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July 9th, 2004 18:00

Black Spot (Dead Pixel) on LCD of Inspiron 8500

Hi all-

I have an Inspiron 8500. Recently, a black spot, really just non-illuminated, appeared about 3/4 an inch from the bottom of the display, approx. in the middle.  It is very small, and 'in' the display.  This is not a stain or mark on the outside of the display in any way.  It seems like a 'dead' pixel.

It remains after reboot, and is visible in all applications and Safe Mode. 

Is there anything I can do to fix this issue, which appears to be a problem with hardware?   Or do I just need to call in and see about having it serviced?



July 9th, 2004 18:00


This is actually a common issue.
Here's a link to Dell's Knowledge Base article on the subject:

Why is there a discolored pixel on my portable computer or flat-panel LCD screen and what are the quality standards for these displays?

You can also find other user's posts on the topic (there are quite a few) by searching for "dead pixel" in the forums, like so.

Hope this helps.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

July 9th, 2004 18:00

One dead pixel will not qualify you for a replacement screen, which is the only way to fix a dead or stuck pixel.

The policies vary, but most vendors consider a screen serviceable if there are fewer than 5-10 dead pixels not clustered in the center - you can call, but you're likely going to be told you have to live with it.

Replacing the screen is a $500-700 fix - so unless you're willing to pay that, you're out of luck.


July 9th, 2004 19:00

Thanks for your replies.  This may be a common issue, but this is the frst time I've seen it on a laptop for many years (I used to service them quite a while ago).  This is my 6 or 7th personal laptop, but the first Dell.

I'm going to be buying a subnotebook or tablet PC soon.  Needless to say, it won't be a Dell.


July 9th, 2004 20:00

Perhaps I've just been so lucky in not seeing dead pixels as to defy statistical probability. 

But I doubt it.  This almost certainly boils down to poor quality control and/or low quality part usage. 

If they did replace the LCDs more often this would certainly give them incentive to make a less problem prone product.

I don't lower my standards simply because a manufacturer does.  But thanks anyway.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

July 9th, 2004 20:00

No one will guarantee you no dead pixels.  Would you be willing to pay 30% more for a system with a guarantee that there'd be no dead pixels?  That's about what the cost increase would be if each maker had to toss all the screens with one or more dead pixels.

The technology isn't perfect - they're producing sheets of transistors - hundreds of thousands of them on a single panel - some are bound to have bad or stuck pixels.


2.6K Posts

July 9th, 2004 20:00

Why, do you think other manuf. dont get dead pixels? Or that they replace a single dead pixel screen? I assure you they dont.

And they all use screens from the same half dozen manufacturers anyways.

July 9th, 2004 21:00

While you guys are right about the technology and that no manufacturer can guarantee no dead pixels, I personally side with Terribletim's frustration.

When customers spend thousands of dollars on a machine, I think they have a right to be upset at any defects - even if those defects are within the scope of "industry quality standards".

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

July 9th, 2004 21:00

And again, I'd say -- are you willing to pay 30% more for the guarantee of a perfect panel?

Most people would not -- which is why the standards are what they are.

It used to be that people had to accept some bad sectors on almost any new hard drive -- the bad sectors are still there, but now they're mapped out and hidden from the user.  Unfortunately, there is no way to do that with an LCD panel.


2.6K Posts

July 9th, 2004 21:00

Sure, I agree it IS frustrating. But to say you wont buy Dell because of that is silly. Given they all buy the SAME screens from the SAME half dozen makers, they will ALL have the SAME rate of failure. It has nothing to do with Dell's quality control, especially if the screen is shipped in perfect condition and then a pixel goes bad later.

No manufacturer guarentees no dead pixels, and that is too bad. I might actually pay for a plan like that. But they all have the issue, and choosing one company over Dell because you got 1 dead pixel is a silly way to make a decision. Its like saying you'll never buy a ford again because the AMCO windshield (which, in this little example comes in ALL brand cars:)) developed a crack, even though its just as likely on a Toyota or BMW.
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