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July 13th, 2012 18:00

ati radeon hd 5800 replacement?

I have a sudio xps 435t/9000 desktop?  With a ati radeon hd 5800. I  want to keep this computer a little longer.  I would like to improve it with a new card.  It  would have to have direct x11   with monitor resolution 1920 x 1080 at least. any suggestions? 

1.5K Posts

July 17th, 2012 08:00

The HD 5870 is a high-end card.  Personally, I would not replace it unless it has just gone bad.  The AMD 7000 series are all the newer PCI Express 3.0 cards and your motherboard is PCI Express 2.0.  They will work, but I would not spend this kind of money unless I had a PCIe 3.0 MB.  I would probably overclock the card to get some additional benefit out of it before thinking about getting a new one.  

1.5K Posts

July 13th, 2012 21:00

Which 5800 card do you have?  The HD 5830, HD 5850 or HD 5870?  If you have the latter, it would be hard to improve upon unless you're willing to spend a lot.  If this is the case, look at the HD 7870.  The next step up would be the HD 7950 then the HD 7970.  

1 Rookie


56 Posts

July 16th, 2012 15:00

I looked  up the old paperwork.  I have a HD5870.

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