too" - Dell Dimension 5100 where USB keyboard works in BIOS mode (eg to select boot menu) but stops working as windows starts.

Failure point is too early to allow  Safe Mode booting.

Bootable Linux CD works fine with mouse and keyboard OK, so it's down to Windows XP. Tried an add-in USB PCI card but no luck - probably needs a driver installing.


Looking to either remote edit registry to remove USB items or to do a Repair Install of XP..............



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