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February 19th, 2011 01:00

XPS L701X One month Machine random reboots


Since beginning of januari a nice Dell Laptop. During Use a issue has arised: random reboots.First I thought it was a heath issue (standing on wooden table too long.) now is also rebooted twice within 25 min after starting up when not used for a day.

so I checked the windows logs... almost all reboots show up with the same issue (see below).  Microsoft support is pretty vague in this issue..

Has any one advice ? or similiar experience and a solution in combination with this new laptop ?


Roderick Moolenaars



- <Event xmlns="">

- < System >
  < Provider Name =" Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power " Guid =" {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4} " />
  < EventID > 41 EventID>
  < Version > 2 Version>
  < Level > 1 Level>
  < Task > 63 Task>
  < Opcode > 0 Opcode>
  < Keywords > 0x8000000000000002 Keywords>
  < TimeCreated SystemTime =" 2011-02-19T08:39:28.942811300Z " />
  < EventRecordID > 39790 EventRecordID>
  < Correlation />
  < Execution ProcessID =" 4 " ThreadID =" 8 " />
  < Channel > System Channel>
  < Computer > moolenaars-PC Computer>
  < Security UserID =" S-1-5-18 " />
- < EventData >
  < Data Name =" BugcheckCode " > 0 Data>
  < Data Name =" BugcheckParameter1 " > 0x0 Data>
  < Data Name =" BugcheckParameter2 " > 0x0 Data>
  < Data Name =" BugcheckParameter3 " > 0x0 Data>
  < Data Name =" BugcheckParameter4 " > 0x0 Data>
  < Data Name =" SleepInProgress " > false Data>
  < Data Name =" PowerButtonTimestamp " > 0 Data>




March 3rd, 2011 09:00



case solved... I think.


after desintalling anti-vir found out that windows defender was still running.  

oeps... turned if off and reinstalled anti-vir...(also checked your lead on antivir..


currently running for a week without problems...


thanks a lot for the support and pointers...

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

March 4th, 2011 16:00

I am happy to hear that the issue has been resolved.  I am happy to help.

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

March 4th, 2011 16:00

I am happy to hear that the issue has been resolved.  I am happy to help.



4 Operator


3.5K Posts

February 22nd, 2011 14:00

Here is a link that goes over basic troubleshooting steps to help resolve issues with the system freezing.

It pretty much touches all the bases and following it should give you an idea with what is wrong if it doesn't resolve the issue right off.



February 23rd, 2011 06:00

Hai Terry,


thanks for you answer. I read the link and I know that windows, drivers etc are up to date.

Also did a hardware diagnostic and no problems showing up. 

The error code for windows points to a dead end... 


1) I know that when windows freezes and the laptop reboots i see a very faint text on the screen (a black blue screen of death).

Do you know a setting that makes the error more visible ?


2) I have core temp installed and after reboot the temp of the cpu seems on the high side. I suspect somehow that the CPU hangs up on a process and overheats..

Any pointers on this ? (besides the way to reinstall everything...)




Roderick Moolenaars

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

February 23rd, 2011 09:00

I would run fan diagnostics just to make sure that isn't part of the problem.  If you haven't specifically run the fan test, start extended diagnostics, choose custom tests and then look for fan test.  I would clean out the vents if possible with a can of compressed air to make sure that isn't causing a problem.  Even a thin layer of dust on the heat sync can cause the system to overheat.

Since the system is rebooting, I really don't think that it is a problem with it overheating.  Typically a system that overheats to the point that it shuts down won't start back up but will be "dead" for a while until the temperature on the system cools down enough for it is safe for the processor to start up again.  Since there was no problem with diagnostics then that reinforces that it isn't a hardware problem.

You are seeing a blue screen and I think we need to investigate that further.  Try this to keep the system from rebooting so that you have time to read the blue screen.

* Click Start

* Right click My Computer

* Left click Properties

* Left click advanced system settings

* Left click Settings under Startup and Recovery

* Remove the check from Automatically Restart

* Make sure that "write an event to the system log" is checked

* Click OK- OK

Next time the system has the problem; instead of rebooting it will just give the blue screen error.  We also set it up that the system will write minidump files so we can investigate the error further.

Once you have the stop code from the blue screen error, often you can simply Google it to find out what is wrong.  

If you want to get more in detail on the blue screen you can download a debugger.  The following link gives instructions on taking the minidump file and debugging it.  It is a little advanced but very powerful.  It can find the program or driver that is causing the errors and give a smoking bullet that can point out if a specific piece of hardware is causing the problem.

February 24th, 2011 08:00

Hai Terry,


Run pre-boot diagnostics extended versions... 


no problems in the hardware... then looked up the events in the windows logs.


found out that when the avipbb.sys version is loaded the systems goes "critical" and restarts (without pausing).


did some searching on the internet and a thread shows up to anit-vir software.. (and I am using that one).


So that would lead to to the conclusion about running multiple Anti virus sofware...


problem is that when I check windows security the windows defender doesn't show up (turned it of when installing Anti- Vir software.,


does this point to a known issue of "silver bullet" solution




Roderick Moolenaars

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

February 24th, 2011 15:00

Hi Roderick

So I researched avipbb.sys had quite a few hits in Google.  Most of the articles point to the Avira antivirus software.  If you have that version of an anti virus installed then you may wish to contact the vendor of the software and see if they can offer any help, perhaps a patch.  Or you can uninstall the software from add remove program and do a search for the file and make sure that it has been deleted from the system. 

It is important that you don't have more than one antivirus,  they often conflict with each other and can seriously impact system performance.  If you are sure that there is only one AV installed on the system run it and do a full check on the system if you haven't already done so.

If you have not installed anything like that, think back to when this started happening and check to see if anything was specifically installed on the system just prior to the problem.  It could be a program, an update anything like that.  If you haven't tried you can try system restore. Return the system to a past saved Windows registry that doesn't have a record of the software installed.  Even though the files will still be loaded on the system, Windows wont have any history of it and nothing will try to access the files.

The following link will have more on system restore

So the bullet is smoking a little, but we may need to do a bit more investigating.  Please let me know what you find  out.



March 2nd, 2011 10:00



Delle helped me by doing a hardware check with showed that it was not a hardware problem.

Then they helped me by suggesting checking out the logs there i found out that everytime before the

system rebooted the avipbb.sys driver from anti-vir was loaded...


so reinstalled anti-vir (no response from anti-vir from my question) and turned windows defender off (checked it out and found out i was't turned off)


since then no reboots..


hope this helps




3 Posts

March 2nd, 2011 10:00

Well I have the same problems with my DELL XPS L701X

I installed Windows 7 Professional 64bit and all the drivers from the Dell Site two days ago.

Since then I just installed MS Security Essentials, Dropbox, Pidgin, Chrome and Steam+some games.


This is the Error Message of the critical error:

Protokollname: System

Quelle:        Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power

Datum:         02.03.2011 18:38:28

Ereignis-ID:   41


Ebene:         Kritisch


Benutzer:      SYSTEM

Computer:      XPS17


Das System wurde neu gestartet, ohne dass es zuvor ordnungsgemäß heruntergefahren wurde. Dieser Fehler kann auftreten, wenn das System nicht mehr reagiert hat oder abgestürzt ist oder die Stromzufuhr unerwartet unterbrochen wurde.





























Any help would be very nice.

3 Posts

March 2nd, 2011 10:00

Thank you,

which AntiVirus do you use? Avira AntiVir?

I don't use this, so I think this should not be the reason :/


Check out the logs mean Debugging the minidump or what?

March 2nd, 2011 12:00



I use avira antivir. And the driver is a avira antivir driver. In their forums there were similar issues with the same file.

I didn't use the minidump but checked the systemlogs (in the help function if you type system logs you are directed to them.. and how to open.


hope this helps.




3 Posts

March 9th, 2011 11:00

I reinstalled the MS Security Essentials and disable Windows Defender.

Since then no Blue Screen, I hope the best.



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