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April 6th, 2022 09:00

My laptop has a 768p screen.Can I replace it with a 1080p screen

Note: Here, by "screen", what I mean is the built-in screen of a laptop (i.e. not a separate monitor).

Hi everyone. I have a Dell Inspiron 3543 laptop, which has a 1366x768 screen. I want to replace it with a 1080p FullHD IPS screen. I found some spare part sellers who sell such a screen.

However, I am wondering whether I can simply buy any 1080p screen (with the correct number of pins, which is 30)? Or are there any specifications I should take into account? Is it possible that the new 1080p screen I will buy will not work?

Many thanks in advance.

10 Elder


23.4K Posts

April 6th, 2022 10:00

Notebooks are usually equipped with firmware that's coded to recognize the EDID of the monitors the OEM specifies for factory equipment.  Installing a monitor not supported may work -- but it equally well may result in no display until Windows loads.  There's no way to tell.

Beyond that, there were many systems where an upgrade in resolution requires a different wiring harness for a higher-resolution display.  This being an older system -- and one aimed at the bottom of the market -- you could well find the wiring harness you have won't output FHD at all.  For systems where there were FHD options, the harness can usually be changed.  That won't be the case here, since Dell never shipped anything other than HD displays with this model.

And connector pin count won't help here -- you can have two wiring harnesses with identical mainboard connector plugs on them, one of which has a lower wiring density and will only support HD, while the other has the additional wires needed for FHD.

In other words, the only way to know is to experiment -- there's no way to predict whether one or another display will work (at all, or satisfactorily).


10 Elder


23.4K Posts

April 6th, 2022 09:00

The system documentation shows that only HD (1366X768) displays were shipped with this model.

It is very possible that any FHD screen won't work -- either not at all, or unsatisfactorily, so if you decide to try, be sure you understand your supplier's return policy -- very few panel suppliers will take back a screen once you open the box.

Documentation/specs here


6 Posts

April 6th, 2022 10:00

Hi @ejn63 Thank you so much for your answer. That was very helpful, as I was simply going to buy a random screen, thinking that they would all work.

Is there any technical feature that I can check and decide whether the screen I'm going buy buy will work? Or is this a laptop-specific question that cannot be answered in general?

Again, I really appreciate your answer. Many thanks!

6 Posts

April 6th, 2022 12:00

Dear @ejn63 

That was extremely helpful. Thank you so much for your help and time. This probably prevented me from wasting a significant amount of money and time.

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