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December 18th, 2008 12:00

Vostro 1500 freeze

First of all I would like to say how dissapointed I am with DELL. The problem I am going to describe occured from day1 and still one year later it is still there. My warranty is past due now and the numerous calls and money i spent with dell support were in vain. All the advice i got form the people on the other side of the phone were reinstall your OS and they didnt even bother to send any1 to check my notebook. So i decided to give it a try a check these forums for answers.

My laptop is freezing whenever it wants to. I can hear the scratching noise from the hard disk when its opertating but at some point the disk stops and the computer freezes. I have used windows vista buisiness 32 bit only. My tech specifications are:

System memmory 2gb

Intel Core 2 duo CPU T5470 @1.6 GHz

Graphics Nvidia Geforce 8600M GT 1023 total availible graphics memmory

I have re installed windows countles times hoping that those freezes will stop but nothing has happened so far. I have run all the tests there are including those initiated just after start up. None of them say that any piece of hardware is working incorrectly. The current drivers i use are only the video drivers. I noticed that every time I install the chipset dirvers or the hard disk ones or any other the computer laggs even more and freezes a lot more. If i am browsing the internet  or watching something on my laptop freezes are not that common however when I start gaming its . I play only world of warcraft form time to time and whenever I log in my hardisk starts "scratching" like mad and 30 seconds later it stops and guess what....... a freeze and after a while its running again. And this can happen either every now and then (about every 15-30 mins) or in intervals of less than a minute. Apparently the people at the customer service centre dont believe or cant be bothered to help besides making me run all the tests they have memmorized and tell me to reinstall windows. I wonder if anyone of you has encountered this particular problem and has found solution for it. It is simply unbearable I cant use this computer for anything but browsing the internet. I cant even use with its battery because if I put it on low power mode it takes about 20 to 30 minutes to start up while freezing and unfreezing. So basically I feel like I have wasted my money on a machine that can only browse the internet and cant do anything else because if I load the system even the slightest bit it starts blocking. In my oppinion someone messed up big time when putting together my laptop.

Please any help would be highly appreciated.

Edit: I tried to remove vista and install XP sp3 but when i booted from cd rom to proceed with install the machine said hard disk not detected. I presume there is somekind of tweak that Dell makes so laptops are specified to one type of OS only. I am wiriting this because I remember reading somwhere that Vista is too heavy for 1.6GHz dual core processor and downgrading to XP might do the trick. I am desperate so would try anything.




3 Posts

April 27th, 2009 18:00

I got my new vostro 1520 system today. It took only few hours of work to relasize that it was freezing randomly. I was only browsing the internet and at some times I'd leave and come back to see the laptop not responding. In all of these intances I had to force shut down by pressing the power button for few seconds. The laptop did not always restart properly. It froze during restart while displaying the vista screen!

I'm taking no chances. I called customer service and requested to return the unit, I intend to ship it back tomorrow. I am very much dissapointed with this model.

May 19th, 2009 09:00

I have a similar problem... details here:

1 Message

May 22nd, 2009 15:00

Madcap7, I am having the same EXACT issue with my wife's brand new 1520.  Looks like they are going to have a lot of these restocked b/c I am calling today for an RMA to have it sent back also.  So dissapointing that Dell has lowered their standards so much.

3 Posts

May 27th, 2009 08:00

Exact same issue here with a Vostro 1520 running windows XP. Bios diagnostics show no issues. Ram tests show no issues. CPU runs cool. The computer just seems to freeze at random points in time. Windows doesn't have a clue anything is going wrong, it will just restart (via the power button) and boot normally. Computer is going back.

3 Posts

June 5th, 2009 18:00

Just thought I would post here that I think I've tracked this seemingly random crash to the power supply.

I can run this computer reliably on the battery without issue, but usually as soon as I plug it in and the battery starts to charge, the computer freezes. Seems like once charging runs for a little while, the system stabilizes (maybe it warms up?). And once it's done charging, the computer runs great.

Not sure if this is the cause or merely a symptom, but perhaps it will help you guys drill into the issue a little further.

June 5th, 2009 23:00

This is my experience too.

My symptoms were the same. I could run on battery or on AC with no problem at all. It was only when trying to do both that I'd have the problem. I suspect the more drained the battery, the sooner the freeze up. I was running on battery once until it was almost drained, and within 30 seconds of plugging in, it froze.

Fortunately, it is fixed now for me. After getting the CPU and memory chips replaced to no effect, the motherboard was replaced and I haven't had any problems since.

If your system is new or under any service contract, get them to replace the motherboard. Until that is done, use it on AC without the battery pack, or on battery without the AC!



July 24th, 2009 19:00

I had the very same problem with my brand new Dell Vostro 1520 that I purchased about a month ago. 

It didn't matter whether I was running battery only or AC only, or both together, it would periodically freeze up where the only way to fix it was to reboot (hold down power button). Dell replaced the motherboard first, with no success, and then sent me a new hard drive preinstalled with a different version of software and after I installed this and then reinstalled all of my apps with the new hard drive, the computer froze again. At that point, I ended up returning the Dell laptop for a refund. Dell doesn't really know what is causing this problem.  I appreciate this thread though, it gave me some leverage with Dell support.

thanks all

programmer chick

1 Message

July 27th, 2009 09:00

I have similar issues as others.  Machine works fine when fully charged, or when running on battery.  If the battery charge is not full and I plug the machine in, that's typically when it freezes.  Sometimes it runs for 5 minutes, sometimes 10 or 15.  As the battery is charging, towards the end of the charge (after Ihave it plugged in for a while), the likelyhood of it freezing diminishes.  This is a fairly new machine so it is still under warranty.  Not happy about having to send it in to get it worked on.

3 Posts

July 27th, 2009 10:00

Just as a follow up: Luckily I caught this issue on my 1520 before the end of my first 30 days and requested a replacement. That one too had the same issue. I then requested a second replacement. Same thing. At that point I had three identical 1520's, all with the exact same freezing issue. I sent them all back and got a lenovo.

5 Posts

July 28th, 2009 09:00

I am also having this problem and I am really disappointed and frustrated with Dell.

I've spoken to their support and they say it's a software problem (??!) and they are asking me to pay for a fee to investigate the software issue.

Even though Dell says "it's not hardware" (because the boot time diagnostic passes), I am convinced *it is* a hardware issue. I say this because:

- the problem happens even after resetting the software to its original factory state;
- the problem happens if you use, for example, a Linux bootable CD (which is a completely different operating system);
- the computer only freezes if there is a power cable connected. If it's running on batteries, without the power cable, it doesn't freeze.

To say that it's not a hardware problem based solely on the "hardware diagnostic" boot test is something very superficial for Dell to say. It's perfectly possible to have hardware problems that don't manifest in that diagnostic routine!

Bottom line is... they are not wanting to replace my system or give me a refund!

Now I've just spent £550 and have a computer that freezes all the time :(



1 Message

August 31st, 2009 14:00

Hi Kapriel,

I had the same problem with aVostro 1700.

Fixed the problem as follows

Start/Control-Panel/Nvidia-Control-Panel/Mobile/Change-PowerMizer : Tick DONT manage my power consumption.

My freezing magically disappeared. Spent days online with Dell, they couldnt hep.

I found the answer somewhere on the web

September 30th, 2009 13:00


I have encountered the same freezing problem that the others have described in this post, and I think I have determined the cause of the problem (scroll to the bottom of my post for a quick answer).

I ordered a set of 4 Vostro 1520 laptops, all of them with the same specs (most important of which is the 6-cell battery and the 65W adapter).

All four of them, without fail, froze with the power cord plugged in and the battery charging, usually within 15 minutes. The laptop was completely unresponsive (even to Ctrl+Alt+Del), and the only way to recover was to hold down the power button for 5 seconds. However, when they were on batteries, they were fine.

Failed attempt 1: Installing a new operating system (I tried Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7) did not solve the problem. In fact, with the AC adapter plugged in, the system froze mid-installation.

Failed attempt 2: Updating the BIOS from A02 to A03 did not solve the problem.

Failed attempt 3: Running the full Dell PSA Diagnostic did not detect any problems.

Failed attempt 4: Using a known "good AC adapter" from an older Vostro 1500 laptop did not solve the problem.

Future attempt 5: Other reports of the same problem reported using either a 6-cell or a 9-cell battery with the 65W adapter. Thus, I wonder whether the problem can be resolved by using a 3-cell battery with the 90W AC adapter. 


Around the same time, I noticed that I would only have this problem when the AC Adapter is plugged into some wall outlets, but not others. Thus, what I determined is that the problem is due to a flaky wall outlet, combined with the laptop which is of poor quality, and is not robust at all (I did not have these problems with any of the other laptops that I own)

SOLUTION: Thus, one solution would be to fix the problem behind the flaky wall outlet, or to get a good power conditioner, which should solve this problem. The other, of course, would be to return or sell your laptop, and get a laptop that is of higher quality (if you want to stick with Dell, the Latitudes might be a better option).

As for me, I am going to go with the power conditioner option, due to time constraints. When I ordered these laptops, I was thrilled that I was getting such a great deal. Had I known what was going to happen, I would have gladly paid extra for laptops of higher quality. 


6 Posts

October 3rd, 2009 21:00

I have the same problem with my vostro 1520. it's still under warranty. Do they will give me money back or they fix it when I return it?

13 Posts

November 28th, 2009 19:00

My vostro 1520 is only 8 days old.  Freezes at Random.  I'm  glad for the posts.

I am going to demand a refund.

1 Message

January 13th, 2010 20:00

Same problem here, been dealing with it for  months. Send it back a few times, they don't seem to ack the problem. Maybe I'll try to get a refund.

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