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This post is more than 5 years old



December 4th, 2013 08:00

XPS 14 Windows 8.1 Backup & recovery problem


I have problem witch Dell Backup and Recovery v.

When process create base image i clicked cancel. Now i have big problem because i getting that error when install app again:

Please help I need restore factory image.

Log file:

2013-12-04 21:18:51:[App.OnStartup]:Current Directory set to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell Backup and Recovery
2013-12-04 21:18:51:[App.LogApplicationVersion]:DbrFactorySetup:
2013/12/04 21:18:51:[App.OnStartup]:Enter Application with /createRP
2013/12/04 21:18:51:[App.OnStartup]:Startup Parameter:
Create RP mode engaged
2013/12/04 21:18:51:[App.OnStartup]:Runonce is running, restarting the application
2013/12/04 21:18:51:[App.OnExit]:On exit code : 666
2013-12-04 21:18:51:[App.OnStartup]:Current Directory set to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell Backup and Recovery
2013-12-04 21:18:51:[App.LogApplicationVersion]:DbrFactorySetup:
2013/12/04 21:18:51:[App.OnStartup]:Enter Application with /createRP /waitforrunonce
2013/12/04 21:18:51:[App.OnStartup]:Startup Parameter:
Create RP mode engaged
Runonce passed
2013/12/04 21:18:51:[App.OnStartup]:Waiting before resuming process
2013/12/04 21:18:51:[Helper.WaitForRunOnce]:RunOnce is still running waiting 1 second
2013/12/04 21:19:07:[App.OnStartup]:Runonce is not running, continue
2013/12/04 21:19:07:[App.OnStartup]:Not Silent mode
2013/12/04 21:19:08:[App.OnStartup]:Before showing window
2013/12/04 21:19:08:[MainWindowViewModel.Start]:Model start
2013-12-04 21:19:08:[MainWindowViewModel.BgwProgressDoWork]:Enter BackgroundWorker mode
2013-12-04 21:19:08:[MainWindowViewModel.BgwProgressDoWork]:Deletion of ToasterLauncher in RunOnce Registry
2013-12-04 21:19:08:[Helper.DeleteRegistryKey]:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
2013-12-04 21:19:08:[Helper.DeleteRegistryKey]:Error while deleting registry value SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce: No value exists with that name.
2013-12-04 21:19:08:[Registry64Helper.DeleteInRegistry]:Enter DeleteInRegistry Wow6432
2013-12-04 21:19:08:[Registry64Helper.DeleteInRegistry]:Error while deleting of key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce in Wow6432
2013-12-04 21:19:08:[CreateRpHandler.StartCreateRp]:Enter StartCreateRP
2013-12-04 21:19:08:[FactorySetupHandler.ProgressionReport]:Update progression : -1
2013-12-04 21:19:08:[Registry64Helper.ReadInRegistry]:Enter ReadInRegistry 64
2013-12-04 21:19:08:[CreateRpHandler.StartCreateRp]:Shuting down the Toaster
2013-12-04 21:19:09:[DiskLayoutHelper.GetPhysicalDevicePath]:DevName: C:
2013-12-04 21:19:09:[DiskLayoutHelper.GetDrivePartitionStyle]:physicalDrive: \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0
2013-12-04 21:19:09:[CreateRpHandler.StartCreateRp]:Partition is GPT
2013-12-04 21:19:09:[CreateRpHandler.StartCreateRp]:Os Name: Windows8
2013-12-04 21:19:09:[MainWindowViewModel.UpdateInstallationType]:UpdateInstallationType: Gpt
2013/12/04 21:19:09:[MainWindowViewModel.UpdateInstallItems]:In UI thread
2013-12-04 21:19:09:[CreateRpHandler.StartCreateRp]:Calling AutoTagRp
2013-12-04 21:19:23:[FactorySetupHandler.AutoTagRp]:AutoTagRecoveryPartition successfull
2013-12-04 21:19:36:[CreateRpHandler.StartCreateRip]:Enter StartCreateRIP
2013-12-04 21:19:36:[CreateRpHandler.UpdateWinRE]:UpdateWinRE()
2013-12-04 21:19:49:[FactorySetupHandler.DllCallBack]:From DllCallBack: 101-300
2013-12-04 21:19:49:[FactorySetupHandler.DllCallBack]:From DllCallBack: 104-0
2013-12-04 21:19:49:[FactorySetupHandler.ProgressionReport]:Update progression : 0
2013-12-04 21:19:50:[CreateRpHandler.UpdateWinRE]:Return value for UpdateWinRE: 5
2013-12-04 21:19:50:[MainWindowViewModel.BgwProgressDoWork]:errorCode: GeneralError

Log started Wednesday 2013-12-04  at 21:20:47
    Using st_log.ini: 1
    Log level: 63
    Forced flush: 0
    Compressed: 0
    Encrypted: 0
    IniPath: C:/Program Files (x86)/Dell Backup and Recovery/ST_LOG.INI
    Build Date&Time: Mar 14 2012, 14:48:33
    ModulePath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell Backup and Recovery\SftService.exe
[2013-12-04 21:20:47] Info:    PC is in User Mode
[2013-12-04 21:20:47] Info:    Call InitTimer in void CSftServiceModule::RunMessageLoop()
[2013-12-04 21:20:47] Entering  CSftServiceModule::CheckWin81Upgrade :
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]   Info:    Getting the CurrentWindows value from the registry...
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]   strLastWindows=UPGRADETOWIN81
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]   strCurrentWindows=WIN81
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]   Entering  IsOSUpgraded :
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]   Exiting   IsOSUpgraded RETURNED 1
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]   Info:    IsOSUpgraded return TRUE
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]   Entering  CSftServiceModule::LaunchProcessAndWaitEnd : HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR lpOperation=open, LPCTSTR lpFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell Backup and Recovery\FactorySetup\FactorySetup.exe, LPCTSTR lpParameters = /Win81Upgrade, LPCTSTR lpDirectory = C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell Backup and Recovery\FactorySetup, INT nShowCmd=0
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]     Info:    Waiting 300000 ms before RunList
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]     Entering  BOOL CSTDisk::Open :
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]       Info:    Disk: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]       Info:    Not use VDS
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]       Info:    DiskSize: 500106830848 - MinPart: 8225280 - StartPart: 32256
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]       Info:    GPT disk, reopen with SDSSmartRepairTool
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]     Exiting   BOOL CSTDisk::Open RETURNED 1
[2013-12-04 21:20:47]       Error: failed to close CSTDisk handle GPT
[2013-12-04 21:20:48]   Exiting   CSftServiceModule::LaunchProcessAndWaitEnd
[2013-12-04 21:20:48] Exiting   CSftServiceModule::CheckWin81Upgrade RETURNED 1
[2013-12-04 21:20:48] Entering  CSftServiceModule::CheckWin8Upgrade :
[2013-12-04 21:20:48]   Info:    System Windows 8.1 Exit
[2013-12-04 21:20:48] Exiting   CSftServiceModule::CheckWin8Upgrade RETURNED 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:48] Entering  BOOL CSTDisk::Open :
[2013-12-04 21:20:48]   Info:    Disk: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:48]   Info:    Not use VDS
[2013-12-04 21:20:48]   Info:    DiskSize: 500106830848 - MinPart: 8225280 - StartPart: 32256
[2013-12-04 21:20:48]   Info:    GPT disk, reopen with SDSSmartRepairTool
[2013-12-04 21:20:48] Exiting   BOOL CSTDisk::Open RETURNED 1
[2013-12-04 21:20:48] Entering  BOOL CSTDisk::Enumerate :
[2013-12-04 21:20:48]   Entering  BOOL CSTDisk::EnumerateGPT :
[2013-12-04 21:20:52]     Info:    Partition 1 (0) - Start: 1048576 - Size: 524288000 - Type: {C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:52]     Info:    Partition 2 (1) - Start: 525336576 - Size: 41943040 - Type: {DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A1A6-BFD50179D6AC} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:52]     Info:    Partition 3 (2) - Start: 567279616 - Size: 134217728 - Type: {E3C9E316-0B5C-4DB8-817D-F92DF00215AE} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:52]     Info:    Partition 4 (3) - Start: 701497344 - Size: 524288000 - Type: {EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:52]     Info:    Partition 5 (4) - Start: 1225785344 - Size: 255225495552 - Type: {EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:52]     Info:    Partition 6 (5) - Start: 256451280896 - Size: 367001600 - Type: {DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A1A6-BFD50179D6AC} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:52]     Info:    Partition 7 (6) - Start: 256818282496 - Size: 235080253440 - Type: {EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:52]     Info:    Partition 8 (7) - Start: 491898535936 - Size: 943718400 - Type: {DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A1A6-BFD50179D6AC} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:53]     Info:    Partition 9 (8) - Start: 492842254336 - Size: 7264559104 - Type: {DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A1A6-BFD50179D6AC} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:53]   Exiting   BOOL CSTDisk::EnumerateGPT RETURNED 1
[2013-12-04 21:20:53] Exiting   BOOL CSTDisk::Enumerate RETURNED 1
[2013-12-04 21:20:53] Info:    OEMID: MSDOS5.0
[2013-12-04 21:20:53] Info:    OEMID: MSDOS5.0
[2013-12-04 21:20:53] Info:    OEMID:
[2013-12-04 21:20:53] Info:    File System for \\?\Volume{49a9d676-e752-2acb-1b88-2e686bc151d8}\: NTFS
[2013-12-04 21:20:53] Info:    OEMID: RECOVERY
[2013-12-04 21:20:53]   Error: failed to close CSTDisk handle GPT
[2013-12-04 21:20:53] Entering  BOOL CSTDisk::Open :
[2013-12-04 21:20:53]   Info:    Disk: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:53]   Info:    Not use VDS
[2013-12-04 21:20:53]   Info:    DiskSize: 500106830848 - MinPart: 8225280 - StartPart: 32256
[2013-12-04 21:20:53]   Info:    GPT disk, reopen with SDSSmartRepairTool
[2013-12-04 21:20:53] Exiting   BOOL CSTDisk::Open RETURNED 1
[2013-12-04 21:20:53] Entering  BOOL CSTDisk::Enumerate :
[2013-12-04 21:20:53]   Entering  BOOL CSTDisk::EnumerateGPT :
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]     Info:    Partition 1 (0) - Start: 1048576 - Size: 524288000 - Type: {C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]     Info:    Partition 2 (1) - Start: 525336576 - Size: 41943040 - Type: {DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A1A6-BFD50179D6AC} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]     Info:    Partition 3 (2) - Start: 567279616 - Size: 134217728 - Type: {E3C9E316-0B5C-4DB8-817D-F92DF00215AE} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]     Info:    Partition 4 (3) - Start: 701497344 - Size: 524288000 - Type: {EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]     Info:    Partition 5 (4) - Start: 1225785344 - Size: 255225495552 - Type: {EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]     Info:    Partition 6 (5) - Start: 256451280896 - Size: 367001600 - Type: {DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A1A6-BFD50179D6AC} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]     Info:    Partition 7 (6) - Start: 256818282496 - Size: 235080253440 - Type: {EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]     Info:    Partition 8 (7) - Start: 491898535936 - Size: 943718400 - Type: {DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A1A6-BFD50179D6AC} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]     Info:    Partition 9 (8) - Start: 492842254336 - Size: 7264559104 - Type: {DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A1A6-BFD50179D6AC} - Active: 0
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]   Exiting   BOOL CSTDisk::EnumerateGPT RETURNED 1
[2013-12-04 21:20:57] Exiting   BOOL CSTDisk::Enumerate RETURNED 1
[2013-12-04 21:20:57]   Error: failed to close CSTDisk handle GPT

9 Posts

August 1st, 2014 10:00

Why hs no one responded to this post? I found it because I am having the same or similar problem. Every time I start my computer the factory setup runs, and in the log file that I looked at there were numerous errors with the repeated error messages

1. Error: failed to close CSTDisk handle GPT

2. CreateHardLink (ERROR 183) [x:\preload\base.swm] >>> [X:\Dell\Image\Install.swm]

3. CreateHardLink (ERROR 183) [x:\preload\base2.swm] >>> [X:\Dell\Image\Install2.swm]

4,CreateHardLink (ERROR 183) [x:\preload\base3.swm] >>> [X:\Dell\Image\Install3.swm]

It would be helpful if someone would let me know why this is happening, and tell me how to fix it.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

August 1st, 2014 11:00

There is a newer version of DBAR you might want to try.

9 Posts

August 1st, 2014 12:00

Thank you for the fast response EJN63. I have dbr.exe, but I will try that and see if it helps.

3 Posts

January 4th, 2015 08:00

Hi Folks, I am getting the exact same error with DBR (the last version i could get from the Dell website

Looking at the various logflies in the installation directory, I can find the following errors (in chronologic order):

- various items of "Error: failed to close CSTDisk handle GPT" in the DSLCheck.exe.20150104170319_1.log file

- various errors like these in the CreateHardLinks.exe.20150104170356_1.log file:

[2015-01-04 17:03:56]   Error: File Not Found : C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell Backup and Recovery\Components\Restore\libxml2.dll. - ErrCode: 2 - ErrMsg: The system cannot find the file specified.

[2015-01-04 17:03:56]   Error: File Not Found : C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell Backup and Recovery\Components\DBRUpdate\DsProtectionIndex.dll. - ErrCode: 2 - ErrMsg: The system cannot find the file specified.

[2015-01-04 17:03:56]   Error: File Not Found : C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell Backup and Recovery\Components\DBRUpdate\DsProtectionIndex.dll.config. - ErrCode: 2 - ErrMsg: The system cannot find the file specified.

- In the SftService.exe.20150104170720_0.log file:

[2015-01-04 17:07:26]   Error: BOOL CSftServiceModule::CreateDBRTile(void) Temp Link file not found (C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell Backup and Recovery\DBR.lnk). - ErrCode: 2

[2015-01-04 17:07:26]   Error: failed to close CSTDisk handle GPT

Any idea about where these errors are coming from?

If this can help, I have a Dell Inspiron 2330, whose hard disk broke up and was replaced by Dell (initially the system came with Windows 8, then  after disk replacement I upgraded to 8.1, and since then no way to install DBR ...).

Alternatively, what are other good backup/recovery SW you may suggest? Plain Windows 8.1 features?


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