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This post is more than 5 years old


August 10th, 2011 10:00

Dell xps 15z cursor disappears

Dell xps 15z cursor disappears

I have an issue that the cursor disappears every few seconds whilst typing


To clarify it is the cursor and not the mouse pointer. When you click the mouse the cursor reappears in the right location so its not being moved by trackpad etc.

It appears that the tab/window open become de-active and the cursor disappears.

HAs anyone else had the same issue

Any help with a solution would be extremely grateful as this problem is driving me mad



97 Posts

August 26th, 2011 12:00

I am noticing the exact same issue. It is as if win7 is spontaneously switching windows on me while I type. I know it is not a win7 issue because this never happens with my xps 8300 desktop.


Any one know what the cause is an how to fix it? Like JEZG it is driving me nuts!

Otherwise I quite like this new laptop.

97 Posts

August 29th, 2011 14:00

No responses. How sad.

I am phoning customer support today to have this unit returned. Very disappointing but I cannot continue to operate with my windows spontaneously deactivating. But there are other issues with the XPS 15z:

1. poor speakers
2. numbers on function keys too small to read
3. periodically the fan will be quite loud for no reason at all (i.e. just browsing the web - no gaming at all)
4. the metal edge is uncomfortable for resting my hands (this one is just due to lazy typing on my part)

I have been reluctant to initiate a return because the laptop is gorgeous. I like the aluminum finish on the outside and the grey metal finish on the inside. Also for a powerful laptop (dual core i7 with 8 GB RAM, 750 GB HDD, CD/DVD drive, NVidia GeForce GT 525 M with 2 GB memory) it is both thin and not too heavy (~5.6 lbs). Add to that the nice wide HD screen and it really is a beautiful laptop. But the spontaneous loss of the window in which I am working was a deal breaker - I just cannot work with that possibly happening at any random time.

I hope Dell is able to find me a comparable model rather than simply a refund.

6 Posts

August 30th, 2011 04:00




Over the Bank Holiday weekend I have tried a number of options.

I believe that I have managed to get rid of the problem after uninstalling dell stage.

I hope this works for you.



1 Message

September 23rd, 2011 14:00

Exactly the same issue here. Apparently whatever application window I'm working on loses focus every few seconds, this happens even when typing an email for example, it is very, very, annoying. 
I uninstalled dell stage from day one so I guess that won't do it for me.
I noticed however that this started to happen after the latest driver update cycle on which the following drivers were updated:

  • Cypress trackpad -- The latest version is a headache, it pretty much rendered the touchpad unusable and the high CPU usage problem persists. I actually suspected that this one was to blame for the focus issue so I uninstalled it right away, unfortunately that didn't solve the problem.
  • Intel bluetooth chip
  • Intel wireless chip
  • BIOS update
  • USB 3.0 chip
I will continue downgrading these drivers until I find the one guilty and let you know if I do. Please share any findings other than uninstalling stage.

4 Posts

September 23rd, 2011 17:00

Good Luck resolving this issue! I tried Dell online chat to have them try to fix it.  NOTHING.  They said the touchpad needs to be replaced.  I also have the issue of the screen fonts  getting bigger and smaller while typing! Drives me crazy!! I've had my computer for 6 weeks and it's been a nightmare trying to get help!!!

97 Posts

September 24th, 2011 07:00

Oh I gave up after a couple of weeks, returned it for a full refund and instead purchased a Dell Latitude e5420. Worked like a charm right out of the box with no issues whatsoever. Not as pretty as the XPS 15z but it works like it should. Great machine. I certainly hope the xps 15z is eventually fixed because it is a gorgeous laptop. I just couldn't wait any longer for the issue to be resolved. Looks like I made the right decision if people are still dealing with this a month later.

5 Posts

October 9th, 2011 09:00

jezg, did this really fix your problem long term?  I am have the same problem (cursor disappears and window deactivates), but I have already uninstalled dell stage.

1 Message

October 10th, 2011 02:00

Having the exact same issue. Will try to uninstall Stage software.

Strange thing is that it seems to get worse during the afternoon.

4 Posts

October 28th, 2011 01:00

I started experiencing this problem in September when I was in Mauritius in the hotels wifi zones.

It is unbelievably frustrating you type a bang the window has lost focus.  Sometimes happens multiple times a minute.

Virus?  Checked no.

Malware? Checked no

Okay forums

Uninstall Dell Stage. No go

Solution disable trackpad

Back in South Africa enable trackpad as nice in bed.  All okay until 2 weeks ago.

Now very bad.  Has happened 10 14 times while writing this post.

Come on Dell where is the solution?

Surely all of us don't have faulty trackpads otherwise your quality control process is very poor indeed.




4 Posts

October 28th, 2011 04:00

Okay.  I have uninstalled the trackpad software.

A pain as it reverts to default on all the time and I often accidently tap it!  Dell how do I turn if off completely?

Went to as well.  Followed steps and touch wood everything is okay for now.  Hasn't lost focus the whole time I have been typing this post.

Malware tools still don't pick up a thing though.

Pain, pain pain!


1 Message

October 28th, 2011 15:00


I have also experienced this problem. I phoned Dell support and they suggested I uninstall Mcafee Antivirus as they had some trouble with it previously.

I have also uninstalled ALL pre-installed software that I don't actually use (including any Dell software such as backup / stage / QuickSet64).

Since I've done this I have not experienced the problem for several days (although I won't be completely convinced it is gone for some time!)

4 Posts

November 2nd, 2011 07:00

I couldn't handle having the trackpad on all the time.  I kept touching it while typing. 

I taped an old piece of a CD box over the trackpad but everybody laughed at me saying I should have never bought a Dell!  

I eventually ended up installing the Trackpad software again.

So far so good, but I share njcstreet's view.  I will have to wait a number of weeks before I post that this has solved the problem.

Where is Dell on this?  Don't they read the posts on their website?

7 Posts

November 10th, 2011 14:00

I am perversely happy to see that I'm not the only person with this problem.

FTR, I have had a 6 month nightmare with Dell that started with an XPS I bought at BestBuy that went bad after 2 weeks. Dell replaced it with a better XPS, which was far more of a nightmare. It took me 6 months to convince them that it was, in fact, defective. They finally replaced it with an XPS 15z, which is an outstanding machine - except for the lost focus issue.

I spent two hours chatting with Dell about this, and they finally uninstalled/reinstalled the drivers and did a few other things that I don't recall, and it solved the problem until today, when it returned with a vengeance. Where before it only happened every few minutes, in today's iteration it happened every 30 seconds or so. I have just uninstalled McAfee, which seems to have resolved the problem, but I suspect that this is only temporary.


15 Posts

December 15th, 2011 15:00

Dell Stage is not installed on my machine - I still have the problem

15 Posts

December 15th, 2011 15:00

I am having the same issue and have been working with Dell to solve the problem.  They have replaced the drivers and the physical trackpad, to no avail.  I have another call scheduled with them on Monday.

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