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This post is more than 5 years old


March 23rd, 2009 16:00

XPS M1330 Battery Dead after less than 13 Months.

Hi folks,

Appologies if this has already been asked elsewhere.

I thought I would seek your advice on batteries for the M1330. 

A quick history of my problem first:

3 days before my laptop warranty was due to run out my motherboard and graphics chipset had to be replaced due to the NVidia problem that is widely recognised.  However since getting this done, the 6 cell battery that came with the laptop will not charge.  Leaving the laptop plugged in overnight manages to getthe battery to only 21-22%, which it will then stay on indefinetly.  I have checked the charger and it appears to be working fine.  In short the battery is dead.

I have tried contacting Dell support who after 40mins on the phone loading new BIOS's and other pointless excersises they blankly told me I was out of warranty and therefore had to fork out £107 for a new 6 cell battery.  I tried to escalate the problem and asked Dell to meet the cost.  They blankly refused and told me I was out of my 15 day grace period and therefore would gladly sell me a new one for £107 before wishing me a good day.

I am incredibly frustrated that the battery pack supplied with the laptop has died after only 13months.  Moreover the fact that this is the second problem to occur with the laptop in approximately a year leaves me with little confidence in the product as a whole. 

Can anybody advise me if there are any further avenues I can look at as I will simply not pay Dell a further 1/4 of the cost of the laptop for a part that is intregal to the usability of he laptop?  Is this a well known problem or am i simply unlucky?  I know batteries onlycome with a 12 month guarentee but really, ..........12 months........thats appalling...

Really disappointed and disillusioned with Dell at the moment. 






6 Posts

March 23rd, 2009 16:00

Hey thanks for the reply.

I got the system through the Dell Outlet and paid a fraction of the original cost. Original cost near £1200, cost through outlet around £500+VAT.

Anyway, not really important.

The problem wasnt immediately apparent, I say it happened after the board was replaced, but the system is normally plugged in as its used for rendering/ 3D work, so it only became apparent that it had happened when the laptop was working on battery power.  I ran a few tests on it over a week and during this time the warranty expired. 

I seriously hope its just the battery.  If its the motherboard its really not financially viable to replace it.  The cost of the component plus the cost to have it replaced/fixed and the uncertainty that this will fix the problem would lead me to abandon the whole thing.  Its incredibly frustrating to say the least. 

The 3 year warranty effectivly added £200+ to the cost of the laptop which again made it too expensive at the time.  I was under the false impression that Dell laptops are madewith sufficient quality NOT to break twice in 13months.

Thanks again for the reply.





9 Legend


87.5K Posts

March 23rd, 2009 16:00

If you're lucky - it's just the battery. It may not be - it may be the mainboard.  You can call back and see if they'll replace the mainboard again, but the answer will likely be no - and it wasn't a wise idea to let the warranty expire when you knew the problem with the charging still existed. 

If they won't cover the board again - they will not cover the battery -- then the cheapest option is to try a new battery first (they run about $150 US , nowhere near a quarter of the cost of the system).  Next cheapest would be to see if they'll allow you to buy a warranty extension.  If not, and the battery option doesn't work, you're in for $400-500 for a mainboard.  The other option of course is to replace the system with a new one - if you choose that I'd VERY STRONGLY suggest you buy a minimum of a 3-year warranty next time.


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

March 23rd, 2009 16:00

About 1/4 of all notebook computers have a major component failure in the first three years - they're all made by a half-dozen of so contractors, so they're all the same, regardless of brand on the outside.  Given the cost of major repairs, the 3-year warranty is good protection.


6 Posts

March 23rd, 2009 17:00

My point was that when you pay £500+ for an item it should not be unrealistic to expect it to last more than 12 months before it is rendered useless.  Had i paid the original price £1200 (or approx $1600-1800) this feeling would have been greater amplified.  I agree that 3 year warrantys are a good idea but the cost of them is too not reflective of the cost of the system.  It is a set cost no matter what, fine if your spending 1500+, not if like me you are on a tighter budget.  You simply have to place your trust in a Brand.  In this case my trust has been lost.

I will try a repalcement battery and hope this is the last of my problems for now.  I have already asked them to check the connections and the motherboard but they deny all knowledge of the related probelm and deny flatly its their fault.  I have read numerous posts about similar probelms from m1330 owners all having the same history of replacement parts then probelms shortly after, all linked to the connection to the motherboard.  However they say this would mean the battery would not accept any charge whatsoever.   They refuse to accpt any responcibility or offer a solution other than spending more money on their products, which appear to be massivly overinflatted against genuine Dell parts available on the Web.  

I am not prepared to chase the problem, blindly spending money, whilst Dell wash their hands of the problem.






4 Operator


5.2K Posts

March 23rd, 2009 21:00

Before you spend any money, see if there is another Dell that uses this battery and check your battery in it. If it isn't the battery, Dell may have installed a faulty system board, and you may be able to get a re-repair.

1 Attachment

6 Posts

March 25th, 2009 11:00

Tried doing as you suggested and the following occurred.

Tried an alternative battery in my machine - would not charge. I.E problem is not with my battery.

Tried my charger on an alternative m1330. Charged the battery normally.  Charger works fine.

So the common fault here is my machine....I suspect i have a dud motherboard.

Or the solder connection is weakened.

Either way its not something I should be paying for.



9 Legend


87.5K Posts

March 25th, 2009 11:00

Call Dell - the replacement board should have a 90-day warranty on it.  If you're within that, ask for a replacement. 

If you're outside that window, the warranty extension covers only video failures - you'll be buying a board yourself.


4 Posts

March 31st, 2009 04:00

Before opening up the laptop, trying flashing the BIOS back to the state it was maybe 6months ago. i just did that for my M1530 this morning & its now charging again. I flashed back fro A12 to A09 & battery now charging

6 Posts

April 3rd, 2009 12:00


After 10+ phone calls, over 4 hours on the phone, countless idiots telling me untruths finally I have found the solution.

As I suspected from the start, the probelm has been with the motherboard replacement that happened a month ago.

Despite telling Dell this at the start they woudl have had me buy a replacement battery and then charger (over £200 in total) before they would have eventually worked out the true problem.  I was resolute with them that the problem lay with them and their motherboard, but they would not accept this as it was the one piece of equipment that was still under warranty and would therefore be at their cost.

Only by borrowing a battery and charger from a friend of the same model, and giving Dell product numbers, full reports, (multiple times) would they eventuallu accept fault.  I say eventually because despite telling them I had tried my battery and charger on another machine, (product nos supplied), which worked fine, they still came back 24hours later with the opinion I should buy a new joke...

After that they said they would call back with a time to replace it.......yup you guessed it, nothing......the engineer turned up at my office unannounced this morning, somewhat unsuprised at Dells lack of communication.

Anyway to cut this story short.  If you have had your motherboard replaced recently for the graphics fault and the battery whcih was previously working fine dies overnight, it is probably not your charger or battery at fault, but the soldered connection to the motherboard.  It is a widely known problem directly related to the motherboard replacement programme, but one denied by Dell.  Look up in google or even this forum and the same probelm will have been wrtten about cuntless times.  Unfortuately all to often people resort to flashing the BIOS (potetially very dangerous) or buying additional and unnessesary kit.

Thanks to you all fo your comments thus far.

Anyway, im now off to use my laptop the way they should be, NOT PLUGGED IN!


54 Posts

October 15th, 2010 00:00

You should feel lucky that it is not your mainboard and just the M1330 battery.


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