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November 13th, 2009 02:00

Dell Webcam Central & Windows 7 (The Windows 7 Version Of The Dell Webcam Central Program)

Simply put, could somebody please post a link to the GENUINE Dell Webcam Central software for Windows 7, where ever it is on the Dell Drivers Website?

I don't mean some hokey, 3rd rate Vista (or earlier) version of the program, but rather the true 32-bit OEM Windows 7 version that Creative Labs developed specifically for Dell notebooks and netbooks (and please don't refer me to the "Application" CD which came with the computer, because it's nowhere to be found).

Dell has been selling notebooks with the Creative Labs integrated Webcam and the Windows 7 operating system for a good couple of months now, and I know they would not have included the old Vista (or even XP) drivers for use with Microsoft's newest operating system.

I have looked high & low and read just about every post I can get my eyeballs on, but everybody seems to advise loading the old, outdated Vista or XP drivers rather then the new Windows 7 ones, which obviously had to have shipped with the computer, since it had Windows 7 on it from the get-go (and I'm not talking about the "upgraded after-the-fact" scenario, either).

So just a link, please, to the OEM Dell Creative Labs Webcam Central program for Windows 7.

It can't be that big a deal...

P.S.  I also need the Windows 7 Hauppauge TV tuner drivers (the whole lot of them) for an Inspiron Mini; they have to be out there somewhere, as well.

I would obviously prefer the Dell OEM version, but I DO NOT want (and will not use) the old Vista or XP versions, which seem to be available all over the place on this Website; I only want the true "made-for-Windows 7" stuff.

Thank you.

1 Message

March 19th, 2012 06:00


22 Posts

March 19th, 2012 11:00>

please read all the photo, this is what you want to start with.

This is where I have my current driver loaded... then update it...

Dell Webcam Central


22 Posts

March 19th, 2012 11:00

instead of what every you think you said as an answer-well try my ANSWER. I does not FIX every DELL but it will fix many DELLS, and to me such a simple way to fix, but since DELL Apparently does not support consumers - only CORPS. I offer the Driver-lnk posted- which was offered to me by another DELL Consumer, FREE of charge...

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

March 29th, 2012 15:00



I don't have the solution yet but have found a way to check your webcam.


Try running the Webcam Diagnostics and post the results back here.




22 Posts

March 29th, 2012 17:00

what good does that do, when Dell gives you the answer of install from provided Disk... there never was a DISK with my system, there was not method to make a disk, & i have ask many times for a DISK or ability to DL... all DELL has ever said is $$$$$$$$$.  Make the file available for Download.... FREE that would be very easy. GREED is the only answer I have for DELL or when people ask me for a Recommendation to buy... I never Recommend DELL.  an give SUPPORT as the reason....

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

March 29th, 2012 17:00



This file is known as Dell Webcam Central and is available to download for FREE.


Runing the Webcam Diagnostics can reveal if the webcam has a problem or not.




22 Posts

March 29th, 2012 18:00

running Diag was worthless, it told me I had no problem... was installed 100% proper but would not work, unless i used it in CHAT session... worthless cause I do not chat that way.... I fixed the WebCam because anothe Dell member post what his Windows 7 Laptop used... It also make my webcam work. but when you go to get updates it tell me I have the wrong software... fails to update...  

sorry but Dell does not support properly....

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

March 29th, 2012 20:00


Since the Webcam Diagnostics says that the webcam is functioning properly, there is a solution. Until Dell finds a better solution, I can offer you to backup all your files and folders that you cannot afford to lose. That should be a normal practice.

You can use the Recovery partition and this would bring the webcam back.

Restoring Your Computer´s Software to the Factory Settings

You'll need to get all the Windows Updates, again. Do them slowly and do NOT allow Windows to update your drivers. The webcam should work again.


9 Legend


30.3K Posts

March 29th, 2012 20:00


Correction. It showed something was connected but it didn't know what. So the webcam probably failed.


9 Legend


30.3K Posts

March 29th, 2012 20:00


That means the webcam is not connected. That was the error message you got. Terry said he sent you a message.


34 Posts

March 29th, 2012 20:00


I did run that and there is no Webcam listed in my diagnostics tree.  Just as there is no driver listed in the Device Manager.

Any thoughts?


22 Posts

March 30th, 2012 08:00

The web cam is connected, any junk 3rd party porn webcam will make it work, M$ IM makes it work... DELL does not make it work.  Restore to factory settings, again is worthless, seems that that part of the HDD is corrupted - anyway that is what msg I got... Very unhappy with DELL Support. PS: my cousing even works for DELL and She can not get me the proper either... DELL suks big time.

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

March 30th, 2012 15:00



Dell has been working with Creative Labs to help solve this issue.


We have found that the Webcam Diagnostics works outside of Windows. If it's listed in the system tree and it passes the tests, Restoring Your Computer´s Software to the Factory Settings brings back the webcams. Until Dell and Creative come up with a better way to have the system find the webcam.


If the webcam is not listed in the system tree, the webcam has become detached from the motherboard.


If you get an error, it's possiblly the Diagnostic program has found that something is USB attached and if it doesn't know what, the webcam itself has malfunctioned.


It's kind of a diagnose each situation after the webcam diagnostics test.




81 Posts

March 30th, 2012 15:00

Dell has profoundly dropped the ball when it comes to supporting the webcam. It's pathetic that they are not supporting this product and that their OEM suppler Creative Labs has gotten away with providing such a poorly integrated and poorly supported application.

For what it's worth, I had to reload my system from scratch. The Dell back up and recovery manager did not work, but I was able to reimage the system from scratch, including repartitioning the hard drive to delete the useless extra partitions, reloading the OS and the drivers, relatively easily. The system works very well - including the webcam - and by doing it myself, I was able to minimize the amount of bloatware on the computer. If you take the time to download all of the drivers onto a USB stick, it's not that bad and the end result is worth the effort.

1 Message

May 1st, 2012 08:00

Many Thanks PWILLY, this worked perfectly for me after installing Win Home Premium 64 bit on a new HDD.

For the non believer, IT DOES WORK ;)

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