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This post is more than 5 years old



September 21st, 2017 15:00

Precision 3510, Windows 10, Wont Boot, Spinning Dots

We have quite a few Precision 3510 devices running Windows 10 (1607)

Some of them are locking up on the users

Some of them are hanging when it tries to load windows

I have read articles that there is a windows update causing this but I have been unable to validate.

Anyone with any experience please respond.

Thank You,


2 Posts

October 9th, 2017 10:00

We have had several 3510s with similar issues.

Most of the time a user will come back to their desk to a laptop saying 'no bootable device'. we have found that the Hard drive has been 'locked' of some sort and cant recover the system other than wiping and re-imaging.

Did you ever come up with a resolution to your issue?

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