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April 22nd, 2008 12:00

Very weird keyboard/XP issue

ok, ill try and cover all what ive done so far, if you have any further questions ask and ill post the answers.


the system is relatively new, still under warranty, and is a laptop (Vostro 1000)


to understand the issue im having, first you will need to understand how korean is written on a computer, and how its different than english.


in english you type a character and then the cursor moves and you type the next character. simple enough.

in korean, you have a form of "letters" that then group together and form "syllables" and then together again to make full words.  so, while typing korean, the cursor will be a large cursor, like old DOS cursor (square box) and by hitting letters on the keyboard you "build" the syllable that you want, then after any given grammar rule or by pressing spacebar, the cursor will move on, letting you build the following syllable.(i really hope that was clear enough for you, i dont know how else to explain it) no matter how long you wait for it to advance, it wont unless you force it, or a grammar rule moves it ahead.


ok, so now that you understand how its supposed to work, here is my problem:


as you are typing the syllables, the cursor will randomly advance, not letting you finish the current syllable, and just start a new one. it was fine for the first 3 months i had it, but then started doing this.


now, first thing i have done was OSRI (reinstall XP pro), since i needed to anyway and it was convienient at the time. same thing.


next i checked the connection thinking the keyboard was faulty and sending some weird signal or character that windows cannot interperet and then windows just throwing its hands up in the air and moving onto the next syllable. oddly enough, it worked, it was typing good again for about 2 days then it came back.


now you all are thinking this is a hardware issue at this point, but hold gets better......


after it came back, i replaced the keyboard with another that is exactly the same from another laptop i have, it didnt matter, had the same typing issue. i then tried the Vostro keyboard (the one that i thought was causing this) into the other laptop, it worked perfectly.


then i was wondering if it was windows just being dumb, so i tried 3 different versions of linux on the system, and they all were able to type in korean just fine. reinstalled XP again, same thing...


so, what i have so far is

- the keyboard is not broken (worked fine in the other laptop i had to test it in) 

-the keyboard temporarly worked fine after reseating the ribbon and making sure it was secure.

-windows is not at fault(because of OSRI and because the same version, CD and product key is installed on another laptop that works perfectly)

-it works fine in linux.

-while alt-tabbing, the same thing happens while im holding the alt key, it will randomly close the alt-tab window as if im pressing some other key on the keyboard.


i think the issue is with the connection, but on the motherboard side of things, since its not related to software, and the keyboard works whats left is the motherboard...but thats not enough proof to get a replacement from dell's tech support.


i know im probably leaving out lots of info, but ask if you think of something i might have missed and ill tell you if i did it and what the results were.


anyway, any input would be appreciated and i will be here often to reply (i sit in front of a computer all day doing hardware/software support at DELL)



Tristan, DOC/XPS Support ARE

1.8K Posts

April 22nd, 2008 15:00

It may be worth it to run the dell diagnostics on the misbehaving keyboard anyways.  Maybe it will spot something and you can get a replacement keyboard that behaves better.

April 22nd, 2008 16:00

the keyboard was tested in another machine also and it worked perfectly fine, and the other systems keyboard was tested in the vostro and it had the same issues.


either way, ill test it as soon as i get home tonight and post results


1.8K Posts

April 22nd, 2008 16:00

That observation alone may be enought to convince dell to go along with you and replace the motherboard.
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