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This post is more than 5 years old


December 18th, 2009 03:00

ST1747: 7x Bios beeps - Core i7 throttling - too less A/C adapter

more and more ST1747 users reports about reducted clock rates of their Intel Core i7, if similary their graphics adapter (ATI HD4650) is under heavy load! But the worse is yet to come, some Core i7 quits working, 7x Bios Beep, Game over, sudden death of the CPU! :emotion-45:

Update: the 7x Beep issue seems to be fixed since Bios A06!

if you have more suggestions for this list, don´t hasitate to inform/contact me!

►Core i7 Throttling
under simultaneous full load of CPU and GPU, Core i7 CPU throttles down to averaged 4x 1100 - 1400 MHz

►Performance between battery and AC power
most Studios runs with a bit more performance if only battery is connected

►Hot 90 watt a/c adapters
under fully load, the serially 90 watt adapter seems to work at/above its performance limit - temperatures over 70°C are not acceptable
 call your local Dell support for a free 130 watt adapter.

►Problems resuming from sleep and/or hibernate
if the 1747 "sleeps" more than 30-60 minutes it´s possible that it don´t resume anymore but turn it off&on "hard" by holding power-button

►Problems with playing FullHD-Streams
freezing/jerking, max. loaded and almost non-responding Studios if playing a FullHD-stream, e.g. Youtube
 possible solution, please look here. New Dell ATI driver in progress.

►Permanent running fan
fan starts causeless running at increased speed shortly after turning the 1747 on. Fan keeps blowing at increased speed, even if Windows boots all over and CPU idles - because of the still-blowing fan only at ~32° C. You can stop the fan only with a reboot or by stressing CPU - if temperature reaches 48°+C, fan slows down to lowest level. Turn off stress test, temperature drops below 48°C, fan turns off then. Confirmed by several users. 4 new users reported me this curious issue in the last few days!

►Too less temperature range for fan
fan needs an extended temperature range in office mode. At the moment fan turns on at ~53°C and off at ~48°C. That causes the fan to start&stop every 10-15 seconds, very bothering

►Cutted sound
If the IDT sound "idles" for a while and you play then any sound, the first ~0.5 seconds are cutted! This happens only one time, following sounds are played correctly! If you stop and wait a few minutes, the next sound after this idle time is cutted again

►Not enough power to USB ports and Firewire
There are pages upon pages of various users all experiencing the same issues.

take also a l@@k at German Studio 1747 FAQ @ Hardware Luxx forum | sorry for my rookie englisch! ^^

31 Posts

February 24th, 2010 12:00

Hey Oblom!

Since motherboard change - I haven´t had any problems as far! No freezing etc.. So, the third motherboard must be ok!

Now, I´m just waiting for my 130 w PSU and the A08 "full power" Bios (Maybe Dell Todd Bill have a "follow up" info on this issue????)


Thanks!  Going to go by your and the other person's post about motherboard replacement and call in to get it swapped.

21 Posts

February 24th, 2010 12:00

The Studio 1747 isn't one of the systems designed to handle max load utilization of both the GPU and CPU at the same time

I would point towards the Studio XPS customers as an example of if we decide that the adapters need to be replaced we will do so no matter the cost.  Recent examples obviously bear that out.

@ todd I only ask because IF the XPS ( advertised as a gaming computer) is designed to handle a max load of both and the 130W were shipped out why wouldn't that mean that you AREN'T going to try to accommodate those who have already bought the st1747 like you did with the XPS owners because they weren't designed to do the same things.

Are these "real world senarios" that you are asking for and dell is testing in fact not PC games but multimedia apps and internet movies which is what the 1747 intended for?

Well @Todd, I feel that Dell sold this computer under false pretenses.

I can definitely understand your frustration but I'm not sure that I agree.

Why would it be so far fetched that someone would feel cheated, I mean I agree, I feel cheated.  It seems like there is a lot of double talk and rhetoric being thrown around. If you aren't going to change the bios and the adapters because this is a multimedia system then say it. If i'm wrong then I apologize for the harsh overtones, But if a little bit of that is true then say caveat emptor



31 Posts

February 24th, 2010 12:00

[quote user="timmyt678"]

[quote user="DELL-Todd S"]I would point towards the Studio XPS customers as an example of if we decide that the adapters need to be replaced we will do so no matter the cost.

@ Todd, is the Studio XPS designed to handle a max load of the CPU and GPU simultaneously?


Any system will throttle back under max load of CPU and GPU to protect the system from the heat issues that running both the proc and video card would produce. 


This is what annoys me.  NO, Todd, this is completely FALSE.  A PROPERLY designed system would not do that but rather would be able to handle the TDP of CPU and GPU together since there are applications that do this.  If this is NOT the case, it should be stated right there on the front page of Studio 17.  It's NOT stated and it's NOT in any small text.  To me this means Dell is doing FALSE advertisement.  Customers have every right to feel cheated.  The system is full of some major issues from Video Playback to system freezing (apparently due to bad motherboards or insufficient 2D voltage) to Throttling to bad displays, etc...  It's NOT acceptable to hear from support that "System is NOT designed to do a, b, c, d".  If this is the case, I believe customers should be due a refund.

1.8K Posts

February 24th, 2010 12:00

Why would it be so far fetched that someone would feel cheated, I mean I agree, I feel cheated.  It seems like there is a lot of double talk and rhetoric being thrown around. If you aren't going to change the bios and the adapters because this is a multimedia system then say it. If i'm wrong then I apologize for the harsh overtones, But if a little bit of that is true then say caveat emptor

I don't believe I said that someone shouldn't feel cheated.   That wasn't my intention.   But I did say I don't agree with that feeling, not that you (or anyone else) doesn't have the right to feel that way.   But feeling something is a personal emotion and that doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way.

Again, it's a personal issue whether someone feels cheated and its not my place to say they're right or wrong.  Instead, I try to explain what I feel are all the factors involved.  

I did not say we are not going to change the adapters. 

I did not say we aren't going to change the BIOS. 

I'm not trying to sound defensive here but people are reading what I'm saying and then making their own interpretations.   And that is causing others who read their statements to misunderstand what I said.  And that is causing confusion for a lot of people.  I fully want this issue to remain open so people can discuss these issues but it's getting to be very long and there are a lot of people that don't have the time / patience to read every post.    So I want people to be clear when they discuss what they believe is happening and what is actually being said by us Dell Liaisons to help those who don't read the entire thread to get the information that they need.

66 Posts

February 24th, 2010 12:00

Add me to the list of people having problems with the eSata port. I have an external hard drive. I can add it and it is recognized. When I safely eject it and disconnect it, I cannot re-add it without a hard reboot. It is simply not recognized.

On a separate note, is it possible to set this computer to wake on LAN? I have set it up in the network drivers but it does not work. I cannot find anywhere in the BIOS settings to turn it on.

One last question for the other forum users. When I boot this computer I have turned off the Dell logo. When it boots says "1 processor with four cores found" (I'm paraphrasing but that's basically it). is this correct, does yours say that?


66 Posts

February 24th, 2010 12:00

I don't believe I said that someone shouldn't feel cheated.   That wasn't my intention.   But I did say I don't agree with that feeling, not that you (or anyone else) doesn't have the right to feel that way.   But feeling something is a personal emotion and that doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way.

Again, it's a personal issue whether someone feels cheated and its not my place to say they're right or wrong.  Instead, I try to explain what I feel are all the factors involved.  

I did not say we are not going to change the adapters. 

I did not say we aren't going to change the BIOS. 

The reason I said I feel cheated is not because of the efforts of the Dell employees on this forum or what Dell may or may not be trying to do to ameliorate the situation. I feel cheated because Dell advertised a system with certain components. In my field there is a standard that is described as "what would a reasonable person expect?". I think it is fair to say that a reasonable person would expect a computer to fully utilize all of its components to their full capabilities under any circumstances. Nowhere in any presales communication did Dell indicate that this was not the case for this particular machine.


1.8K Posts

February 24th, 2010 12:00

[quote user="DELL-Todd S"]I would point towards the Studio XPS customers as an example of if we decide that the adapters need to be replaced we will do so no matter the cost.

@ Todd, is the Studio XPS designed to handle a max load of the CPU and GPU simultaneously?


Any system will throttle back under max load of CPU and GPU to protect the system from the heat issues that running both the proc and video card would produce. 

21 Posts

February 24th, 2010 12:00

The reason I said I feel cheated is not because of the efforts of the Dell employees on this forum or what Dell may or may not be trying to do to ameliorate the situation. I feel cheated because Dell advertised a system with certain components. In my field there is a standard that is described as "what would a reasonable person expect?". I think it is fair to say that a reasonable person would expect a computer to fully utilize all of its components to their full capabilities under any circumstances. Nowhere in any presales communication did Dell indicate that this was not the case for this particular machine.

I understand and feel the same way, I said before that i am not a gamer and I still feel cheated because if I paid for something I expect it to work to it's full ability regardless of what I use it for. it shouldn't mater if it is for home use or gaming use, it should perform the way the spec say they should. Not to fit in a 90w metaphorical box. I was only quoting you because I felt like you are right and you opinion was being marginalized. I apologize if it came across that I thought you felt cheated by the employees or the solution.

66 Posts

February 24th, 2010 13:00

was only quoting you because I felt like you are right and you opinion was being marginalized. I apologize if it came across that I thought you felt cheated by the employees or the solution.

Actually I was responding to Todd, not you. No need to apologize.


15 Posts

February 24th, 2010 14:00

(post deleted by Dell: hope just because I quoted a removed post... )

Again, we all know that an investment in technology is the worst $ investment anyone could make.

Ok, that said: but what if, along with technology improving so fast day after day, we even have a company that sells products older, in the facts, than what they are advertised? we'll sure end up having a useless machine way before the time it is expected to be (actually for some problems people have here, it is already useless if not even unsafe).

The REAL "real world scenario" is this: more and more demanding (cpus&ram hungry) applications getting out every single day.

How could we (users) assess that? No, we can't really: that's why we're asking for what it was actually advertised, neither more nor less.

I appreciate so much what many of you on this forum are doing, providing fixes and useful explanations, though I expect Dell to do that.

On the other side I do appreciate what Bill and Todd are trying to do as well: it's just DELL that has to prove itself and to its customers to be up to its good reputation (at least until last notebooks came out).

Hope Dell understands this chance to do that, and hope it grabs it before it gets too late!

Bill and Todd, we bought this notebook, we didn't have it gifted by Dell, and so we shouldn't be begging for it to work as specs. Please think it like you bought this notebook as we did... what would you do? :emotion-42:

Also, many peolple don't even join this forum because of so many different reasons (don't have TIME to, don't know English,don't know about it, don't report major problems now but who knows in the near future...) so the problem sure is as big as the number of customers that bought this notebook.

Thanks for your effort

6 Posts

February 24th, 2010 15:00

I totally agree. I am not a gamer.........

Do I expect this computer to utilize all of its components to their full capabilities under any circumstances?  Yes

I have been sent a replacement 130w PSU by Dell. Yes

Do I expect Bios to be changed to allow full power to all components? Yes

As a Dell Corporate Customer for over 8 years I am expecting Dell to address these issues. Yes

8 Posts

February 24th, 2010 15:00

I do not expect to hit the limits of CPU and GPU simultaneously very frequently, but I DO expect that when/if that happens, the machine will perform 'as advertised'.

The process control instuments that we sell have maximum temperature and pressure ratings. These maximums are not, and cannot, be mutually exclusive. If they were, the specifications would be completely meaningless. A product that can only withstand the maximum pressure OR the maximum temperature rating under otherwise ideal conditions cannot be evaluated by a customer for any 'real world' application. Yet that is what Dell appears to be doing with the 1747.

In our case, it would be misleading (and potentially very dangerous) to advertise something as having BOTH a maximum temperature AND a maximum pressure if the two values are exclusive of each other. I Ihave to agree with numerous other people on this forum, that if maximum CPU anf GPU are not available simultaneously, the capabilities of the 1747 have been misrepresented.

12 Posts

February 24th, 2010 15:00

[quote user="makman"]The reason I said I feel cheated is not because of the efforts of the Dell employees on this forum or what Dell may or may not be trying to do to ameliorate the situation. I feel cheated because Dell advertised a system with certain components. In my field there is a standard that is described as "what would a reasonable person expect?". I think it is fair to say that a reasonable person would expect a computer to fully utilize all of its components to their full capabilities under any circumstances. Nowhere in any presales communication did Dell indicate that this was not the case for this particular machine.

I understand and feel the same way, I said before that i am not a gamer and I still feel cheated because if I paid for something I expect it to work to it's full ability regardless of what I use it for. it shouldn't mater if it is for home use or gaming use, it should perform the way the spec say they should. Not to fit in a 90w metaphorical box. I was only quoting you because I felt like you are right and you opinion was being marginalized. I apologize if it came across that I thought you felt cheated by the employees or the solution.


thats my feeling too...


i never owned a notebook or other pc-components that  didnt work at their speccs , and it didnt matter if i used the components only 4 internetsurfing or benchmarking or  in combination with an intel / amd or anything else .. so the notebook should work at its specs

55 Posts

February 24th, 2010 15:00

OK, received my Laptop today as scheduled, arrived in perfect condition,and she is a beauty  I blew away old OS and  I installed Windows 7 ultimate 64bit from scratch.

I ran all  the updates and  installed the needed drivers, I also installed  the A07 BIOS....Laptop has performed flawless thus far, no freezes or issues of any kind, the PS is running a bit warm in comparison to the one on my old E1505 Laptop.. there is no question its going to have to be replaced with a 130 watt or better, I will install the rest of my video editing and other  programs and run some more tests tomorrow, I am very pleased with the system thus far.......I find the 900p screen perfect for what I am doing, If I really want a 1080 screen I will hook up my 24" one at home....also purchased a 2 year complete care warranty to protect her from spills and accidents......

66 Posts

February 24th, 2010 16:00

Well I know in the US Dell does on-site support for consumers. Not sure about Canada. Looking at their sales site, they offer next business day on-site for Dell home in Canada. Did you buy that or a mail away warranty, which is another option?


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