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This post is more than 5 years old


November 24th, 2011 10:00

FastAccess Face will let Anyone on Your Computer PROOF

I spent 3 hours on phone with Dell talking about how my friend is able to use his face to login on my computer.  He comes over and use it often and stated have been doing it for over a year on my XPS 15.  Dell reps told me "maybe your friend reprogrammed it", "added his face", "did something to your computer when you wasn't looking", "you dont have the updated verison", "downloaded the wrong version", "it didnt download the updated version correctly", or "you are the only one with this problem ever".  The update came out 8/30/2011 and I updated it 9/11/2011 and my computer is set to update automacticly.  These foreign Tech will give you some off the wall answers to try and pay you for a dummy.  The Tech stated to uninstall and redownload and not to worry.  Yes, Im worry because breach of Security because for years people have been able to get into my computer when I thought it was secured.  I recorded me using my face and then my friend using his face for the same profile.  Only one face can be used per profile, which was comfirmed by Dell.  I only have one Profile on my computer also.

The tech told me to contact the software maker because Dell cant help with Software.  The software site stated to contact Dell . I was told I would get a callback, so asked how long and told "I dont know".  Asked an estimated timeframe and he got ruder.  The tech said, " ok i will just say 2 weeks.  Even if that, it doesnt matter because you are not willing to wait". I just want a solution to his problem because it is serious.  He told me well just dont use the software and use password like people use to use before.  Again a smart, rude comment.

I look online and found a youtube clip of someone Jan 2010 having the same issue . That is almost 2 years ago since uploaded and its clear I am not the only one having this issue.  Dell doesnt care about this issue but I do. 

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

November 24th, 2011 19:00



Allowing friend to use your computer using your account can cause problems like these.


Did you email Sensible Vision Support? The representative usually responds in a decent time frame. Remember we have a Holiday and the weekend the person may have a long weekend.


I have contacted the Sensible Vision Rep to look at this thread.





35 Posts

November 24th, 2011 20:00

Hi Gemini. I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties with Dell tech support. I would like to offer to help you directly. I work for Sensible Vision - creators of FastAccess. We take customer support quite seriously (as I hope the fact that I'm responding late at night on a holidy shows). 

In fact FastAccess is actually extremely secure. It's been used for years in high security enterprise IT as well as on millions of consumer computers. Although a true "false positive" is never truly impossible, it is incredibly rare. I can help to explore what you're seeing and to address the issue. If we can't explain it through discussion, then we have advanced diagnostics that I'm happy to help use and examine. 

Question in the meantime - I want to clarify what you meant when you said "I recorded my face and then my friend using his face for the same profile.". Does this mean that you typed your password while your friend's face was visible? If so, this would actively enroll his face along with yours (FastAccess will actually store up to 100 "biometric templates" per Windows account - Dell was wrong if they told you otherwise). This would definitely result in either of your faces being able to be recognized going forward. Of course this would be FastAccess doing what was intentionally trained to do - not a false recognition. Note that good password security is still quite important - even with FastAccess - and enrolling someone else with your password should be avoided. If this not in fact what you did then I still look forward to working with you further. You can reach me through the support address in the URL that you mentioned in your post (which I will note is the Sensible Vision tech support page - not a Dell page. We have not yet conversed with you, but are very happy to do so.)

Here are a few questions from our online knowledgebase that may also help to clarify your situation:

How does the learning algorithm work? 

It recognized me as someone else!

How can multiple people use FastAccess on one computer?

Can multiple people share one Windows account?

Someone stole my password and logged in as me. How do I fix this?  

Why would I need to delete my biometric enrollment? What does this even mean? 


November 24th, 2011 20:00


Allowing friend to use your computer using your account can cause problems like these.



THANKS Sir.  Whoa I was so foolish to let someone use my computer and think it would allow them to be able to sign into.  I dont recall reading that anywhere and had the common sense to think that could happen.  Now, I know to never let anyone use your computer....

November 24th, 2011 20:00

No i didnt even know the person at the time I bought the computer and enrolled.  He wasnt anywhere around to have his face in the shot.  As the youtube showed what happened.  Someone who was not around for enrollment is able to get in.  Now it does work for everyone, as in the video.  But one person is way too many.  As I asked, how is it possible for someone who was not enrolled to be able to sign in?

November 24th, 2011 21:00

Its just I use to have the Finger Reader, which was really secure.  If my friend was able to sign in, how many other people have been able to do the same.  I have my tax info, ssn number, etc on my computer.  I had fraud and thats a train wreck.  Not saying someone got on my computer and got my info, but this situation leaves opportunity for someone other then me to access my computer.  If there is a fix then I need it asap.  It just for Dell to say Im the only person like this, then for me to read and see other make me think how long have this issue been going on.

211 Posts

November 25th, 2011 05:00

Please contact us at Sensible Vision by email or call on Monday. As I mentioned, we have advanced diagnostics that we can use. A true false positive is incredibly rare and if you had one then we want to know about it (the people in the video never contacted us so we really don't know what happened there).

In the short term, please follow the procedure outlined in the questions that I quoted in my first response (delete your biometric database, change your password, increase the "recognition strength" by one notch). I look forward to speaking with you soon.

211 Posts

November 25th, 2011 05:00

THANKS Sir.  Whoa I was so foolish to let someone use my computer and think it would allow them to be able to sign into.  I dont recall reading that anywhere and had the common sense to think that could happen.  Now, I know to never let anyone use your computer....

To be fair, he was just trying to help better understand what you're seeing and to assist where Dell wasn't able or willing. The wording that he used may not have been perfect, but the basic idea behind his statement was accurate. I hear and understand your frustration (some of what you report said by Dell tech support would clearly be frustrating and inappropriate), but trust me - being attacked while making an honest effort to help someone out is not pleasant. Rational conversation will resolve this situation.

November 25th, 2011 17:00

"The wording that he used may not have been perfect, but the basic idea behind his statement was accurate."

So the company answer is to not let someone use your computer, then you wont have to worry about the program not working properly????? His statement was out of pure ignorance.  I did contact your company and was refer to the site, which refer me back to Dell and stated if Dell cant help then to email address listed (which is a Dell email address).  I am not sure how you were able to know if I contacted your company or not without my name, address, or other personal information.  

He attach me first with his ignorance.  The answer to the situation is not to let people use your computer is ok if just letting anyone off the street use it, but I am not doing that sir.  As the video stated, the person never even used his computer and was able to do it also. Before you take the step to state what is and what isn't rational conversation, address your friend directly and correct his irrational statement . . .

I want to know how many other people are having this situation.  You stated it is rare, but I found others. If you know it happen, then post the solution in here for others who having the same issue to correct it. Are you saying this is a known issue or have happen with others? I will also povided others with a link to your answer.

I have shown Dell Escalation Department my personal video of the same situation and hope they are more tactful in there approach and doesn't give me a solution to not let anyone use my computer.  However, came here because thought could get an answer quicker.  If thought would be attack, then I wouldnt had came.

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

November 25th, 2011 18:00



Sorry if my wording was a little harsh.


I suspect that you told the person your password. When they logged in, it then registered their face and that is how the person can log in to your account.


Passwords are ALWAYS important to the person that has them. I work for a company that requires me to change my password every 90 days, for their security purposes. One person knew the other persons password and changed some accounts.


I was trying to stay out of the conversation and let the nice Sensible Vision Rep handle the situation corrected, since it is their product and they really would like to show that their product is secure.


I have the Dell version of Fast Access installed on my Dell Studio L501x and I have not had another family member log in to my account, so I really do feel this is a secure product. The video, it was probably the same situation, where the person told his password to the other person. If he didn't then the chances of a false positive are very rare, but it is possible, just like DNA test results.


If you allow someone to use your computer, I would activate the guest account. That way they cannot install programs that you do not want on your computer. It really doesn't take much surfing to find a website that may try to install a virus on your system. Emails are the quickest was and if someone sent the other person an infected email and they opened it, if the person has an unresxtricted account, then they could easily and accidentally install the virus on your system. A restricted or guest account would not allow this to happen as quickly.


The Sensible Vision Rep stated...

Please contact us at Sensible Vision by email or call on Monday. As I mentioned, we have advanced diagnostics that we can use. A true false positive is incredibly rare and if you had one then we want to know about it (the people in the video never contacted us so we really don't know what happened there).

Sensible Vision Support


Please contact them on Monday and they will help you to correct this. The Representative has helped many people with issues and they all get corrected.


Take care,





211 Posts

November 25th, 2011 18:00

My apologies for not being more clear. Of course someone else can use your computer. If you log into it with your own face visible and then hand the computer to someone else it will be fine. What specifically should be avoided is at any time having someone else's face visible when your own password is typed. This would enroll their face in addition to yours and should be avoided.

Fortunately if this is what happened, it's easily remedied. If it's not what happened then let's work together directly to figure out what did. Our support site lists email addresses that you may certainly use at any time to reach me directly (or PM me through this forum). I can't write out the address in a normal fashion , but it's "support at sensiblevision dot com". Don't worry about contacting Dell - just write to us. We are more than happy to share whatever we learn openly and honestly back here on the forum.

In fact I would be happy to speak beyond normal support hours in order to avoid waiting until Monday. Do you have some time tomorrow? I could even work with you for a bit longer tonight if you're available.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.


November 25th, 2011 18:00

Ok well stay out of it because you are not helping at all.  Right you assume and you know what assuming does.... No I have never told anyone my password.  Where did you get that information from, not me? Again fishing for an answer to make it seem like the program is not working properly has failed.

I did contact them and was refer to site.  I already stated that, refer to previous message. Just because you not having the issue doesnt mean someone else is not, another fail.  Just because one person cell phone have issue doesnt mean everyone with that cell phone will have the same issue or one at all.  Your personal commentary is not needed.

Thanks in Advance for staying out of the discussion.  You and Dell has both made incorrect assumptions.  I have never told him my password, nor does he know it.  I change my password every 60 days, sorry I know that already.  He was not persent when I enrolled in the program.  He didnt hack my computer, reprogram it, or fly aliens to Earth to take over my computer.  Today, I tried it with 4 other people.  One of the four were able to get in.  Sorry, but this person has never used my computer at all.  And no my computer doesnt have a virus.  

I looking for answer and to see if anyone else is having the same issue.  Again, thanks but no thanks.  Anyone else people provide comments, thoughtout solutions, or comment if have experienced the same issue.

211 Posts

November 28th, 2011 06:00

Good morning Gemini. I'm sorry that we didn't hear from you over the weekend. I would still like to work with you directly, however, to properly determine the underlying cause of what you're seeing and to provide a solution. Over email I can provide diagnostics that should tell us what we need to know about your situation. Please email Sensible vision directly and I'm confident that we'll be able to resolve your issue. Afterward we can and will share what we learn back here on the forum. Thanks!

211 Posts

January 2nd, 2012 12:00

Hello again Gemeni. I'm sorry that we haven't heard from you directly about your challenges with FastAccess. Without being able to work with you directly, my ability to help further is limited. I can offer the following steps that I would recommend regardless of the underlying cause of your problem but it would still be best to determine that cause definitively by working together by email or phone.

1. Delete your biometric database (under Advanced > Biometric Enrollment)

2. Change your Windows password - this is simply good security practice

3. Increase recognition strength by 1 notch (under Advanced > Security & Convenience). Note that this will not help unless you delete your biometric database (#1) first.

I look forward to hearing from you at a time of your convenience.

3 Posts

March 11th, 2012 08:00

Hello all of you connected to this forum,

I have fully read this forum, and the problem regarding Fast Access facial recognition.


Once one of my friend took my dell xps l501x laptop. I had the dell version of Fast Access facial recognition installed.

He tried for only 10 second and my administrator account opened, without any password.

when i asked how did u opened my admin user account, HE LOCKED MY COMPUTER and THEN HE TOLD ME THE SAME WAY HE OPENED IT.


1. Delete your biometric database (under Advanced > Biometric Enrollment)

2. Change your Windows password - this is simply good security practice

3. Increase recognition strength by 1 notch (under Advanced > Security & Convenience). Note that this will not help unless you delete your biometric database (#1) first.



Its really a very unsecure software for facial recognition.

35 Posts

March 11th, 2012 08:00

Hello Deepak. I'm sorry that you're having difficulty with FastAccess. Please contact us directly at your earliest convenience. The email address "support at sensiblevision dot com" (written out in email address form of course) will reach me immediately. FastAccess has advanced diagnostics that I would like to show you how to activate. These diagnostics can record the internal functioning of FastAccess during an authentication process which will allow us to definitively determine the cause of the behavior that you're seeing. 

FastAccess really has been used and proven in high security environments for many years and by many millions of users. It is extremely accurate and works well. Obviously you're seeing something different and it's important to learn more before coming to any conclusions. We appreciate your reasonable communication and look forward to working together soon. 

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