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May 29th, 2009 11:00

Power cord on my Studio Laptop 1537 has separated and doesn't work right

I have had my new studio 1537 laptop for 3 months. I started having problems with the power cord about a month ago. I noticed that the "brick" is getting very hot. Occasionally the blue light will go out and it shows that the cord is no longer giving power to the laptop. When I uplug it for a while and try it later it will work.  Just last week I noticed that the cord has separated right behind the blue light (power on). It is separated the whole way around the cord and there is a gap. So far I don't see bare wires, but it is probably just a matter of time. I use this laptop at home and it is in no way abused. I have seen others having problems with the light and power not getting to the laptop. If anyone has any ideas as to what I can do please let me know. I plan to contact Dell to see what they will do since I am still in warranty.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

May 29th, 2009 11:00

The only thing that can be done is to replace the adapter, which is covered by your warranty.


1 Message

July 12th, 2009 06:00

i have got exactly the same problem. i have had my laptop less than 2 months and last week the "brick" of the power lead got very hot and then cut out untill i'd turned it off for a while and then it was fine. a few days later it did it again and now its happening alot more offten and has started cutting out every 30-20minuets!! i was quite shocked about how hot the "brick" gets it is too hot to even hold!! i will be contacting dell as soon as the weekend is up.

2 Posts

July 15th, 2009 09:00

I contacted Dell and after persuading them enough they sent me a new power cord. I think it helped that the wire on mine, right where the blue light is, separated and you could see the inside wires. I received the new cord in two days. Just to let you know open it when it comes because you need to send the defective one back. It has to be sent back in their postage paid box which is Fed Ex(i think) and they give you 10 days. If you do not have a Fed Ex near you they give you a number to call and they will come pick it up. Otherwise it says they will charge you some $70 if they do not receive it.

It has been about 7 weeks wince I received my new one. It is already popping up that the AC adapter isn't recognized, etc. Plus this one too is getting hot. Seems like Dell has a major problem with this power cord. I saw on the forum that Dell will replace it once and after that you pay to replace it. I thik it is a joke, Even with the warranty being a year. Bottom line is They need to redesign the cord. Makes me wonder if some of the problem is due to this laptop having a "greener" battery.

I had some additional problems too that a Dell support person corrected for me. The volume would pop up on the screen and go full up and not be able to be adjusted. And something else, but I can not think of it right now. She was nice and very helpful. However the same thing is happening again. As well as now it takes literally 4 minutes for the user screen to load. Normally it would only take maybe 30 seconds. I also noticed the battery light no longer lights either. So I will likely be calling them back. I would love it if when the battery gets low it would pop up a warning on the screen. Despite watching the task bar for the battery level so I plug it in when needed. It shuts down without warning and lately it shuts down even though it still has 20 some minutes remaining.

Only other problem I have with Dell is their follow up calls to see if I was satisfied. They call every few weeks and not being racist, but I can not understand half of what they are saying. All the callers I have had call me seem to be from India. Not sure if this is a company that sent it's call center to India or not. Again I am not being racist, just cannot understand them and they have problems understanding me. It is annoying because they want to help you the second they call you despite my telling them it is not a good time, and that I will call Dell when it is convenient for me

. Let me know how you make out. Down the line maybe we can let each other know how to proceed with this problem, when it happens again. I don't think it is a matter of IF it happens considering I am already having a problem.


September 6th, 2009 08:00

My 1537 Laptop gave me the message the "AC adapter type cannot be determined". This stopped battery charging in VISTA, no good for standard BIOS updates. Luckily had another Dell adapter pack from work laptop. With this adapter no longer getting the above message and battery now charging. Although adapter is getting warm.

The bad adapter via REV A00, the good one is REV A02. Both made in China. Going to report this to Dell Monday 

147 Posts

September 24th, 2010 10:00

I had/have the EXACT same problem with mu Studio 1555 laptop.  I am going to call Dell & try and get a replacement.

3 Posts

September 24th, 2010 10:00

I am having the same problem with my replacement power supply that was sent when the original one died too...time to buy a Sony!

1 Message

March 4th, 2011 13:00

I purchased an Inspiron 1750 for Christmas of 2009, but it wasn't received until February of 2010.  In October of 2010 my power cord broke (the rubber separated) right next to the part that plugs into the laptop and no longer would power my laptop.  Dell sent me a replacement and I mailed the old, defective cord back to Dell.  It is now the first part of March and guess what, this power cord has done the same exact thing!  I called Dell to find out that the replacement cord had only 3 months of warranty, and that I must pay for a replacement.  They did offer to cover shipping charges and knocked off about $5 and told me that this cord will have a one year warranty.  I imagine that is because I am now paying for the cord and thus receive the full warranty.  My complaint is that I should not be on my third cord in barely over one year of having purchased a laptop. 

In reading other comments, I would like to add that my computer also gave me the pop-up that the power supply was not identified, blah, blah, blah, and it did so on both the original cord that came from Dell as well as the replacement cord Dell sent.  I bought this laptop new, it wasn't purchased through the outlet, etc.  I expect that paying a fair price for a product should give me reasonable usage before having to replace parts.  The cord is sixty plus dollars, and I should not have to pay that annually just to have a cord! 

I'd also like to mention that the little rubber bumpers on my laptop are also coming out!  These little design flaws are what differentiates a solid computer from a cheaply made computer.  In fact, when I ordered this Inspiron 1750, it was to have blu-ray and some other bells and whistles but they cancelled my order (without notifying me whatsoever) because they were having trouble with these parts.  After calling numerous times to find out why I hadn't received my computer, I was finally told of the problems and that the order had actually cancelled!  I replaced the order without some of the bells and whistles, but have still had trouble with the laptop.  I should have taken the hint and ordered a different brand, but hindsight ..........

I have a house and business full of Dell computers, have purchased Dells for my parents and for our children, and even ordered two desktop units (all the bells and whistles) for my neighbor and her sister (both elderly).  I've probably purchased no fewer than 15 Dell computers with all the bells and whistles, but the last two computers I have purchased were not Dells.  While I have had trouble with my Dell laptop, the other two laptops I purchased that were not Dells have not given ANY trouble whatsoever. 



147 Posts

March 5th, 2011 06:00

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dear Sirs:

I have been a Dell customer and used Dell computers for about 25 years.  I have a Dell desktop and 2 Dell laptop PCs plus an older Dell Latitude C540.  One of the laptops is an Inspiron 1525 that I have had absolutely no problems with.  The upgrade from VISTA to WIN 7 was quick and no trouble at all.  I use this laptop daily and have for several years.  The newest Dell is a Studio 1555 laptop that has had a lot of problems and in fact if I could trade it for another Inspiron I would do so gladly.  These are the problems that I have/had with the 1555:

1.    Defective keyboard which I replaced.

2.    The display screen has become permanently marked in the middle of the screen by coming into contact with the keyboard when in the closed position because the rubber bumpers/stoppers that are mounted into each side of the plastic bezel have fallen off and/or deteriorated where they do not hold the screen off the keyboard.  This problem was called into Dell while the 1555 was still in warranty.  The plastic display screen seems to me to be flimsy and flexes too easily.

3.    The plastic left side hinge has cracked and the plastic cap has come loose where I have had to use electrical tape to “bandage” hold it together.

4.    The AC power adapter cable has broken at the blue LED that indicates that power is being supplied via the AC adapter.  Again I had to use electrical tape to “bandage” this problem, Dell is in the process of shipping a new AC adapter however the Dell supported hardware forum has several posts where folks have this same problem.  Reference this site:

The problems with this Studio 1555 are NOT the quality that I have been accustomed to with Dell over the years BUT I can assure you that I will look long and hard before selecting another Dell product.  


Sent to Dell BOD with no response.

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