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June 19th, 2009 03:00

XPS m1530---Plugged In Not Charging

I am having what I have learned is a very common problem that apparently Dell is aware of.  I get the message that the power adapter is plugged in but not charging. I ran a diagnostic test and got this message. "ERROR CODE 3600:0749 AC_ADAPTER- Invalid AC Adpater detected". The adapter is the one that came with the computer. I am using it now to power the pc. This computer is not even a year old yet and I have already had to replace the motherboard.  I found so far that noone is sure what the problem or solution is to this. So, I am wondering if the adapter is the problem. I have seen on the internet that others hadtried buying new adapters and that didn't fix the problem. So I am wondering do I get a new adapter. I have already purchased a new  battery to see if that was the issue and it was not. I downloaded an updated BIOS and that was no help. I am still under warranty so what do you think. I hope that this is the last thing that goes wrong with my computer. It is an  Xps m1530. I read that Dell had a major recall a couple of years ago that was related to batteries. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

10 Posts

August 3rd, 2009 15:00

i have a xps m1730 and guess what ! it does not charge i must be one of the unlucky ones who's own fault is was for bying a dell laptop, as for those who say its not a common problem, rubbish. BY dell not admitting the problem and finding a solution it will only serve to damage a once good reputation, my machine is 4 months old on its second mother board second power adapter and with dell due to change both again tommorow (provided they turn up, as the have not for the past three appointments) may be they will sort it, but it doubt it will last long. i recommend the extended warrantee if you would like to use your laptop after 12 months, other than that if you want piece of mind buy a different make. i have 24 hr business support after not turning up for three working days and hours on the phone i was told it was my fault as they ordered the parts at night time!! if it is fixed tommorrow i have to wonder for how long?. i have also had dell supprot upgrade the bios, no difference. i remember when a car manufacturer denied there was a problem with their cars  rusting (Lancia) and eventually they were recalled but too late, this killed their reputation and sales, are dell trying to do the same?. All good responsible manufacturers proove their worth through good  after care this why people return to buy again. We all realise problems can happen, but it what you do about it that counts. Time will tell.

regards mike (owner of a very  expensive none mobile laptop)

10 Posts

August 3rd, 2009 16:00

one more point where do dell get off with replacing parts with second hand spares? lets see 4 month old lap top with second hand (reconditioned) mother board and power adapter for sale age unknown , sounds good doesnt it , lets try Mercendes sports car 4 months old prone to breaking down recently fitted with an old engine but i think its good came out of an older car but how old and how much use i dont know, guaranteed if it breaks down i will supply any old parts required within the first twelve months and after that tough, Yep i can feel the rush of buyers coming now. GET THE POINT MR DELL?


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

August 3rd, 2009 16:00

ALL computer vendors use refurbished parts for replacements.  Almost all car manufacturers do as well - I have a colleague with an 18-month old VW that needed a replacement transmission - guess what:  the replacement part was "rebuilt".

If a carmaker can do it on a $45,000 SUV, then why can't a PC maker do the same on a $1,500 notebook?


10 Posts

August 3rd, 2009 17:00

i beg to differ i bet they did not rebuild his transmission with secondhand parts! but  you show by your reply what i meant by not admiting a problem!

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

August 3rd, 2009 17:00

Sorry, but you're reading what you want to read, not what I wrote - VW replaced a faulty transmission with a USED, REBUILT one.  It was not brand new - just as your car's warranty statement gives its manufacturer the right to use rebuilt or refurbished parts in warranty replacement, so too does your Dell warranty statement - and the warranty statement of Toshiba, Sony, HP/Compaq, Acer/Gateway/eMachines, Lenovo, Alienware, and every other computer manufacturer's statement  -- for that matter, read the warranty statement for your washing machine, lawn mower, or any other appliance you own.  Same thing.

It's standard practice to use rebuilt or refurbished replacement parts when the original fails under warranty.

It's only a "problem" if you didn't read the statement before you purchased the product.


10 Posts

August 3rd, 2009 18:00

I think you are finding it hard to understand so lets put it simply .. if a chip is found to be faulty on a mother board would you replace it with a second hand chip? a refurbished unit does not mean a secondhand part, it means a reconditioned unit repaired with new parts to bring it upto the same standard as a new part/unit, as with most eletrical parts they have an expected life span, how can this be accertained?  

a product has to be fit for the purpose that it was designed as  for a lap top which it not mobile is simply not fit for the purpose of its intended use.

The problem is not with what was read or expected but with the faulty product supplied. no fault no problem! I suggest that the problem in hand should be addressed which was why not recall a faulty batch of computers and show the customers that Dell does care? time would be better spend finding a resolution to the problem rather than trying to explain that there isnt one. would that not be better, saves me time moaning and you time trying to think of away to avoid an issue!

Were are all of the refurbished parts coming from i wonder? a lot of dead Dells about dont you think!

In car terms, it is common for problems to be found, then a recall/repair notice is served, then the problem is solved then there is no problem, simple, shame Mr Dell dont think this is a good business practice. 


lets see if i can still login tommorow mmmmmm

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

August 3rd, 2009 19:00

In the car business, recalls serve the same purpose they do in the computer business - they're done for safety problems. 

Some systems, like some cars, are covered by service campaigns.  Subaru replaced an alternator in my car not because of safety, but because of an abnormal failure rate.  Dell did the same for some screens a few years back that failed, and now for nVidia-based video on some systems which fail at abnormally high rates.  Other problems don't warrant service campaigns either because they're not widespread enough or because the manufacturer doesn't care (Chrysler produced a faulty 4-speed automatic transmission for about 20 years that they never had a service campaign for, for instance).  So, it varies by product or by manufacturer.

Refurbished does NOT mean the part is used - or even refurbished.  Hard drives are replaced with brand-new ones, marked refurbished because Dell buys them in bulk and opens the package - so they have to be labeled refurbished.  Other parts are pulled from systems returned for various reasons - or are for older systems with custom parts no longer made (such as nVidia video cards for older systems).

Your agenda is to publicize your misery at the expense of the facts. Stop doing that, and stop expecting a "recall" where no safety problem exists, cooperate with the technicians and you might just see your problem resolved.

10 Posts

August 4th, 2009 01:00

FACT My agenda is hopefully to find a solution to a common problem,

FACT two mother boards two power packs in one machine only 4 months old,

FACT replaced parts were NOT NEW were  FAULTY other wise it would have worked! simple logic

FACT DELL tecnictions not turing up for three booked apointments

FACT used parts have a shorter life expectancy

FACT  there are a lot of poeple on the internet experiencing the same problem

FACT it is damaging Dells reputation

FACT cooperating with technicians who do not turn up is very difficult

FACT if i wanted to publish my misery then i would post comments about mt experience with dell in as many places as possible, but i havent.

FACT would i buy dell again .........what do you think?

 As you said "cooperate with the technicians and you might just see your problem resolved" sounds like a good advertisment for Dell maybe it should be posted on the front of the warranty .along with a section explaining that your warranty is covered by  " parts are pulled from systems returned for various reasons - or are for older systems with custom parts no longer made (such as nVidia video cards for older systems)." .

if your aim is to save dell by trying to justify what other do wrong Stop Doing That, and Stop expecting  to hide the facts by going around issues.

August 4th, 2009 07:00

EJN63 pl. stop doing the advetiement/PR for Dell !!!!!!

We all are looking for a solution and not the stories, the things you are talking about never helped us( I can see lot of people other than me). I ended up paying more than $400 to extend my warranty to get the solution, but the story remains same. Dell don't care about us... this is a fact and that is why we all are suffering. Dell has the money! what else it needs now? But its managers never think about future.... WE WILL NOT BUY DELL ANYMORE AND WILL NOT LET ANYONE KNOWN TO US TO BUY A DELL.  It is not coz the Dell products are bad, but due to the fact their customer service is worse. they don't care at all.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

August 4th, 2009 07:00

The problem is that in many cases, users ask for things that are beyond what is possible, and/or that conflict with what the terms of the warranty states.  If you don't want to buy from Dell again, fine - that's your choice.  But note that it's your reputation at stake with your friends when you recommend what they buy, and that that recommendation is colored by your experience.  Fact is, Dell isn't the worst out there - and if you recommend a vendor (such as HP) that is widely known to be far worse, you could easily sway someone into making a poorer choice.  That's not fair, and it needs to be pointed out.


August 4th, 2009 07:00

My laptop is just 14 month old, the problem started first time after 1 month of purchase, then arrived again after few months and my bad luck it arrived again for the third time just when the warranty was over by 12 days. I extended the warranty on your suggestion by paying $400+ and still lost..........

We just want simple problem fixed that is very common to Dell and we are being told one or the other stories.

When we will buy some other brand and it does not work normally, we will tell about that experience to everyone I could do. This time it is DELL!!!

10 Posts

August 4th, 2009 08:00

Alienware has the same policy because the are owned by DELL,

Update on my xps m1730

engineer called today to finaly sort out the problem

FACT: replaced mother board with (OLD , SECONDHAND,REFURBISHED, WHATEVER  PART)  still dont work!

FACT: replaced or tried to replace adapter but suprise suprise the new (OLD , SECONDHAND,REFURBISHED, WHATEVER  PART) did not even light up out of the box

another example of if the parts where new and not (OLD , SECONDHAND,REFURBISHED, WHATEVER ) the engineer and myself would not have wasted our time

 FACT: 4 months old 3 mother boards and three adapters later and still dont work 

now tell me a funny story about how much better Dell is than some other manufacturer but don't for goodness sake tell me a resolution to the problem!!


5 Posts

August 4th, 2009 21:00

I don't think anyone is trying to "publicize" their misery at the expense of facts. FACT: many of us had to replace major components on NEW computers. FACT: many of us have had charging issues. FACT: many of us have been unhappy with the repeated replacemnents of parts that only turn around and fail again.

A few years ago I purchased an HP desktop, not expensive. But had  areal problem at 6 months. I called a few times, even sent it in to be "fixed." Finally, upset by the run around I called the main office and asked NOT to be transferred overseas. A VP called me back, and replaced the computer with an upgrade. (After seeing if it could be repaired again.) I will probably but my next laptop from someone other than DELL. Just not happy with their service or the care they put into their product.

When they charge you $49 to call them on a 13 month old computer..on;ly to say call the Geek Squad at Best Buy (which ended up costing over $300 to recover my graduate school files and replace the hard drive.) I don't think they really care if we are happy with their product or not.


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

August 5th, 2009 04:00

The comparison isn't valid.  A few years ago, Dell offered unlimited support and was more flexible with repairs post-warranty, just as you found with HP.  Prices have dropped significantly since then - and just as now, when you buy an airline ticket, you pay extra for checked baggage with most airlines, so too do you pay extra for post-warranty support with every major PC vendor post-warranty.

Try that with HP now, and see where you get - exactly where Dell would send you.  You're playing up a past experience that no longer means anything;  that's not a reasonable comparison.

As for the $300 to recover your files - well, if you are negligent in backing up your data, you'll pay with ANY computer system -- NO computer vendor covers file recovery when it's the user's fault in not backing up that causes the need for the recovery.

It's fine if you simply want to say you'll not buy a Dell again based on your experience. It's NOT fine to then aggrandize another vendor from a years-ago experience.  Compare HP and Dell NOW - their policies are identical, and if anything, HP support is several notches worse than what you get from Dell.

As I've said before, Dell is not the best in service and support out there - but they're by no means the worst.  You CAN do better - and you CAN do worse. 


10 Posts

August 5th, 2009 11:00

we can all compare other sinarios with other businesses bit this last example  is useless waffle at least have some relevence to the subject , for example i once heard of a man whos laptop only a few hours old overheated  and started to melt the laptop was replaced....... i once bought an icecream after only 10 minutes in the sun it melted!  the man would not even entertain giving me a replacement! so why did the man with the laptop get his replaced? its just not fair.... same as airline baggage charges.

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