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July 10th, 2008 15:00

Not being a "gamer" myself, is a computer better for gaming than a PS3, xBox, etc?

I'm curious. I have a PS3 and think the graphics are great, plus it's hooked up to my entertainment center in my living room where I feel it's a better environment for playing a game then at my desk.


Is there a cut-off point where a computer for a game machine is better then any game box (i.e. - assuming you have a working unit :smileyhappy:, an XPS730 is better than an XPS630, but are both better then any game box)?

526 Posts

July 10th, 2008 15:00

A PC powerful enough to run the latest games will cost more than a game console.  I have CoD4 for both the PS3 and my PC.  I now play it almost exclusively on the PC - the graphics are sharper on my 24" widescreen LCD, and control of the game is better for myself with a keyboard and mouse.  Obviously this is a personal opinion, but I prefer the PC for gaming.

87 Posts

July 10th, 2008 15:00

Although i think consoles are great for the dedicated gamer i prefer to use my pc also.  I like to play 1st person shootem ups and there is nop better way than playing on a pc in opinion.  Driving games i think a console is best.  It all depends on the types of games you prefer to play the most.   With a pc i have just one machine to do everything i need.

1.7K Posts

July 10th, 2008 16:00

i prefer my PS3 for gaming , especially on my 55 inch HDTV with surround sound , the

PS3 is also the best Blue Ray Player on the market and PS3 has internet connection  

2 Posts

July 10th, 2008 17:00

It all depends on the type of game for me. I'm a huge RPG/MMO, and those are better on a PC IMO. I feel the same about first person shooters. However, when it comes to driving or flying games I feel that consoles have the best gameplay.


It's really all your style. Computer games tend to have far more flexibility for controls and what not, but console games are typically a lot easier to get into and out of. (No installation necessary in most cases aside from setting up a profile, no installation key used in most cases, you can rent games, whereas with a PC you have to buy them and install... etc.) 

114 Posts

July 10th, 2008 21:00

Personally i prefer PC, mostly due to more options and keyboard instead of this tricky controlls most consoles got. And having "everything" in one box makes me even more happy :)

201 Posts

July 10th, 2008 23:00

I have an XBOX 360 and a 52" flat screen TV.  I much prefer playing game on my PC!  Hands down better control in ALL games.  You know that guy that seems to be killing everyone in COD4?  He is using a computer with the accuracy of a high dpi mouse/keyboard combination.



So, PEESEE hands down.

July 11th, 2008 20:00

@metalmancpa wrote:

I'm curious. I have a PS3 and think the graphics are great, plus it's hooked up to my entertainment center in my living room where I feel it's a better environment for playing a game then at my desk.


Is there a cut-off point where a computer for a game machine is better then any game box (i.e. - assuming you have a working unit :smileyhappy:, an XPS730 is better than an XPS630, but are both better then any game box)?


This is really a great question!  I'll try and by as concise as possible here.  Let me start by saying I have a LOT of experience selling and supporting both PC's and consoles every make and model.  I have been to a ton of conventions and seminars that deal with the psychology of consoles vs PC market share.


Consoles - Up until VERY recently there was a distinct difference in how games were written for PC's and consoles.  Consoles were designed to be setup in the Living/Family room and played on the family TV, being the center of attention by most if not all family mambers.  Games were written so that everybody who wanted to play, were able get turns fairly often.


PC's - PC's were always designed to have their own workspace.  Usually on a desk, and usually in a dedicated area, if not it's own room. (Office, Den, etc..) Games were usually more in-depth and generally, written for solo play.  PC's always had the upper hand in graphics, and were more expensive because of the flexability that they had.  PC's have to do a lot more, business, productivity, science, etc.. Consoles generally get their technolgy from PC's, and are usually a generation or two behind the cutting edge gaming PC standard.  An example of this would be the lack of SLI graphics in consoles.


Today - Consoles are now much more capable machines.  The controllers have gotten better and now there is a much larger variety of the type of controller that is available.  Wheels, Flightsticks, force-feedback, and of course, the Wii controllers.  Consoles now have hard drives, DVD drives, and internet access.  Now you see more and more where a console has it's own area, if not it's own room. 


Change - So, now we come to todays reality. Consoles are cheaper than PC's if you want to do nothing more than game on them.  Yes you have keyboards and a lot of PC tech thrown in, but consoles primary function is to game.  So now there are a LOT more consoles vs gaming PC's.  So games are now written more and more for consoles first, and PC's second.  You can get into the whole piracy protection thing but that's a another story... 


So the answer to your question is....You!  What type of games do you enjoy playing, and how cutting edge do you want to be in viewing them?  If you enjoy the group experience and you have a family that likes to game then consoles are certainly a good choice.  If you have money to spend and you are more of a solo gamer, then I would say that PC's still have the upper hand on the quality of the game that is made for them, plust there are genre's of games that are still made only for PC's...


The choice is still yours....



Message Edited by WhiteWizard62 on 07-11-2008 04:23 PM

July 12th, 2008 21:00


Very good post, I have an XBox360 and of course the 630i. Really prefer to play solo FPS, but they are hard to come by on the PC, and seem to be getting harder to find all the time. Piracy problems I hear!


The biggest difference I see between the Console and PC, besides the graphics and controls,, is I can save when I want on the PC. I work for a living and when it's time to put down the toys, I usually don't have time to get to the next save point.




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