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March 5th, 2015 07:00

XPS 18, product no. CDX 1821, cracked screen


maybe s.b. can help me. I have cracked the screen  and need to buy a replacement screen. On the Dell support page I did not find that part and entered live chat. The lady that I was talking to told me: 'we do not have a list of spare parts for your XPS 18 that is available right now'. Then she asked me to go to a Dell shop for assistance. I told her that I live in the Dominican Republic and there is no such shop. Then she referred me back to the Dell support site.

I cannot find any email address there to ask for s.b. to help me. I left a comment on the feedback but have not heard anything yet.

Is there anybody that can tell me where I can order a new screen. It has to be mailed to Miami where I have a forwarding addess.

Any help will be much appreciated.

Best regards,

Oliver Schreiber

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