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February 25th, 2008 10:00

KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR, atapi.sys and 0X0000007A


I am hoping somebody might be able to advise me on what might be causing my computer not to work.

A few weeks ago my computer crashed and I got a blue screen with a STOP
error. I didn't have time to take it down. When it restarted I just got
a black screen giving me 2 options. One was to try booting again. The
second was to go to Setup. In setup, it had Unknown Device next to the
hard disk drive sections.

I tried my computer again the next day and it worked ok for many hours, until the same thing happened again.

The next day it was working again so I ran some diagnostics on my hard
disk drive. I have a Western Digital Caviar WD2500JB hard disk drive
that I bought 13 months ago, following a similar problem. I ran the
Western Digital Diagnostic tools in Windows and it passed all the tests

A few hours later it crashed again. I took out the memory, dusted it
down, then put it back in. My computer worked ok again. So I ran some
diagnostics on the memory using the memtest86 program. It passed those
tests as well.

Here are a couple of errors that I found in the system log

"Error code 0000007a, parameter1 c03e66b0, parameter2 c000000e, parameter3 f99ac130, parameter4 03b7d860."

I'm not sure if this next one lines up exactly with when a crash happened.

The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk1\D.

I downloaded the driver for the chipset from Dell's site, but it
wouldn't install because it said that my operating system (XP) already
has everything needed...

The next day I had the problem again. After a few hours it seemed to
start working again... it then seemed fairly stable. I bought some new
memory anyway, just in case it was memory related. It stayed stable for
3 weeks, until today. It crashed again.

Just before then, it had started to complain about being low on virtual
memory... then it crashed... this time I was able to get the blue
screen information, which I am going to try to include here as an image:

blue screen of death

In case that image doesn't show, it says: KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR

and gives the following STOP error:

STOP: 0x0000007a 0xc03E12B0, 0xC000000E, 0xF84Ac384, 0x1a12D860

I tried booting without the CD or DVD drive connected, but I got the
same error. I unplugged each component and then plugged hem back in
snugly. I still get the same error.

I then tried a hard disk from an identical PC in my computer and that
didn't work. I tried my hard disk in that other PC and that worked ok.
So I know the problem is not with the hard disk.

Somebody suggested that it might be a problem with the motherboard or
hard disk controller... but I'm afraid I don't know anything about
those... How do I know which is malfunctioning?

I am presently unable to boot up the computer. I just get a black dos
screen with an option to reboot or go to setup. In setup it still says
"unknown device" for the hard disk.

I am running Windows XP SP2 on a Dell Dimension 4300 with 512MB RAM. My hard disk is Western Digital Caviar WD2500JB.

How do I find out specifically what might be causing this problem? Thank you in advance for your advice.

10 Elder


44.3K Posts

February 25th, 2008 19:00

If the HD works OK in a different PC and another one doesn't work here, then you may have a problem with either the IDE controller on the motherboard or maybe with the hard drive cable.  I presume this model has an IDE hard drive rather than  SATA drive.

First thing might be to try a new cable and/or make sure the existing one is correctly connected at both ends.

Message Edited by RoHe on 02-25-2008 01:05 PM

February 25th, 2008 20:00

Thank you for your reply. I just tried changing the cable, but it didn't make any difference. The one from my PC works in the other PC too. I presume I have to replace the motherboard then. Is that easy to do? Is it even possible for such an old PC (Dell Dimension 4300)? Is it just a matter of plugging things in and turning on the computer then?

10 Elder


44.3K Posts

February 25th, 2008 22:00

I can't tell you if you should replace the motherboard, or not, that has to be your decision, especially since I'm out here in the ether somewhere... ;)  But your swap tests seem to have narrowed it to the motherboard.

Dumb question: are you sure the original drive (and the one you swapped in) is jumpered for "cable select"?

You'll have to decide if a new motherboard is cost-effective vs a new system. Shop around for a new mobo. You can call Dell Spare parts, check out eBay, and look at this brand new Dell OEM 4300 motherboard with 30 day warranty for $129 from Centrix (plus shipping).

Before you go that far, strip the PC down to bare essentials. Power off and disconnect all peripherals and network connections, remove all PCI cards, except video, disconnect all internal drives, except boot drive. See if it'll run correctly that way.

If you decide to replace the motherboard, you'll have to move the CPU and heatsink,  I presume you'll have to remove the heatsink before you can release the CPU from its socket. Install it on the new board after cleaning off the old thermal paste and then apply a small amount of new thermal paste (eg, Arctic Silver) before reattaching the heatsink.   Look in the user manual for the instructions to replace the microprocessor. Moving the RAM and PCI cards should be relatively easy.


February 26th, 2008 11:00

Thank you again RoHe!

I'm afraid I don't know anything about how the drive is jumpered... or how to do that... but I will look into it.

When I disconnect the 3 1/2 inch floppy disk drive and boot up the PC it says that it cannot find the hard drive. So I'm not convinced that my component testing is accurate... I still hope that it might be some component that is easily replaceable, as it sounds quite tricky to replace a motherboard.

Thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it.

February 26th, 2008 15:00

In the BIOS setup, it doesn't see my hard drive. It says OFF for Primary Drive 0 and Primary Drive 1. So in the Boot Sequence menu I just have an option for Diskette Drive or IDE CD-ROM Device.

10 Elder


44.3K Posts

February 26th, 2008 15:00

Make sure the hard drive is first in the boot sequence in BIOS Setup (F2 before Windows starts to load), when the floppy is disconnected.  With all  hardware removed/disconnected, remove tha battery from the motherboard and press/hold power button on front of tower for 30 sec. Reinstall the battery -right side up!- and see if it'll boot now.


10 Elder


44.3K Posts

February 26th, 2008 16:00

You need to turn the primary HD Drive 0 ON in BIOS setup. If it's turned off, it won't boot unless you have a bootable disk in the floppy drive.

When was the last time you replaced the battery on the motherboard with a fresh one?


February 26th, 2008 17:00

Thanks again. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an opportunity to turn the primary HD Drive 0 to ON, it doesn't seem to recognise it at all. It says Model: unknown, Drive Type OFF, capacity n/a... When I press space on the Drive Type, I can change it to AUTO but not to ON...

I have never changed the motherboard battery

February 26th, 2008 18:00

Hi Ron,

I just took out the motherboard battery and put it back in... And now it's all working!! I presume I will just need to buy a new motherboard battery, as it may be failing.

Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it. Is there someone I can write to give positive feedback about everything you've done for me?

Thanks thanks thanks!

10 Elder


44.3K Posts

February 26th, 2008 18:00

YEA!! :)

Sounds like you need to replace that ole battery or the problem may come back! It's a 3-Volt CR2032 coin cell. They're a few bucks at Target, Walmart, RadioShack, etc.


February 26th, 2008 18:00

That definitely beats having to get a new PC or motherboard!

Let me know if I can write to anyone to tell them how great you are!

10 Elder


44.3K Posts

February 26th, 2008 22:00

@musicinmouth wrote:
Let me know if I can write to anyone to tell them how great you are!

You've already told everybody, twice! :smileywink:

Glad that we figured it out.


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