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This post is more than 5 years old


April 8th, 2009 22:00

XPS 435 Owners Thread

The "Has anyone taken delivery" thread is getting out of control - and far more people there are not owners... SO how about this new and improved XPS 435 Owner's Thread!?  Instead of posting 15 updates a day about delayed orders, newest deals, etc, how about we start a thread dedicated to the owners of this machine, and also a place where future owners can ask technical or performance questions about the machine.  There are a good amount of owners here, so let's build a community!


Any takers?

4 Operator


1.9K Posts

November 15th, 2009 15:00


Ispalten, After the test finished, I selected the Compare Results Button on the left side of the Passmark window.  Then you get the option to select a system(s) to compare.  The two systems I selected were available as Core i7 systems.  When I Uploaded my results, I identified my system as a Dell XPS 435T.     I ran the same test on my XP laptop and it shows different systems to compare against. 

You're right about most of our results being similar, so the benchmarks of the other 2 systems are suspect---maybe they were over-clocked systems which our BIOS won't let us do... ???

Thanks for taking the time to run the test and post your results back...  Let's see if others post similar results...

 EDIT:  Just found this---Under Baseline/Select you can download different baselines to compare against

I had done just as you said. I use FireFox as my default browser, wonder if IE was needed to bring up the proper web page?

I now tried the download baseline and select same CPU and Video card. You'll see two Dell XPS's, one yours (computer name XPS_435T) and mine (IRV -XPS435).

I ran the test again, used those 2 and a generic 920 and even my results varied, but not by a lot.

I have 8GB's of memory, you 6, but I have a newer motherboard as well, A00 vs. A02. Although we both have the A13 BIOS, the release date is different? We're both running the same video card drivers from ATI on our HD 4870's as well.

When I start looking at the tabs, usually the Generic system beats us hands down. However, on the CPU tab all graphs are close except for the SSE test where your system is 45% better? I'm significantly behind in some 2D graphics tests but otherwise we're all close in the other tests? In the Memory Mark, Large RAM, you are significantly slower, but maybe 2GB's less has something to do with that? Disk tab we both trail behind badly vs. the Generic system.

Since I have a newer motherboard, this probably rules out the motherboard. We have different hard drives too, and that probably rules them out?

I sort of am suspicious of their data now?

If a few more folks do the test then maybe we can figure out if this is 'real' or not?

41 Posts

November 15th, 2009 21:00

I just ran the test and it crashed when testing the video. Mine has run very stangly and slow since v7 install. When it boots I hear sometimes 2 bleeps and others 3 bleeps... Bleeping computer! i950 /9gigs/4800

22 Posts

November 16th, 2009 03:00


Just curious, did you do the Windows 7 upgrade over the top of Vista? I did and ran into a variety of problems and ended up doing a clean install not using any of Dell's or ATI's drivers. Since then its been nearly rock solid with just a few minor bug a boo's.

93 Posts

November 16th, 2009 04:00

I think I see why the Compare systems are that much faster than our 435t's...  After you run a test and Compare your results to those two systems, select the Summary tab.  That will show you the detailed system information for each of the configurations.  Take a close look at the CPU Clock Frequencies and you'll see (in my case) they are almost 50% faster than my CPU.  That explains it.   Makes you really wish Dell would let us overclock our CPUs thru the BIOS, but that's the advantage you have when you "build your own"...

It also appears that these other system baselines have been uploaded by other users.  You can search for Dell 435T and get a list of about 20 benchmarks, including a couple I have uploaded. When you compare your results to another "Dell 435T" you'll clearly see how close they are. 

22 Posts

November 16th, 2009 09:00

No, I wiped Vista off the pc...basically I formatted c drive and wiped everything out. I tried Windows 7 "clean install" but it left stuff on the c drive.


100 Posts

November 16th, 2009 09:00

Assuming you used the Dell-provided upgrade CD, what "activation" approach did you use?  I thought activating with the upgrade CD, if you don't install on top of an OS, was a "Royal Pain(tm)"...

No, I wiped Vista off the pc...basically I formatted c drive and wiped everything out. I tried Windows 7 "clean install" but it left stuff on the c drive.


100 Posts

November 16th, 2009 09:00

By "clean install", do you mean Vista was already installed, but you you let the upgrade CD "wipe" the disk, or do you mean you installed Windows 7 on a formatted HD without Vista already installed?


Just curious, did you do the Windows 7 upgrade over the top of Vista? I did and ran into a variety of problems and ended up doing a clean install not using any of Dell's or ATI's drivers. Since then its been nearly rock solid with just a few minor bug a boo's.

22 Posts

November 16th, 2009 10:00

Bought my pc a couple of months too early and didn't get a free upgrade so I purchased the upgrade. Funny during the install it never asked for a authorized copy of whatever it was upgrading. Activation went smoothly.



11 Posts

November 22nd, 2009 19:00

Bought my pc a couple of months too early and didn't get a free upgrade so I purchased the upgrade. Funny during the install it never asked for a authorized copy of whatever it was upgrading. Activation went smoothly.

If you installed on a computer where you already had Vista activated, it saw what it needed automatically. It doesn't need to ask for a key or disc or anything like that. It looks for the prior OS.

22 Posts

November 23rd, 2009 07:00

Vista was installed previously but I had formatted the drive prior to the 7 install.

7 Posts

December 4th, 2009 13:00


I have a Studio 435T computer with a 1TB 7200 RPM drive.  The computer was delivered in early July 2009.  The manufacturer of the 1TB hard drive is  SAMSUNG. The Samsung model number is: HD103UJ.

December 6th, 2009 07:00


I believe the 435T has 4 SATA ports, but i see only 3.  My original config had a dvd R/W and a HD.  I added a 2nd HD to the rig with no problem, but i don't see any add'l SATA ports.  I only see the 3 which are lined up next to each other.   Can someone give me an idea where to look?  thanks

4 Operator


1.9K Posts

December 6th, 2009 08:00

My 435T has 4 ports, 2 sets of 2 on top of each other. System came with 1 hard drive and 2 DVD's and I added another hard drive without problems. Maybe you have a different motherboard?

It seems very strange, even the MT has 4 ( SATA connectors, these are in a row though?

If you look here,, under replacing hard drives you'll see what my system with 4 connectors looks like.

Irv S.

December 7th, 2009 08:00

Thanks...i didn't noticed that they were piggybacked ontop of each other.

I had plugged the new harddrive into that 3rd port (next to the two 2's). It worked fine, so i have to assume, that that third port is a Sata port as well.  This would bring the number of Sata ports to 5.

83 Posts

December 7th, 2009 10:00

Yes, there are 5 ports. 2 of the ports are on top of another port. I have 2 optical drives and  3 hard drives and all work fine.

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