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1 Message


November 19th, 2008 06:00

Screen resolution changes when docked

I have a Dell Precision M4300 with a resolution of 1680 x 1050. In my office I also have a docking station (replicator) with an attached Dell monitor that runs 1024 x 1280 (pivot)

I often need to bring my laptop with me to meetings in other locations. The problem is when I come back, and insert my laptop in the docking station. The resolution of my laptop screen then changes to 1024 x 1280. The resolution of my external screen changes to 1280 x 1024 (no pivot) at the same time. The annoying part is that I have to change these settings back manually, or by using the nVidia profiles (which actually takes 20 seconds for some reason).

Is there any way that I can make Windows remember my settings automatically?

In addition to this, there are some occations when I need to connect my laptop to a projector (with a resolution of 1024 x 768) when I'm in meetings. So a solution where Windows can store store, and automatically detect several different profiles would make my dreams come true :-)

I've updated my video card driver obtained from as well. The video card is an NVIDIA Quadro FX 360M, with driver version

Any solution to this is highly appreciated - even third party software solutions.



109 Posts

November 23rd, 2008 14:00

I don't know you particular video card and the software that comes with it. You should have an NVidia icon in the systray (by the clock on the right), open it. You should be able to change your settings within Nvidia. For my card, on the menu bar, there is a Profiles menu. See if you have one too to save your settings.

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