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This post is more than 5 years old


May 6th, 2011 03:00

M1730 issues

Ok, so I have posted on the forums about this issue a number of times and every time Dell deletes the posts and threads. I own a M1730 which is faulty and still under warranty. Dell continue to send techs to my house to repair it and replace parts and the same issue occurs repeatedly. In the space of 4 months I have had the GPU's replaced 6 times. 4 Of those times in the past 21 days. I have had the motherboard replaced 4 times. 3 Of those times in the past 21 days. I have had the LCD screen replaced twice in that time, the graphics control chip once, the heat sink 4 times, HDD once... Now remember this is all within the last 4 months. The issue has gone on and off now for 2 years. I myself, and Dell techs have clean installed every ounce of software, including OS and all drivers. We have done everything, and everyone agrees its the GPU's. I can/could turn it on and view my desktop and numerous basic websites. However if I was to attempt to play a game or view a site that used flash, or had any fancy decoration the screen would fade white. So white you could nit see a thing. And after 5 - 10 mins everything would be negative. As in looking at film negatives. I have sent numerous emails which were being answered up until the 20th April 2011, I have made numerous phone calls to Dell in regards to the issue who just send more techs out, and even went to the extent of telling me my laptop had been received at their service centre was undergoing repairs and awaiting a new GPU despite the fact my laptop never leaving my house. The last time it was at a service centre was 2009 1 hour ago the latest Dell tech (a different guy from the usual one), came to my house with brand spanking new dual 9800M GT GPU to replace my 8700's. And once he did that... It will no longer even boot up! Power plug disconnected if you press and hold the power on button the back lights and keyboard light up. However as soon as you take your finger off the button the lights go out. Power cable in you press the button and nothing happens at all. The battery light still says its charging which means power is getting to it... I want to know what I must do to get a replacement? I ask and Dell ignores the question or in the case of emails never responds ever again. I personally know 2 people with older versions of my laptop who were given M17x's as replacements. And their laptops did not have half of the upgrades mine has, and their laptops were nowhere near as faulty! Now I wont say who I have contacted in regards to the issue, as doing so results in my thread and posts being deleted, however I find it ridiculous that I must go through so much and still have a faulty laptop still under warranty!

15 Posts

May 6th, 2011 17:00

I apologise for the wall of text, my phone doesn't like paragraphs!

90 Posts

May 8th, 2011 15:00

It always seemed rather ironical that when I joined these forums how often it seems that any service issue requires "escalation" to even begin to get anywhere with resolving it. Never have I before had dealings with any company where things couldn't be resolved comparably quickly and certainly a whole lot more easily with just  few phone calls.

I hope your form of "escalation" gets the desired result, and that the Dell customer "care" and "service" model doesn't spread!

15 Posts

May 9th, 2011 03:00

Yeah I escalated it through Dell and through someone else . I'm happy that I have someone on my side batting for me. I'm not quite sure if in my last post I mentioned this but the courtesy GPU upgrade/replacement they conducted on Friday in an attempt to fix my GPU issue actually caused my laptop to no longer even power up. So its now worse than ever! But they are meant to contact me tomorrow to discuss things with me under mediation of the 3rd party I shall not name. If that breaks down then I have been advised to escalate things by the 3rd party to a MUCH greater level

90 Posts

May 15th, 2011 16:00

How are you getting on Diesel? Do you have a resolution yet?

15 Posts

May 15th, 2011 18:00

They took the laptop to one of their service centres again. I called them 17 times in a matter of 2 days, sent in 5 unresolved issue complaints in regards to the issue and finally they told me they will escalate the issue and i can speak to a service manager. When i spoke to him he stated that if the unit is deemed that it cannot be fixed, or if it is returned to me with the same issue they will replace it with a new unit for the inconvenience. He went over the entrie history of the item and was disturbed when he saw this has been a non-stop issue since only 7 months after the purchase and despite a dozen repairs/parts replacements it still continues and nothing has been done.

I also do believe that Dell Australia is under pressure by a 3rd party who I contacted in regards to the situation, but I am hoping it is solved shortly. They say it will take no longer than 2 weeks to have the laptop looked at and returned to me. That is still 2 weeks too late however!

90 Posts

May 15th, 2011 22:00

If it can't be fixed they will replace it with a like for like exchange. Well, well, whatever happened to the idea that something you purchased and paid for should be reliable in the first place? That's just a sop to avoid saying the one they supplied in the first place was rubbish. With all the repairs and replacements you've already had the equivalent of  new machine several times over. Something there is fundamentally flawed.

15 Posts

May 18th, 2011 13:00

I have 0 faith that the laptop will be fixed, and less faith that should it still not work that they will replace it. Hence why I gathered the appropriate paperwork and filled it out so that when unit is returned next week and it is not fixed or replaced I can file the paperwork with its corresponding 3rd party and force Dell to deal with my issue rather than constantly lying and wasting my time.

90 Posts

May 29th, 2011 20:00

Hey Diesel, Dell said your laptop would be fixed and returned in no longer than two weeks (your post May 15th) so I expect you will have it back today or tomorrow.

Do let us know how you got on.

15 Posts

May 30th, 2011 03:00

I got it back last Friday. It powers on but never reaches desktop. I called and informed them of the issue, the past issues and gave them times dates and names of the past techs i have spoken to and the promise fomr the service manager that if my laptop was still faulty i'd receive a new unit.

The tech on the phone apologised, ignored what the service manager said and said a tech will come replace my hdd. I then informed them I am filing the specific paperwork that will result in Dell being force to give my money back or a replace my laptop with a new unit as promised. She then tried to talk me out of it and said to wait for the tech to arrive on monday to replace the HDD.

Tech never showed.

So as soon as I post this I am calling Dell again and telling them on wednesday (my next day off) I am filing the paperwork to fix what should have been fixed 7 repairs ago. 7, almost 8 weeks and 7 repairs that dont work is too much. My unit is under warranty, and they will honour it even if I have to drag the techs and the serrvice manager I spoke to through mud.

Will keep you all informed of the procedings.

90 Posts

May 30th, 2011 14:00

Good luck with your alternative path to resolution.

15 Posts

June 2nd, 2011 06:00

Well it seems to have worked. I spoke to a supervisor on the phone today who said they are awaiting approval from a manager to replace my laptop with one of equal to or greater specification... I was told there are only 2 laptops that are in that category. The new XPS 17 or Alienware M17x. But if approved may take up to 3 weeks to receive. I explained that all complaints would be dropped if my laptop was repaired or replaced. So lets see how it goes. I guess they realise when I got a third party involved that I was being VERY serious

3 Posts

June 2nd, 2011 07:00

Dell Have said they are replacing my laptop only yesterday, So I hope I don't have the same troubles as you. The techs really are useless but hey.

I hope you get a good system (Y)

15 Posts

June 2nd, 2011 08:00

Well their policy is replacement  with a system of equal to or greater specification. And well my system specs ate in my signature.

15 Posts

June 13th, 2011 16:00

Well after almost 9 weeks of absolute failure on Dells behalf (7 repairs and a trip to the service centre, all of which still left the laptop unusable) I'm finally getting it replaced. I'm getting a XPS 17 laptop with an upgraded screen (1920 x 1080), and a 1GB GTX 550M and i-5 processor. Its going to arrive in another 7 - 14 days.

m bit annoyed that I'm being given a $1400 laptop as a replacement for my $5000 laptop, but my original is 2 years old and Dell's policy states replacement with a unit of equal to or greater specification. And this does meet that. I would have prered 8gb RAM rather than 6 or the 3GB GPU to make up for the fact I had 2 GPUs in SLi and now have one. But as I found out it takes months to do anything with Dell, and am satisfied until now.

1 Message

June 13th, 2011 17:00

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I purchased an XPS 15 AND and XPS 17 in May.  The XPS 15 works fine.  The XPS 17 did not power on.  I called support.  To make a long story short...  a technician came to my house with a replacement motherboard and AC adapter.  It still did not power on.  I'm still waiting for a replacement laptop.  I still haven't even received the email indicating the specs of the replacement system.  Please check your new system as soon as you get it.   

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