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This post is more than 5 years old


December 17th, 2014 16:00

power adaptor cord /battery not charging all the time.

Referbished batt/ power adaptor cord /battery not charging all the time.  little batt light stays on a couple minutes, then goes off.  Now it seemd to stay on.. no, wait.. it went off.

At one point the Power Icon read: "49 min. left on batt. charge. battery not charging." but the power adaptor was plugged in.

This is on a new (referbirshed ) computer.

I call Fred, F.R. E.D (Freaking Rebuilt Electronic Device)

Computer Shut down by it self.

Dell Referbished E6410 laptop. (2010 model)

Intel Core i-5 CPU. 4.00 GB Ram.

64 Bit O/S. Windows 7

7 Technologist


7.1K Posts

December 17th, 2014 22:00

Hi Computer-Geek,

I would suggest you to flashing the BIOS on the system. Please enter your service tag # on the link below, select the operating system, and then download the BIOS from the BIOS section onto the system and install it.

Also, we will have to check the status of the adapter in BIOS; if the adapter is not detected properly the system will continue to receive power but will not charge the battery. Please follow the steps mentioned below to check if the adapter is detected properly.

  1. Start the computer by pressing the power button
  2. Press the F2 key 2-3 times
  3. you will now be on the BIOS screen
  4. Under the Main Tab look for the option that says AC Adapter Type
  5. If the Adapter Type says Unknown or None with the adapter plugged in.
  6. Reconnect the adapter to the machine and if the status now shows as Unknown then the AC Adapter needs to be replaced.

December 19th, 2014 14:00

Thanks, I'll try that solution.


January 4th, 2015 07:00

Hello Dell - Ravi,

I tryed to update the BIOS on two seperate occations, the system had the BIOS version A6, and I tryed to

update it to A16, ( which was appearenly the latest BIOS ) but got a message that said that " I couldn't"  so then I tryed to update it to A10, that failed too.

I tryed to update the driver for the "Chipset"  that appearenly failed too.

I checked the BIOS Settings as you suggested, and checked the power adaptor, and really only saw two settings " Defualt, and soem other setting" which I dont recall now.

How Else can I fix this issue?  I did see that the power charging light was staying on more often, and

it said the battery was charged up to 43% at one point.




January 10th, 2015 06:00

"  I would suggest you to flashing the BIOS on the system"  was sugessed, However, I was'nt able to update the BIOS.

any suggestions on what to try to Update the BIOS, or why that wouldn't update?  Or should I just go ahead and purchase a new adaptor.  THe adaptor that came with the Computer looked like a non-dell Clone.

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