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This post is more than 5 years old


July 31st, 2016 09:00

Disable "Tap Click" in Windows 10 on a XPS 1340

After Upgrading to Windows 10 the Synaptics software does not work.

Tap click menu is gone from the task bar icon.

Tried a whole bunch of different drivers from other dell XPS laptops only to no avail.

I did find the solution after a bit reading through countless threads, but not exactly what others are suggesting.

Once you have the Dell Touchpad driver installed with is the Synaptics software, why Dell doesn't correct this I'll never understand.



Then look for "ShowTapToClick" in the right field, change the value from 0 to 1 and reboot.

The Tap Click menu will be active now, simple uncheck the tap to click!!!!

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