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Community Manager


54.9K Posts


June 21st, 2008 19:00

X-Fi Screech of Death

If you have this issue, I need the following sent to me in a private message -

* Service tag number:
* Operating System:
* X-Fi driver versions tested: (Ours or Creatives)
* Did you have this issue out of box (Y/N)?
* Have you updated the PC to the latest bios (Y/N)?
* Did you try the X-Fi in a different PCI slot (Y/N)?
* Did you try turning SLI off (Y/N)?
* Explain your usage when the screech occurs:
* Possible workarounds?
Message Edited by DELL-Chris_M on 06-21-2008 03:29 PM

Dell customer care/service. If already out of warranty, click hereFind your Service Tag
DELL-Chris M

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

June 24th, 2008 12:00


If your sound card looks like the one on the bottom of this picture, you have the XtremeGamer. The invoice is incorrect if it says you have the XtremeMusic sound card. Look at the sound card itself. Does it say SB0467 or SB0770?

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

June 24th, 2008 13:00


So you should be loading this XtremeGamer driver.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

June 24th, 2008 14:00


If you have the two black Optical connectors, you have the XtremeGamer sound card.

418 Posts

June 24th, 2008 14:00

Up to now I was going to say that jronesi and I were both in the same boat.  However, something is different.

My Invoice says Sound Blaster X-FI XtremeMusic (D) with an SKU # 313-5450 and a product code of VXFI.  The part number is listed as NJ941.

The card is an SB0770.  My card is the bottom card in the picture that Chris posted.

Message Edited by Garred on 06-24-2008 11:03 AM

81 Posts

June 24th, 2008 18:00

Item 313-5450 X-FI PCI Sound Card, part number NJ941.


Service tag **Private**
* Operating System: Vista Ultimate SP1 32-bit
* X-Fi driver versions tested: Creative
* Did you have this issue out of box (Y/N)? Yes
* Have you updated the PC to the latest bios (Y/N)? No. The system shipped with A06.
* Did you try the X-Fi in a different PCI slot (Y/N)? No.
* Did you try turning SLI off (Y/N)? Yes, same problem.
* Explain your usage when the screech occurs: Randomly. Occurs when gaming or clicking on something in Internet surfing.
* Possible workarounds? Only fix I have found is to close the window that I am currently using when the SOD occurs and reboot.


The only updates that I have completed are through Microsoft Windows.

June 24th, 2008 18:00

Guys, try this - change the default output from 16 to 18 bits.  It seems to have corrected my problem.  I also remember having to do this with Sonar when recording.  The X-Fi downsamples to 16 bits from 18, and this caused time sync issues.  Well, it seems to also fix the SoD in Vista for me.... for now.

632 Posts

June 24th, 2008 18:00

I guess I must have the same sound card as jronesi.


All this time (6 months) I have been under the mistaken impression that I had the extreme music card because that is what I ordered and that is what the invoice says. But I do have the card as pictured at the bottom with the two black optical connectors so extreme gamer it is.


I assume that this card is better or at least the equal of the extreme music card (I honestly do not know) but it would have been nice to have been informed of the change at the time of order and delivery. I have been looking for drivers for the extreme music card also on the Dell site and eventually gave up and went to the Creative site and installed the driver listed for extreme music (and it was the same driver for extreme gamer if I remember correctly).


You learn something new every day.

632 Posts

June 24th, 2008 19:00

My only options are 16 and 24 bit rates.


Left click Mixer

Playback devices

Speaker properties


Community Manager


54.9K Posts

June 24th, 2008 19:00


I am looking but cannot find where you changed this?

June 24th, 2008 19:00

Are you all sure?  I have 16, 18, and 24-bit options.  Using Dell X-Fi drivers too.

June 24th, 2008 19:00

I wonder if installing Sonar gave me this option?  It looks like 18-bit is just stuck in there, and there's only one option for it.  I'm going to check my XPS M1210 for this option.

Message Edited by Scream_And_Fly on 06-24-2008 03:56 PM

114 Posts

June 24th, 2008 20:00

In which mode do you find these bit-settings? Entertainment, game or audio creation mode?



241 Posts

June 24th, 2008 20:00

I have the SB 0770 and it screeched today with less than an hour of being on. I only have 16 and 24 bit modes as well.

114 Posts

June 24th, 2008 20:00

Ok, couldn´t find the place where you change bit, so just wondered if i were in the right mode, will keep looking.



632 Posts

June 24th, 2008 20:00

What were you doing when it screeched? Do you have the volume level set at 50% or is it defaulted at 67%?


The lower volume supposedly helps eliminate and reduce the SOD according to Creative personnel.

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