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This post is more than 5 years old



January 30th, 2005 08:00

why don't pictures show up? All I get are red "x" thingys.

I tell ya, it's taking all I have not to take this laptop up to the local range and place it at the 700 yard marker and zeroing in with a .308 hollow point. Is there a computer in the world that I can just turn on and it will work? No adware, no red x instead of pictures (it worked fine a minute ago). If anyone wants pictures of the 700 yard laptop target, gimme a week or so.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

January 30th, 2005 09:00

Windows updated with all critical patches?
Antivirus and firewall software up to date and running?
Have you scanned for spyware?
Tried a better browser than IE?

January 30th, 2005 18:00

Yes, yes, yes, and no. I use a cable modem and have AOL for the chickadees and IE for me. But I like the sound of a different browser. I clear the cache before and after each use. Window washer, all that stuff. Whaddaya recommend? Netscape?

55 Posts

January 30th, 2005 19:00

it doesn't sound like a browser problem.  there is NO site where you get any images?  Or is it just certain sites?  In your IE settings, did someone accidentally diable "images"???


if something is somehow corrupted in IE (which I doubt or else it would open) then reinstall it.


Lastly, if you go to your preferences in IE you will see that an aplication might be used to open images.  See if one is selected and what it is.  I know that rendering HMTL images is imbedded in IE, but you may want to make sure.  You get text and frames and a lot of stuff right??  Just not images?  On the "x's" right click one and tell us what the url is??  I am curious what the extension is.

January 30th, 2005 19:00

Because of some spyware that got through Norton and Spyseeper, and I couldn't get rid of it, I downloaded Spybot and did a system restore. The website that didn't load was That was the worst one. Now, everything is working fine. The browser is okay!

610 Posts

January 30th, 2005 23:00

BTW, if you want to try a new browser, Netscape 7.1 is good. Firefox is way better and I think faster. It does not have built in email or news clients though. Fun to try anyway. I was impressed. I've used Netscape for years though, including the built in email and news clients, so I'm sticking with it for now.

February 11th, 2005 11:00

WOW...that Firefox is exactly what I've been looking for. Thanks for the head's up!
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