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This post is more than 5 years old


8 Posts


February 17th, 2004 05:00

Graphics "stutter" while gaming, video card, HD or CPU problem?

Here are my specs:

P4 3,06Ghz

512 MB RAM

60 GB HD

GeForce fx5200Go

bios a26 (just noticed I can upgrade that one ;)

Ok, I've had this problem for quite some time, got newest videodrivers from dell's own site, I've defragmented when necessary

I never did expect a laptop to be able to run with high-end performance on never games, but I would expect it to run smooth on 1024 x 768 with low graphic settings?

Problem goes like this (in this example, NFS Underground, easy to notice on racing games)

Pretty much all graphic settings are on "low", 1024 x 768, I start gaming and everything runs smooth. Then for maybe 0.3 seconds, everything stops, then I jump back into the game again. Happens with a lot of other games too, and I *know* the computer can do better, it can't be all related to poor graphics engine in the games?

Star Wars: KotOR ran good enough, then suddenly same problem starts to appear here as well. And that's running in 800 x 600!

Some first person shooter games work well, some other just stop for a blink of a second to then just run smooth again. Temperature of CPU sometimes been 71-72 degrees, would this be a limiting factor? Or is the harddrive (4200 rpm) too slow to load enough data?

Max Payne 2 worked excellent, no stutter/graphics problems, at least nothing that I need to mention.

I use it probably 80 % for gaming, and this is getting quite annoying... I'm way over the 30 day period, so that won't help me.

I will eventually buy a desktop anyway, but I need a temporary solution. Would an external harddrive maybe speed things up? Any other 3rd party programs that may help?

I have recently reinstalled Windows XP Pro, and I can't remember missing any drivers. Are there any "classic" mistakes while reinstaling that could cause this? (I pretty much had the same errors prior to reinstalling/reformatting).

Hope someone has run into a solution on this problem, tech support didn't seem to understand my problem at all.

Thanks in advance.

56 Posts

February 17th, 2004 05:00

Check if you have any programs running the the background. Sometimes when in full screen mode other apps will want to take control of the gfx. I would remove everything from the system tray as well to rule out things. Try using msconfig to remove things form startup (start | run | msconfig).

791 Posts

February 17th, 2004 05:00

If your temperatures are in celcius, then that is really hot. Get a program called i8kfangui to manually control your fans. Get them to turn on at a lower speed. Usually around 55c is good.

In terms of your performance, it could be that your temperatures are too high, therefore causing your cpu to run slower. After you get i8kfangui to turn your fans on at a lower speed, either change your Power Scheme to "Always On" in the Power Options or use a program called Speedswtich XP which allows you to manually control your cpu speed.

2.2K Posts

February 17th, 2004 05:00

Also you should clean out the fans and vents with some compressed air..... because if thats in Celcius then you are indeed running very hot and dust blocking the vents could be a major contributing factor.


8 Posts

February 17th, 2004 06:00

Thanks for your reply guys.

I had Ik8fangui installed prior to the reformet/reinstall process, I'll give it a go again. I got a error message "Can't control second fan" though, and some of the options in the program itself wasnt possible for me to activate. I've tried to clean the fan, nothing seemed to help though.

It seems like there are problems in general with graphics stutter on dell machines, strange.

Would it have any impact on the games performance (since laptop harddrives are slow) that I am playing games emulated from the harddrive?

2.2K Posts

February 17th, 2004 06:00

Hard drive has little effect on games.... I installed my 7k60 to replace the 4200rpm drive I had, and in actual game performance nothing changed, the only thing different was slightly faster loading times for levels in some games.


2.2K Posts

February 17th, 2004 06:00

And I should add that I play all of my games off of the Hard drive through CD-cracks as well.


8 Posts

February 17th, 2004 07:00

Bah, clicked reply too fast :p

Good thing to know that a faster harddrive is probably not the solution.

I'll probably end up selling this thing once I get a desktop, even though having a laptop around is really great, I usually travel a lot too. Oh well, hope everything works. I'll come back with some temperatures, but it's usually around 70-72 celsius (I believe that's celsius from ik8fangui, isn't it?), quite hot from what I've read on these boards.

8 Posts

February 17th, 2004 07:00

Thanks again.

I'll give reinstalling new drivers a go when I get home, as well as clean out the fan (Inspiron 5150 only has one air intake, this probably is the problem) again.

I'll try the speedswitch program too, even though I will probably not know what I'm doing, I wish I could say I used my laptop for anything but gaming/e-mail/browsing :p


God t




32 Posts

February 17th, 2004 12:00

I have the exact same "Graphic Stuttering" problem as you.  I have the exact same system also except: 40 GB harddrive and Radeon 9000.  Like you, it runs fine while computer cool, then once it heats up starts to freeze-frame every 2-3 seconds.  I also play NFSU and have the exact problem.  However for me:

For the first month of playing games: Warcraft 3 TFT, Army Ops, BF 1942... I could run them all at the highest settings with no slow down.  Then after 2 months, "something happened" and the freeze-framing began.  I formatted, updated every driver, tried using older drivers, checked speedstep, fans, everything.  I even went into the Bios, and set the speedstep to always run the CPU at the lowest setting.  Even at CPU slowest speed, games ran fine for a few minutes, then would freeze-frame.  Perhaps it is the video-card that cannot keep cool?  My radeon will step its processor speed down to 15% of normal,  this might be slowing down our graphics.  Our processors should easily be able to handle these games.


For the past month and a half, Dell and I have been sending the computer back and forth and they have yet to fix the problem.  They just sent it back here again, having replaced the heatsink. 

I have spent too much of my own time, as well as over 2 months not being able to use the computer b/c I know it will either be formatted, or taken back to Dell for service so I wouldn't be able to keep any files. 

This most definitely is a manufacturing problem, let Dell know about this and keep on them.  If this heatsink doesn't work for me after a month, I am going to ask for a refund or at least a complete system replacement, maybe with the 8600 b/c this is just ridiculous. 

I think the only reason Dell doesn't address this problem, is because it is gamers like you, me, and many others on this forum, or just people who know about their hardware, that even notice this problem.  Average users who just play yahoo hearts and check email would never see this problem. 

Keep us updated on your progress. 

8 Posts

February 17th, 2004 18:00

Sorry to see you have exact the same problem as me. I haven't had time to try out anything at all today, but if I can't things to improve tomorrow, I'll try another reinstall this weekend. After that - I'll wait for my next paycheck and then buy a desktop. Build it myself this time, even though I lack experience ;)
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