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January 31st, 2013 16:00

Inspiron 1440 Black Screen Problem Solved...Very Strange

This is long, but worth it...Dell take notice. Since late December, my wife’s laptop has been mysteriously experiencing a black screen while she is using the computer. The computer was either going to sleep or shutting down on its own. The strange thing is it only happened to her, I could not duplicate the problem, yet I witnessed it happen to her on a few occasions. I took the laptop apart and cleaned it out suspecting maybe a CPU overheating. The machine is a few years old, no dust balls in it and it appeared that the fan-heat pipe was functioning normally. I ran all the Dell diagnostics...the machine was clean and functioning properly. I tried scanning the HD for viruses because the black screen looked deliberate, like a software issue initiated by malware...nothing. I tried all the usual simple stuff making sure the OS was up to date (Windows 7 Prof)...nothing. I changed settings in the power options...maybe it was just going to sleep on her? It was baffling, this was a nice machine, I upgraded everything when I purchased it and it had been fairly trouble free for the last few years with the exception of a bad HD just at the end of the 3 year warranty. Dell sent me a new HD free of charge. I finally broke down because of time constraints and an unhappy wife who uses this computer for her business. The local computer store was unable to diagnose the problem...the problem did not occur. They updated the drivers (got rid of the psycho touch-pad behavior), installed some security software and cleaned up the OS and optimized the HD, etc. The computer was clean, worked better than new. I used it for a few hours and had no problems. Almost like magic, my wife uses her newly rejuvenated laptop and the screen went black after like 90 seconds!!! I could not believe it. I told her "It just doesn't like you honey"...that did not help the situation as she stormed off to the living room. Desperate to save our marriage and keep her from going out and buying a Mac Book, I went into the power settings and set everything to "do nothing" and "never". Again, worked fine for the next hour while I pondered what the hell was going on. She tried it again and 30 seconds later black screen...incredible. But this time the machine did not shut down, or go to sleep. The screen came back on, everything still there after a few seconds. I walked away to search for some comfort food, or cold beer, or both. About 5 minutes later, my wife announced she solved the problem, it was her bracelets?!? What?!? Sure enough, when she started typing, the screen went black, take her hands away, it came back to life. We were able to duplicate the problem by putting one of her bracelets in a small area just to the right of the touchpad. I tried poking the area with a pencil and various other blunt objects...nothing. Hold the bracelet 1/4" over the spot and instant black screen, it didn’t even have to touch the computer! The bracelets are hematite bracelets that she wears for relief from CTS. Hematite is high in iron and magnetic. Everybody knows magnets and various parts of computers don't mix, but a hematite bracelet? Surely the HD magnets are putting out more of a magnetic field than this stupid bracelet. I tried other metal objects and was actually able to reproduce the same problem if I put a good size carbon steel (also high in iron) slicing knife in the same spot, but it was not easy, took a minute or two. The bracelets however were instant black display. Nothing stainless steel or aluminum caused the same problem. So the solution was simple, don't wear hematite bracelets when using an Inspiron 1440. The bracelets magnetic field, when placed in the spot to the right of the touchpad, initiates a controlled shutdown or sleep mode...yes really. We traced it back and the problem did start when she purchased the bracelets back in December. When I changed all the power setting to "do nothing and never", the machine stopped responding to the bracelet shutdown command and the display simply went black. It came back when the bracelet on her right hand was withdrawn from “the spot.” It was now easier to see the trend and I gave kudos to my wife for performing a successful trouble shooting analysis that any IT manager would be proud off. The problem completely disappeared after bracelet removal, but what is going on here Dell? I have found no warnings about operating your laptop with hematite bracelets on...and it is just in that one little spot? I see lots of undiagnosed "black screen" issues with Dell laptops...I suggest you check what kind of bracelets the user may be wearing...

934 Posts

February 1st, 2013 13:00

7 Posts

February 1st, 2013 12:00

Well done for diagnosing the problem, even if there was a lot of frustration involved. Pretty sure that's not my problem, but good to know that it's not always the motherboard.


February 4th, 2013 14:00

The spot shown above to the right of the touch pad is the exact location where the bracelet caused the "bracelet sleep mode" command.  What switch is under this location?

934 Posts

February 4th, 2013 15:00

It could be a Hall Sensor

or a simple reed switch (can often be found in cheap door/windows alarms)

1 Message

April 9th, 2013 11:00

Thank you Thank you, Thank you.  I have been trying to figure this out for months (Now I know since I bought a magnetic bracelet)

April 20th, 2013 10:00

rbmac22...Your welcome.  Now if we could just get Dell and maybe other laptop manufacturers who use this similar "magnetic switch actuation" system architecture to include a warning about magnetic bracelets, we could solve the problem with the other 10,000 people in the world who are having the same problem.  Take Care...

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