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11 Posts


May 18th, 2019 11:00

G5 5587, DPC latency, not just XPS

So after spending an entire 2 days trying stuff out, I'm still in the same situation, it does look like Dell is aware and working on it, but most of what I've seen on twitter and other media sites is the focus is on XPS, I'm seeing the same on my Dell which isn't an XPS, or do they share the same BIOS update as the XPS?

Hope they sort it. as this thing for Video editing is  a much higher performer than my last Laptop, but for audio, it's just not stable at all.  DPC Latency Monitor it spikes in the red all the time even after all the fixes out there for this type of issue, Process Lasso and CPU Affinity settings is my last test to try, I lost my Cubase license somehow due to all this configuration changes that my soft eLicenser became disabled, now on a fresh install again so will try Process Lasso.

11 Posts

May 20th, 2019 11:00

Nope, I cannot resolve this issue, ACPI.sys is killing this machine, looks like I'll be requesting a refund on this and going down the DYI Desktop route, my 10 year old HP knocked spots off of this for Audio applications

11 Posts

May 31st, 2019 12:00

Steps I took to finally resolve this when working with Audio

Device Manager, drill into System devices, uninstall just the 'Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Manager' - Tick the box to remove driver from the system, no need for a reboot.

Disable 'Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery'

Not ideal, but works.

Upon reboot 'Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Manager' installs itself, just follow the steps again for when working with Audio

11 Posts

June 1st, 2019 17:00

Nothing from Dell, leaving users to do hacks for themselves to have a 100% usable PC, as suposed when purchased?

November 28th, 2019 03:00

Hi, same problem here. I fixed two month ago using Process Lasso and disable certains setting on the bio but after a Dell update the problem turn up again. Do you think that is save turn off the batery control devices? Thanks

11 Posts

February 18th, 2020 09:00

Little update, just after my previous update on this forum I received an email from support, which I had before when I initially posted this issue on the board, only this time, I received responses thanking me for my confirmation on the service tag, to which they responded rather promptly, sorry but you no longer have warranty.  Funny that quick response, I had no response while I did have warranty.  Once again, great job Dell.  I've purchased from smaller companies than you, their service was impeccable, they paid for shipping costs from UK, to USA, made modifications to my motherboard, (this was a musical instrument by Dave Smith) - And they returned it in the post, all free of charge and very prompt.  Take note!

11 Posts

February 18th, 2020 09:00


I doubt we will ever see an update that fixes this, still see incredibly high latency with doctoring my laptop and potentially screwing it up.  It must be rather embarrassing for them, as I have now seen a few youtube video reviews about their laptops, all of which point to performance issues due to cooling.  Which explains why killing off thermal management can bring the latency down.  Terrible really, I do wonder if they have a decent ticketing system that actually makes its way up the chain to their product team.

3 Apprentice


559 Posts

February 18th, 2020 14:00

Did you try this program?

REAL - Reduce Audio Latency.

Just run the program right after downloading it, ignoring the driver change as mentioned in the instructions. I'm running this program on my Inspiron 3583 and it has greatly improved, if not, completely fixed my latency issues, which BTW, is the result of Realtek's crummy drivers.

11 Posts

February 21st, 2020 12:00

Nice one @Kflash08, I will try this out, will grab from github on my work laptop to build the executable in VSCode 

3 Apprentice


559 Posts

March 19th, 2020 18:00

Did the program solve the problem?

1 Message

August 15th, 2020 01:00


I tried deactivating the battery on a Dell G5 5590 and for me it worked at least to improve the situation.

Apparently ACPI.SYS is talking to a number of drivers/devices, so the slowest of these will cause the maximum latency. Does anyone know if it's poissible to determine which drivers/devices ACPI.SYS is talking to? I could try to deactivate these devices successively.

In my case (Dell G5, i7) I experienced DPC routine execution times of around 2000 microsenconds within a minute of running Latencymon when the battery was enabled. All power options set to "maximum power".

When I disabled the Battery, this maximum time decreased to 1150 microseconds. There's probably room for further improvement, but for me it stopped kicking out my Steinberg audio interface (which immediately fades out on audio drop-outs and needs 4-5 seconds to come back and fade in again - annoying!).

For me it's ok to deactivate the battery when working with my DAW (Cubase) because I need processing power anyway so it wouldn't make sense to use it on battery.

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