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This post is more than 5 years old


84 Posts


May 24th, 2005 23:00

HELP. My computer keeps on shutting down by itself!

I have a Dell Inspirion 1150 for months now. For a month ago, it keeps on shutting down by itself and I dunno why. Is it the CPU, RAM or something else? It only happens when I am using it for encoding a movie, converting a large files, etc. It doesnt happen when I am using the basic stuffs, like word processing, web surfing, etc. I am pretty sure that isnt a software matter because I reformatted my computer like couple of days ago. Please help! I need to find the source of this problem so I can try to fix it. TIA


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

May 24th, 2005 23:00

Most likely, it's overheating. If under warranty, call Dell. If not, buy a can of compressed duster and blow the dust out of the heatsink assembly.

84 Posts

May 25th, 2005 12:00

THANK YOU! It worked. But I think I should find a person to clean the heatsink completely, huh? Anyway, thank you, greatly appreciated.

248 Posts

May 25th, 2005 14:00

I have an 1150 as well - I just had this problem.  Luckily it was under warranty - so I had it done for nothing - Dell replaced my System Board (motherboard) and my hard drive.  I am actually waiting for my laptop to come back with the replacement parts.  But I just figured I'd share, I was down this road :)  I do believe my problems started from my system overheating - this probably triggered my issues, but its officially undetermined why exactly this is happening.  However, I did get my systemboard/motherboard and harddrive replaced and according to Dell, this will solve my problem.
I hope you can get it taken care of - and I hope your still under warranty so you can have this stuff fixed, otherwise, most likely, I would just recommend selling the laptop for parts and buying a new notebook, but if its under warranty, just call Dell and they gave me a relatively easy time setting up a dispach for part replacement.

84 Posts

May 25th, 2005 15:00

Hello, thanks for the suggestion. But I think my laptop is just now fine (like new), I had to just clean the heatsink and just work normal again. I can see the differences between before and after cleaning. I played Halo before the cleaning and man, it was sooo slow. BUT after cleaning, soo smooth.


4 Posts

May 28th, 2005 20:00

I too own an Inspiron 1150. Just about 3 or 4 days ago mine started shutting down spontaneously. But I really became supsect about a month ago when the laptop would simply be OFF when I would awake in the mornings. Prior to that month, I would just leave it on all the time, and it would stay on, no problems. Now, I notice that whenever there is any kind of scan such as Norton AntiVirus, or AdAware, or SpyBot, it shuts down during those types of activities (these are typically activities which cause the fan to operate at a higher speed). I have had the Norton AntiVirus scheduled to run at 4 AM each morning, and each morning I awake to find the laptop turned off.

So, I would simply like to know.....does anyone here know why it is doing this, and what can be done to stop it? If it is a virus causing it, it would seem that I will never know, since the AntiVirus task can never seem to completely finish. And when the system shuts down, it does so without warning. Last night I was online listening to music and it shut down. I rebooted it, and it shut down before rebooting could finish, so I reboot again, and the same result. So I just left it off for the night.

Can anyone PLEASE help?????

Thank you in advance for ANY help at all.


4 Posts

May 28th, 2005 21:00

Thanks Parkerti. I'll try both of those things.

610 Posts

May 28th, 2005 21:00


The virus scan will run the CPU usage quite high. Your notebook is probably overheating and shutting iself down. Air the heatsink out with compressed air - there are literally hundreds of posts in this forum related to it. Do a search if you are not sure what I mean.

4 Posts

June 17th, 2005 16:00

This appears to be a REAL common problem with the 1150 that should be addressed by Dell. We have three of these laptops in our office and they are all experiencing this issue in some form or another.

One of the processor's actually burnt out when it was three days over warranty. No help from Dell obviously.

Has anyone heard any comment from Dell regarding this issue?...other than the "blow it out with compressed air"'s that for a long term solution!!!


4 Posts

June 17th, 2005 23:00

Sorry Intricate, I am not sure about that one. But based on what you just posted, in the future, I suppose none of us should purchase another 1150. As for me, I guess I'll give Sony a try instead when my 1150 wears out for good.

4 Posts

June 17th, 2005 23:00

Just to give you all an update, my 1150 was under warranty. So I sent it back to Dell. They apparently have replaced some part that was overheating. Now it is working fine. The problem is fixed completely.
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