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This post is more than 5 years old


February 21st, 2017 02:00

Dell Precision 5520 with Xeon support ECC RAM?

I heard somewhere that the Xeon version of the new Precision 5520 is going to support ECC. 

Is this correct?

Does the hardware already support ECC ??


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

February 21st, 2017 04:00

The fact that the manual is silent on that, and that there are no ECC options in the configurator strongly suggests that ECC is not an option in that model -- at least not at this point.

5 Posts

February 21st, 2017 06:00

My understanding is that in terms of hardware, the ECC compatibility is determined by the bus between the RAM and the Xeon. If that is already there, perhaps a BIOS upgrade in future could enable ECC support??

Can we please get an answer from Dell??

March 24th, 2017 18:00

Just tested with 16GB and 16GB*2 ECC, flashing light and no luck. Though it's interesting to note that ECC can work with non-ECC and just be used as regular RAM.

Explanation wise, not sure why it's not supported. AIDA64 says northbridge supports ECC but not ECC scrubbing. Anyway, this would be the second genius engineering feature of this laptop, right behind the thunderbolt 3 port with only 2 PCIe lanes connected. Great job Dell!

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