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February 25th, 2012 00:00

XPS L502X + W7 ultimate - 90W Power adapter detection issue | Quickset message: 90W AC Power Adapter has been determined.....etc.

Dear folks,

I have a lovely running Dell laptop. For which I have also the 90W AC power adapter.

And now I was wondering if it is possible to switch of messages coming from the power adapter detection functionality.

Because every time I start-up the laptop and Windows I get one message in the BIOS and one in Windows from Quickset.

Both telling that a "90 AC Power Adapter has been determined. Your system will operate slower...etc." and  every time both messages have to be confirmed, for the BIOS with F1 and in Windows by acknowledging the Quickset message. As the system otherwise doesn't continue to start-up and in Windows is the Quickset message put on top of all windows, so this has to be closed then too.

I looked already in the BIOS and Windows for options to switch off the messages but didn't find any so far one.

All hints and tips are welcome.

Best regards from Stuttgart in Germany and thanks in advance!

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

March 2nd, 2012 11:00


I am afraid to say that I don't have any direct contacts to the creators of Quickset.  Quickset is working as designed according to training documents.  I understand your desire to use the 90 watt adapter while traveling.  Please understand though that the system really wasn't designed for it.


4 Operator


11.1K Posts

February 25th, 2012 08:00

You need the 130W AC adapter.

February 25th, 2012 09:00

I have both adapters, the 130W for at home and the 90W for business trips.

Dell offered that in 2011 in the Netherlands especially for that purpose for this laptop.

The only thing is that with a 90W adapter the system will operate slower and that the battery will take more time to charge.

Which both aren't issues for me, as I use standard applications and keep the adapter connected to the laptop most of the time.

Any way thanks for your reaction.

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

February 28th, 2012 15:00


It isn't anything that I suggest trying but in the BIOS under the "advanced" tab you should see a setting "Adapter Warnings" change that to disabled if you wish to no longer receive the BIOS messages regarding the 90W adapter.


February 29th, 2012 00:00

Hi Terry

Thank very much. That works for the BIOS message.

Perhaps also a clue for the QuickSet Message generated under Windows?

Could it be that in the Windows registry under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Dell Computer Corporation\QuickSet"  
the  value "DisableBattPopUp_Primary_Caution"  has to be set to 1?
Best regards.

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

February 29th, 2012 17:00


I am sitting here in my office full of Dell desktops and not one of them have quickset installed. My one Dell notebook is Latitude and of course doesn't have quickset installed. So I am unable to verify if that editing that registry key to configure Quickset not to pop up battery warnings.

It isn't something I suggest, but I understand in your situation, you are probably more than tired of seeing the popup.  Have you tried edited the file to see if it does remove the popup messages?  Please be sure to save the registry settings before editing it just in case, or go into system restore and create a restore point.

System Restore

If you do decide to edit the registry, you may wish to consider to reverse the change it back when you return home and to the 130 watt adapter. That way if something does happen to the AC adapters you will get warning about it.


March 1st, 2012 03:00

Hi Terry,

Deinstalling QuickSet would solve of course the pop-up window under Windows. But this should be used only as final option. The program is quite relevant for some other XPS features too!:-)

I tried now to influence QuickSet via the registry. But this didn't work. Although I suspect  strongly that that would be the way to do that. Possibly is the registry key/value for this just not released by the QuickSet developers.

From QuickSet.exe information I see it is developed by Dell, or? Can you not forward this inquiry to them? Because they would be able to answer this issue straightaway.

Thank you for staying with my case.

10 Posts

June 8th, 2014 16:00

This message from Quickset is a true annoyance and it may not been at all correct. First, contrary to the message the system continues to charge without any problems under the 90W charger (perhaps it does not charge as quickly but it charges fine.)  Second, there is no detectable impact on benchmark tests (perhaps there may be an impact under heavier workloads.)

Under normal conditions it looks like the 90W charger seems to be good enough and encourages recycling of older equipment, which is quite considerate of our environment.

Any solution short of removing Quickset would be appreciated.

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