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This post is more than 5 years old


April 8th, 2009 22:00

XPS 435 Owners Thread

The "Has anyone taken delivery" thread is getting out of control - and far more people there are not owners... SO how about this new and improved XPS 435 Owner's Thread!?  Instead of posting 15 updates a day about delayed orders, newest deals, etc, how about we start a thread dedicated to the owners of this machine, and also a place where future owners can ask technical or performance questions about the machine.  There are a good amount of owners here, so let's build a community!


Any takers?

2 Posts

October 11th, 2009 23:00

Just took delivery of a new XPS 9000.

A few issues:

1. If the cover for the DVD drive is not seated just right, it triggers the tray to try to open every 10-30 seconds. A sub-issue is that when this happens the tray is not strong enough to push down the cover so it just opens and closes instantly. Pretty annoying. Goes away if you can get the cover in the right position (there's enough slack to move it around a bit), but I can see this getting old very fast.

2. The "My Dell Downloads" site won't register my system. I suspect this is because I blew away the OEM OS and put on Windows 7 Ultimate retail. I assume this is where I would download PowerDVD or whatever BD software Dell uses. The "Register my System" button pops up the ActiveX control, but then nothing happens after clicking on "Allow". I wish there was a manual option that let me enter my service tag any some other identifying information to authenticate my system.

3. I also have the high-pitched whine from the PSU when the system is off. I am not too concerned about this because I don't plan to spend much time in my office when the computer is off.

Other than these issues, the system seems to be pretty good, everything else seems to work with Windows 7 right out of the box.

109 Posts

October 11th, 2009 23:00

The PSU whine is not normal and there are many many complaints. I would fight to get it replaced. Mine is silent and I also would not tolerate the DVD door issue. You just paid a lot of money for that thing. As for the Dell support I don't know if that is a blessing or curse. I deleted all the Dell bloatware. It mostly feeds data back to the Dell engineers who get you to do their field testing for them.

4 Operator


1.9K Posts

October 12th, 2009 05:00


1. If the cover for the DVD drive is not seated just right, it triggers the tray to try to open every 10-30 seconds. A sub-issue is that when this happens the tray is not strong enough to push down the cover so it just opens and closes instantly. Pretty annoying. Goes away if you can get the cover in the right position (there's enough slack to move it around a bit), but I can see this getting old very fast.

My 435T has the same 'door' problem on my second DVD R/W drive. First drive is fine. I even had the 2nd drive replaced due to another reason and it didn't solve the problem. Tech who installed it was surprised when it happened, but this was in May and the systems were 'new' then. Well, I don't have exactly the same problem now, I did before the drive was replaced, now mine opens and closes immediately.

That thin strip on the right presses a bar that goes over the actual eject button on the drive and it probably either 'bounces' or keeps pressure on too long. I suspect it keeps it partially depressed though. I use Nero to burn DVD's as well as DVD Flick, and with both of these programs, sometimes, but not always, when the DVD burn is completed the draw opens and closes immediately, even when the opening is done by these programs.

I've had instances when I open the draw, it stays open, and then while I'm inserting the DVD the draw closes, and a few times the door will not completely close as the DVD isn't seated correctly and blocks the door from closing. I assume just touching the drive tray is enough to trigger the close bar enough that it closes the drive. Sometimes it works correctly and I have to close it manually?

I've tried removing and re-aligning the front cover. Never solves it completely. It might work fine for a day or two, but it always comes back.

I assume this is a common problem, is it? Anyone have this problem and have Dell FIX IT for good?

Irv S.

20 Posts

October 12th, 2009 14:00

I hated the doors covering the CD drives on my 435T so much that I removed the front cover and then took out that section. I then replaced the front cover and am much happier. It doesn't look as nice but at least I now have normal access to the drive's eject buttons.

109 Posts

October 12th, 2009 14:00

Mine has worked perfectly since day one INSIST Dell fixes it! You deserve better than poorly manufactured or assembled parts! Dell ships out really bad product and hopes no one will complain. Cheaper for the to fix the ones that people really make a fuss over. Call them daily if you have to. Have you removed all the plastic wrap that protects the surface in production, not missed any little bits. That might be your problem

26 Posts

October 12th, 2009 21:00

I have updated Windows Vista(x64) to SP2 and I think the boot up is actually slower now than with SP1. 

Anybody else have anything to share about this?

35 Posts

October 14th, 2009 02:00

Mbenghaly, I have a 435 MT, Vista X64, My first reboot after SP2 installation took a long time. But I did an immediate second reboot right behind the first reboot, and all reboots after that gave me basically the same time (than when I was on SP1) until I got to my desktop.

261 Posts

October 16th, 2009 04:00

Managed a couple of days of run time using the 2 setting in Multiprocessor but then the media reader disappeared and would not load the driver and freezing screens began again. The only way I could keep things somewhat running was to set it to 1 in Multiprocessor which simply is unsatisfactory so I logged a ticket.

Tech I got was very good and had me pull the CMOS Battery and reinsert it then power it back up which immediately found the Media Readers. Then she had me reset the Multiprocessor to ALL and less than 20 minutes later back in the freeze we went. Had me pull 6 Gb of RAM and make sure 3 Gb were populating sockets 1,3 and 5 the power it back up and reboot it several times. Then she had me reset Multiprocessors to ALL and asked me to monitor it until she calls back on Sunday to see how things have gone. So far things have gone exactly as they have, i.e. the PC freezes in about 30 minutes, I'm guessing either the CPU or the mobo is the problem but we'll see what happens come Sunday.

100 Posts

October 16th, 2009 05:00

That ain't right... which model to you have?  435MT or 435T/9000?

Anyhow, I see you have the 965, which presumably runs hotter than the 920.  If the freezing is happening at "idle" (you're not maxing-out the CPU with games), and temperature is not an issue (try the free Real Temp), something is flakey.  Using my rather dated HW diagnostic mind-set, I'd suspect, in no particular order:

  • Motherboard
  • Power supply
  • Memory

Note: I'm assuming you have a rather plain vanilla system (you've not added a "tangle" of device-drivers), and the problem is HW.  You may care to try running the diagnostics CD so that you completely rule-out software, but it sounds like the Dell tech has already taken the HW slant.

If it was me, and a simple return of a defective PC was not an option, I'd run it on the Diagnostics CD to get it to fail there, with the minimum memory possible (to rule-out a bad memory chip).  That would pretty-much point to the motherboard or power supply.  I'd sooner suspect the motherboard, if I had to "bet".  One subtlety, though, is I've seen a motherboard that didn't like more than so many RAM-chips (or Gb).  If the problem is addressing the higher-order address space on your RAM, removing some RAM might make it LOOK like a RAM problem, when it isn't.  Had to replace a motherboard last year with this problem.  Could look at memory usage on Task Manager to see if it dies when physical memory usage reaches a certain point.

Managed a couple of days of run time using the 2 setting in Multiprocessor but then the media reader disappeared and would not load the driver and freezing screens began again. The only way I could keep things somewhat running was to set it to 1 in Multiprocessor which simply is unsatisfactory so I logged a ticket.

Tech I got was very good and had me pull the CMOS Battery and reinsert it then power it back up which immediately found the Media Readers. Then she had me reset the Multiprocessor to ALL and less than 20 minutes later back in the freeze we went. Had me pull 6 Gb of RAM and make sure 3 Gb were populating sockets 1,3 and 5 the power it back up and reboot it several times. Then she had me reset Multiprocessors to ALL and asked me to monitor it until she calls back on Sunday to see how things have gone. So far things have gone exactly as they have, i.e. the PC freezes in about 30 minutes, I'm guessing either the CPU or the mobo is the problem but we'll see what happens come Sunday.

October 16th, 2009 06:00

Anyone looking to upgrade their XPS 435 to Windows 7?

I have a copy on it's way to me for launch day and fancy updating my Vista Home Premium 64 but this system is my day to day system so I am just a little worried an upgrade will be buggy as every other upgrade install I have tried int the past :(

Not sure I can be bothered to do a clean isntall and reinstall everythign either as that will be at least a full days worth of work :(



155 Posts

October 16th, 2009 07:00

Anyone looking to upgrade their XPS 435 to Windows 7?

I have a copy on it's way to me for launch day and fancy updating my Vista Home Premium 64 but this system is my day to day system so I am just a little worried an upgrade will be buggy as every other upgrade install I have tried int the past :(

Not sure I can be bothered to do a clean isntall and reinstall everythign either as that will be at least a full days worth of work :(

An easy way to do this is to install a second internal hard drive (they are cheap - you can get a 1-terabyte drive for less than $100.)  Install WIndows 7 on it, and then you can choose between Vista and Windows 7 on startup. I have done this for months.

Bob N.

261 Posts

October 16th, 2009 08:00

Ran the Diagnostics early-on when the freezing and BSOD's were nearly immediate and it ended up being the Hard Drive which they replaced right away. I believe the tech is trying to see if it's memory by having me downgrade from 9 Gb to 3 Gb but it's still doing it and I am not running anything it's freezing just idling. I did notice one of the CPU's during the Diagnostics was running quite a bit differently than the other 7, i.e. it lagged behind a good deal, it was CPU 1, 2-8 were practically in sync but 1 always lagged often as much as 20%. Memory usage has been consistent at about 4% which would be about right with no load. When the thing runs right with ALL CPU's it's phenomenal and would love to be able to really use it, this has been very frustrating considering I end up doing most of what I need to do on a Gen 1 XPS laptop instead.

I am leaning toward the mobo as being suspect at this time myself.

190 Posts

October 16th, 2009 10:00

Managed a couple of days of run time using the 2 setting in Multiprocessor but then the media reader disappeared and would not load the driver and freezing screens began again. The only way I could keep things somewhat running was to set it to 1 in Multiprocessor which simply is unsatisfactory so I logged a ticket.

Tech I got was very good and had me pull the CMOS Battery and reinsert it then power it back up which immediately found the Media Readers.

Hmm, interesting about the media reader?

For the last 4 months I've had problems with the Media Reader. It keeps disappearing, but not completely. The USB port on it always works.

First time it disappeared I called and they sent a new device. I posted here and was told some had bad electrical connection, but that for the 19-in-1, not the 15-in-1 in the 435T. I opened the case and looked and tried to check the cables. I tightened the screw, turned the system on, and the unit was working. Called Dell and canceled the call.

About 3 weeks later, same thing... Dell sent a new part and now suspected the cable, so a new cable as well. It was installed and the system immediately 'found new h/w'? and all was well. Odd I thought it would find new h/w, but...

OK, 2 weeks later, it was not found again. Called Dell, told me to open the case, and reset cables. Did that, and it was back... The said 'we will monitor this and if it happens again, we will replace the motherboard'.

2 days ago it happened again.

At first I got the story it had to be the OS and they wanted me to do a CLEAN INSTALL... I protested and didn't even want to do an in-place re-install. After the phone person consulted a 'area specialist' she agreed to replace the motherboard, but if it happens again I must do a clean system install.

Why am I bothering to tell you this? These could be related to a bad motherboard 'run' possibly. I also have 8GB's of memory, originally called 'triple channel' when I purchased in early May. 4 2GB cards, laid out in slots 1-4. Well, it actually was Dual Channel.. complained, waste of time. Later the web page was changed to Dual Channel for 8 GB's. I found out later that slots 2, 4, and 6 if used would have those run as Triple Channel and I could put the last card in 1 and it would run dual channel by itself (some sites say that they all run Triple channel). I never had the bios set to anything but ALL though.

I suspect one of 3 outcomes from the montherboard replacement.

  1. Within 2 weeks it will fail again.
  2. It will work properly 'forever' and I then would suspect a bad cable socket.
  3. It will work forever and it might have been a heat buildup problem.

I will look and see if the board are the same or different 'engineering' levels though.

I find it interesting that removing the battery brought back the media reader though? Sure rules out the OS, doesn't it?



109 Posts

October 16th, 2009 14:00

I can only repeat what I have said so many times. When you but a Dell, the very first thing you do before you plug it in is open it up and make sure all the cables are connected and all the cards are properly seated. THERE IS NO QOS on the assembly line. Now look at all the headaches it cause you and an inpoperately seated card might fry you MOBO.


Do not assume Dell has properly assembled your computer! Always take of that cover and check everything, only take about a minute.

35 Posts

October 18th, 2009 01:00

I was planning to upgrade my 435MT from 4GB to 6GB with the Dell Parts.
Before, the Dell price of 1GB was around $20-$25, but now the price just went ballistic : $75 / piece : see link

So now I am looking at external vendors and they have these 1GB DDR3 by the unit or by pack of 3x1GB.
Question 1: did any experience any issue to go from 4GB to 6GB by adding 2 x 1GB from an other vendor than the Dell RAM, along with the 4 x 1GB RAM of Dell ?
Or is it better to go to 6GB with a new pack of 3x1GB (from the vendor below) and keep 1GB from the original Dell RAM as spare ?

Question 2: Did anyone on this forum use the following type of RAM :
Crucial 1GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1066 (PC3 8500) Desktop Memory Model CT12864BA1067
or Crucial 3GB (3 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1066 (PC3 8500) Triple Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model CT3KIT12864BA1067
Or if you have any other recommendations in terms of RAM (1066 MHz PC3 8500 1.5V).
Thanks in advance.

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