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March 9th, 2015 04:00

E7450 SCCM Build

Hi All,

Am having some issues trying to build an E7450 from SCCM 2012 via PXE Boot. I've imported the Dell Driver Cab for WinPE 5, and have imported the dell driver cab for the E7450. I've added the network drivers to the x64 boot image but am still having a  problem with it not picking up an IP address. To me this suggests the network drivers are wrong? has anyone got any ideas, or got a solution from when they have built them?


April 27th, 2015 04:00

hi D_M_K1

Can you please elaborate on what errors you are seeing with DPTF.

Does it present a yellow bang in the device manager after deployment? Does it not fix if you try to manually point to the INF file and try installing the driver through device manager. If yes for both, what is the error code you see in the device manager. Right-click on the driver (yellow-bang) -> Properties and see error code under "General" tab. Please share the same here.

15 Posts

April 27th, 2015 16:00

Hi Sreejith,

When using SCCM OSD, it basically fails when setting up operating system. I have found that it first fails with the heci.inf driver (3TY1R). Sorted that issue out, by rearranging the files and folders, like how it was setup in the CAB for E7440 driver pack. But I am getting the same failures again, and found that it was by DPTF drivers (66P3R). I excluded DPTF from the build and has completed fine. However, I ended up with two items in device manager with missing drivers (Yellow bang). They are:


If I manually update these two items with the extracted INF drivers, I then get:

I don't get 5 items, as apparently it does in Win8.1 machines. (I am on Win7 x64).

I then tried to run “Chipset_Driver_66P3R_WN_8.0.10002.14_A00.EXE”.

I get the error:

And Device manager ends up like this:

If I try to update the driver via the INF file again with the unknown device, I get this error:


Hence, I think I have an issue with the driver esif_manager.inf, which seems to be the one that is failing to install.

I don't know how to read the INF file, but I am suspecting some files maybe missing from this driver pack.

Looking at esif_manager.inf, I see this section:

[EsifLf_InstallService] ServiceType    = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType      = %SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl   = %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary  = %12%\esif_lf.sys LoadOrderGroup = Base

[WUDFRD_InstallService] DisplayName    = %DisplayName% ServiceType    = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType      = %SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl   = %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary  = %12%\WUDFRd.sys


WUDRFd.sys. I don't see this file in my driver.


Having said all this, I think I have just fixed the problem.

I am posting this anyway, for anyone else who might have this problem.

Looks like WUDFRd.sys is related with UMDF framework. I installed this manually and tried to install the driver pack "Chipset_Driver_66P3R_WN_8.0.10002.14_A00.EXE" again, and all got installed ok this time without error.

I will now try to inject UMDF into the OSD Task Sequence, and hopefully all will go well this time.


15 Posts

April 28th, 2015 16:00

Just to let you all know that installing UMDF into the OSD task sequence has done the trick.

All good now.


April 29th, 2015 01:00

Nice to hear that works. We have an article around upgrading the KMDF. It was supposed to say WDF that includes KMDF as well as UMDF. We will update the article soon.

Thanks again for reverting with your findings.

April 29th, 2015 10:00

Hello Friends,

We've tried almost everything in this forum post, as well as the related ones and so far we're hoping for the new working Intel/Dell driver to show up.

On the fourth page of this thread, DELL-Sreejith D (on 10 Apr 2015 at 2:14 AM) said Dell was working with Intel on the new version of the NIC driver or cab for the Dell Latitude E7450/E7250 which has the l217/l218 Intel NIC.

It doesn't seem this new version has shown up on the Dell Support site or this thread (please correct me if I'm wrong!). Sreejith do you have an update for this issue?

I'm new to SCCM2012 (and SCCM in general) but here is the background of our problem:

The beginning of this driver adventure for us was trying to PXE boot a brand new Latitude E7250 after importing the lates into SCCM2012 and no network drivers were found when PE loaded. We are installing Windows 7 x64 Enterprise. That led us to this article:

We have not been able to locate the referenced driver versions ( or on Dell's site to use with our X86 WinPE boot image. Specifically, the e1d6432.inf driver. While I did find a copy of the intel NIC driver version on HP's website, when it is DRVLOAD, it will give you a 169.x.x address when you use IPCONFIG. At the moment we are not ready to create an x64 WinPE boot image and it is unclear if it would resolve this issue; so currently still working on making this work with an X86 WinPE boot image. In the above article it does point to using this cab, but the contained driver for X86 does not work. You can see in the chart it says there is an update, "new driver release on" but there is no link or way to find it.

The work around we found in this thread and attempted to implement was to import the Intel's latest driver into SCCM2012. The intel driver carries the version number of, which SCCM will not import. To test if Intel's latest driver would work at all (get an ip) we used the "DRVLOAD e1d6432.inf" command from the f8 window after the WinPE enviroment loads but fails to load the network driver.. You notice when you do that the NIC power cycles and gets an IP address. If you run tsbootshell.exe, the task sequencer will pickup where it left off (when the NIC driver did not load) and complete.

I then went through every available Intel and Dell driver W7/W8/W8.1 and Intel and Dell .cabs I could find and did DRVLOAD process for each. This was the result:

dell original driver e7250\win8132\e1d6432.inf = power cycle and 169.x.x
dell original driver e7450\win8132\e1d6432.inf = power cycle and 169.x.x

dell w7 cab\windows7-x86\e1d6232.inf = nothing (

dell pe5 cab\windows8.1-x86\e1d6432.inf = power cycle and 169.x.x (

intel\cab cd\win32\ndis64\e1d6432.inf = power cycle and IP ADDRESS (

intel\w7\prowin32\pro1000\win32\ndis64\e1d6432.inf = power cycle and IP ADDRESS (

intel\win8.1\prowin32\pro1000\win32\ndis64\e1d6432.inf = power cycle and IP ADDRESS (

We are using SCCM2012R2 on Server 2008R2. With the Windows 8.1 ADK with Win PE 5.1 (6.3.9600.16384) and the updated 1.11 Kernel Mode Framework.

Found this article about driver import issues with Server 2008R2 importing newer drivers that use the newer signing (Win 8.x) and applied the hot fixes listed, but the issue persists:

This put in our mind SCCM2012R2 was having an issue DISM'in the intel driver which is why the import was failing. We tried a manual DISM ( to the WIM but ran aground with that process as well. I'm not sure if the manual DISM fail is realted to this article under the Windows PE5.1 Section, 2nd Paragraph: ; since we were running the Manual DISM on the SCCM2012R2 server.

I would love to hear any ideas on other ways to get this done, but especially hearing about the rumored new x86 driver that will import into SCCM2012 correctly.

Currently we're thinking about running a pre-task command to call to a .bat file to DRVLOAD the working intel driver once PE loads before the task sequence kicks off; not that we feel that is a great idea but would just like to get something working until new drivers show up.

Thanks for set of eye on this issue!

1 Message

May 1st, 2015 08:00

I've experienced the same issue. Grabbed the drivers that I though it could be and put them on a USB drive then PXE'd the device - hit F8 and at the command prompt manually loaded the driver that i thought it could be then did an IPCONFIG, no change, loaded the next (e1d64x64.inf)  and boom got an IP.  imported into SCCM, got an error that the selected driver is not applicable to any supported platform. Then found out that apparently some drivers are being signed differently causing them not to be loaded on Windows 2008 R2 which is what are primary and CAS are configed on. Escalated to the server team to test the hotfix, unfortunately our SCCM guys is out today, so should have an answer Monday if that's the resolution.

Either way after i manually imported the driver I then ran the following command:

x:\sms\bin\x64\tsmbootstrap.exe /env:WinPE /configpath:x:\sms\data

 and started my OSD process just to validate everything else was functional on the new hardware. 

Credited articles:

2 Posts

May 5th, 2015 07:00


Can you share how you identified which driver was causing the issue during system setup? I had the same problem with the MEI driver on the E7440 and I remember it being very obvious in one of the logs but I haven't found anything similar with the E7450 and I assume I'm looking in the wrong place this time around.


2 Posts

May 5th, 2015 07:00

Can you provide a link to the WDF upgrade article you're referring to?

May 5th, 2015 08:00

The driver's certificate used to sign the driver has expired. 

Which is why you can inject the driver or sideload it in PE but it will fail in SCCM.

Waiting for Intel or Dell to release a new driver with a certificate.

15 Posts

May 5th, 2015 18:00


Not sure if I am looking at the wrong place, but I couldn't find anything obvious in the logs.

Hence, went with the good old trial and error method with process of elimination.

Basically stripped the driver package for E7450, and started adding small bunch at a time, till the build failed. Long winded way to do things, but got what I needed.


May 6th, 2015 01:00

11 Posts

May 7th, 2015 06:00

Our SCCM server is running Windows 2008R2.  We could not get the E7450 to work properly until running this Microsoft Hotfix.

May 7th, 2015 07:00

I take it you're not using the 64 bit drivers then? (UEFI)

1 Message

May 7th, 2015 09:00

Thanks - this worked for me.  Yesterday I had about 20 drivers that wouldn't import from the E7540 cab and after applying these hotfixes they all imported correctly


2 Posts

May 7th, 2015 10:00

I was having the exact problems for a long time with my E7450 build. I had to use a combination of some suggestions that DMK1 provided along with many of the other suggestions listed here on this forum. Essentially what did it for me was this:

1.) I downloaded the latest Dell driver CAB for the E7450 and extracted the drivers into the Driver package. Some of the drivers will give you trouble, especially the Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework drivers. Pretty much all of these drivers require UMDF 1.11.

2.) I had to download and extract the very latest Intel Ethernet drivers for the I217-LM/I218-LM network card and replace the driver that was part of the latest download for the Dell driver cab with the newer network card driver. I am using the Ethernet driver from 9/28/14 which is version, I'm not sure if anything earlier even works. Before that verson of the driver was installed, the image would always fail. I placed this driver in the Driver Package that I build for the E7450 in SCCM.

3.) Most of the drivers worked great with the updated Ethernet driver but the ones that did not were the Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework drivers, basically all of the DPFT_*.INF driver files are problematic if you don't have the UMDF 1.11 installed.

4.) I installed the UMDF 1.11 by using the method described earlier to create a scratch directory then I installed the UMDF 1.11 via a package. UMDF 1.11 is available from Microsoft as KB2685813.

Create a scratch directory:

cmd.exe /c mkdir %OSDisk%\Scratch

Install UMDF 1.11:

cmd.exe /c X:\windows\system32\dism.exe /ScratchDir:%OSDisk%\Scratch /Image:%WIMMountPoint%\ /Add-Package /PackagePath:%_SMSTSMDataPath%\Packages\CM100233\

(some of this information may likely vary for you. I created separate variables for OSDisk and WIMMountPoint which may be redundant for some and the path to the package will be different as well)

5.) What I have found is that if you follow all of these steps your image should complete. I have found that on occasion the step we have in our task sequence to 'Install Software Updates' will occasionally not complete during the task sequence setup but we set that to continue on error and the updates are always pulled down later after the image completes and the device checks into SCCM.

I hope this helps anyone out there still stuck with imaging their E7450's.

Please note: I did not have to install the KMDF 1.11 so I left that step out. However, your install may require it.

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