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This post is more than 5 years old


March 2nd, 2007 22:00

Dimension 4600 Memory

Is there a restriction on how much memory that can be installed on my Dimension 4600 the bios level is A06?  What is the proper memory to install?

322 Posts

March 2nd, 2007 23:00

4G max of either PC2700 or PC3200 depending if you have a 533FSB or 800FSB. PC3200 will work with either and is usually the same price or cheaper. You shouldn't need more than 1G to 1.5G total unless you run some intensive games or programs. 2G if you are thinking of Vista. What do you have now? You need to add in pairs.
Crucial is guaranteed to work. And you can run a system test there to see what you have installed. Run "scan my system"
I have a 4600 with 1.256G Crucial PC3200 (2 sticks 128mb and 2 sticks 512mb). Works great. Easy to install.

8 Posts

March 3rd, 2007 22:00

I currently have 512k, 256k in slots 1 & 3. And 800 fsb. If I purchase 2 512k modules should they be put in Slots 1 & 3 and move the 256k's to slots 2 & 4 so I will have a total 0f 1.5 meg?

322 Posts

March 3rd, 2007 23:00

That's technically correct. Be careful and understand the slots are numbered 1,3,2,4 as they move away from the processor. See:

<ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell>

So you will put the new 512s in 1 and 2 and the old 256s in 3 and 4. It will look like this:
When you're done, you will see 1.5G and if you run CPU-Z, you will be able see they are running in dual channel mode. CPU-Z doesn't number the slots correctly but you'll know it's right if you follow the above link. Just put the same size sticks in the same color side removal tabs. You'll see the tabs are different colors but match 1 and 2, then 3 and 4.
Just push down firmly on the ends of the memory sticks until you hear them snap into place and the colored tabs will move into the slots on the memory stick as shown in the picture. It's easier than it sounds. When you turn the PC back on, it will tell you there has been a change in memory. Just accept and continue on. You don't need to enter the BIOS.
Actually, to save time and trouble if your current RAM already looks like this:
You could just put the 512's in the two open slots. Some will say you should put the higher quantity in 1 and 2. I've heard others say it doesn't matter as long as they are matched. Just depends on how much effort you want to expend. Be careful if you remove the old RAM. Just push down on the tabs light enough to move them out of the slots and the RAM moves up slightly. Then pull the RAM out.

Message Edited by kdmphx on 03-03-2007 07:39 PM

3 Posts

March 6th, 2007 16:00

Hello Everyone,
Just to verify before I buy, I have a Dell Dimm 4600 with the P4 3.0 HT, 1 gb RAM (2x512), 80 Gig Hard drive, ect... My question is if I buy a 2gb memory set (2x1gb) I could install this along with my 1g for a combined totall of 3g RAM? In the appropriate slots it would look like this correct?
Would this boost speed and operating performance? And could my ol' 4600 handle it?
Thanks :)

322 Posts

March 6th, 2007 18:00

Yes you could do that but unless you're going to upgrade to Vista, I don't think you'll see much difference over 1G unless you use some games or complex programs; 2G at the most would be necessary.
To see what you're using now, hit ctrl-alt-del and view the performance tab. You'll see in the lower left, your present usage (total), your limit, which is your physical RAM plus page file on your HD, and Peak. See if your peak is over 1G. When you reboot, the Peak will reset. Try it a few days and see what kind of peak you get. Unless you really require some memory intensive applications, it probably won't be much over 1G if above at all. If you see it above 1G, but not by much, then 2G total will probably work best for you. I'm trying to save you money. All the physical memory in the world won't do much if you're not using it.
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