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April 8th, 2010 02:00

Dell Repository Manager Question

I have been tasked with updating the BIOS/PERC/DRAC firmware on 10 servers (PE R710) which have no operating system (going to be ESX 4) as yet in preparation for the build.

It seems the only way to do this is via Dell Repository Manager to create an SUU or a bootable ISO containing the latest firmware files.

I have installed on my Windows XP workstation and can add the Linux versions of the update files to the components list and create a bundle however I cannot then save the repository. Get a "The remote name cannot be resolved: c" error message and all components are then removed from the list.

I cannot create an ISO file - get a blank error box - but I guess this is the same issue as the repository information hasn't been saved?

I can however add in the relevant win32 update files, save the repository, create a bundle and then create an SUU ISO which isn't readable from the booted Systems Management Tools CD (v6.0.1).

Any suggestions- should adding in linux version files work on a Windows system? am I missing an easier way of doing what I need to do - we really don't need a permanent DRM infrastrucutre.


342 Posts

April 8th, 2010 14:00

Creating a bootable ISO from Windows using the Linux updates is definitely doable - Second demo on this page is essentially what you are trying to accomplish -

Is this a fresh download of RM ? I updated several of my R710's in the lab using the bootable ISO method and worked fine.

Have you tried RM on a different machine ?

April 9th, 2010 06:00

Thanks Scott

Appreciate the reply now I know it should work, however - I tried installing on several different machines including my own home laptop just to rule out the environment at work and all get the same problem.

I setup a new repository, can add in the three bin files I want:


I can see that once added as components the contents of the files are expanded in my profile directory:- C:\docs and Settings\...

However once I go to save the repository even with just one of these components, I get the error

'The remote name could not be resolved: c' (the c at the end refers to the drive letter where the binfiles are stored (have tried putting them on removable drives to test)

To confirm I can do the same thing with the Win32 versions and am able to save the repository, unfortunately these aren't useful for what I want to do

I also tested with a few versions of RM. 1.1.70, 1.1.52 and the 1.0.66 version

So I guess it must be the BIN files - agreed? are they going to be compatible with RM?

April 12th, 2010 02:00

I discovered what was causing the 'the remote name could not be resolved' message, the utility was expecting to find the SIGN files in the same location, I hadn't downloaded them so they weren't being found! A friendly error message may be useful here :-)

So one step forward...I got the repository saved with the updates I want, I created an ISO unfortunately the ISO fails after selecting the menu item for the updates with an "Unknown Interrupt or fault at EIP 00000060 c04011ed 000011ec" - great! a search suggests this can be resolved with an ACPI=OFF setting but then I have to buy an ISO editor to change this...

Plan B - knowing that the repository now works I try the SUU method so I can use the Lifecycle Controller/Unified Server Configurator/Systems Management utility built in to the server. Try this a couple of times without success including downloading the catalog.xml files from find another post from Scott somewhere on the forums that the SUU export facility doesn't work with USC :-)

Do I have any chance with this utility?

2 Posts

January 20th, 2011 06:00

"I discovered what was causing the 'the remote name could not be resolved' message, the utility was expecting to find the SIGN files in the same location, I hadn't downloaded them so they weren't being found! A friendly error message may be useful here :-)

So one step forward...I got the repository saved with the updates I want, I created an ISO unfortunately the ISO fails after selecting the menu item for the updates with an "Unknown Interrupt or fault at EIP 00000060 c04011ed 000011ec" - great! a search suggests this can be resolved with an ACPI=OFF setting but then I have to buy an ISO editor to change this...

Plan B - knowing that the repository now works I try the SUU method so I can use the Lifecycle Controller/Unified Server Configurator/Systems Management utility built in to the server. Try this a couple of times without success including downloading the catalog.xml files from find another post from Scott somewhere on the forums that the SUU export facility doesn't work with USC :-)

Do I have any chance with this utility?"

Did you succeed to fix the "Unknown Interrupt or fault at EIP 00000060 c04011ed 000011ec"

I am getting the same issue with dtk 3.2 , 3.3 , 3.4 while it was working correctly with 3.1 (but not enough up to date to support latest hardware part ...)

If you have some advice please share them

Thanks !

1 Message

April 13th, 2011 06:00

"It seems the only way to do this is via Dell Repository Manager to create an SUU or a bootable ISO containing the latest firmware files.

I have installed on my Windows XP workstation and can add the Linux versions of the update files to the components list and create a bundle however I cannot then save the repository. Get a "The remote name cannot be resolved: c" error message and all components are then removed from the list.

Any suggestions- should adding in linux version files work on a Windows system? am I missing an easier way of doing what I need to do - we really don't need a permanent DRM infrastrucutre.

I was having the same issue. Basically we are incorporating the 'latest' firmware into a Linux bundle using RM. My issue was due to the fact that the 'signature' filename downloaded was not the same name as the firmware package filename. Rename the signature file to 'filename.bin.sign'. Example:
Firmware file downloaded= 'NETW_FRMW_LX_R299290.BIN'
Signature file downloaded='NETW_FRMW_LX_R299290_BIN_sign.txt'
I renamed the signature file to 'NETW_FRMW_LX_R299290.BIN.sign' and all is working as expected.

Also verify that the filename up to the '.BIN.sign' is identical.

You must place the signature file in the directory with the package you are adding as a new component.

1 Message

October 27th, 2011 14:00

okay - NONE of this seems to work for me. I also see people say "choose Linux" when exporting the repository to USB or DVD, but I am doing updates for WINDOWS - do I still choose 'Linux' somewhere?

Either way, I constantly get this error when exporting my repository: "Failure The remote name could not be resolved: 'c' "
In various notes, I have seen (and do recall) some people saying there is an issue with some SIGN file - okay, I downloaded the WINDOWS repository (updates), and NONE of them have any SIGN file with them. We (the users) should NOT be having to go in and CREATE some 'sign file' - the notes I mentioned say that you create file like 'PACKAGE-NAME.SIGN' and, if there is a file called 'PACKAGE-NAME.SIGN.TXT,' you have to rename it and remove the '.TXT' - has anyone seen this?
Are Windows updates any different from Linux updates?
For that matter, I think the export itself actually WORKED, so I will try the USB stick here shortly.
I think it just failed at the point where it comes back from having exported, so the export itself should be fine.

ALSO NOTE: DO NOT RENAME YOUR "Config.xml" file in your repository! I used Dell's own option to give it a name, such as "2950Config.xml" and the first thing it does (later down the road) is come back and say, "Config.xml" is missing, whenever you try to save the repository. So, it must ALWAYS be 'exactly' named "Config.xml." Go figure! Dell, why give us an option to name the config, if your product [always] expects the config.xml to be named a 'fixed name value?'
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