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2 Posts


February 18th, 2020 05:00

Dell Latitude E6330 replacement keyboard not working.

Hi all,

I've recently replaced the keyboard on my son's E6330 laptop (there was a number of damaged keys that couldn't be fixed).  That keyboards was working fine btw, just the damaged keys (brackets on the actual board underneath the keys were broken).

I replaced it carefully (the new keyboard didn't come with it's own ribbon cable so I've had to use the old one) but as soon as I tried to type there was no response whatsoever.  I switched back to the old keyboard but this too wasn't working now! Checked the positioning of the ribbon and tried a few more times to little avail. The new keyboard (fully tested it's claimed) is (if I recall) a Dutch version (aside from a couple of markings on the keys it's an exact match.

The next morning however, the old keyboard was once again working. I then quickly tried the new keyboard but unfortunatley no reposnse again...same with the old one back and forth.

I then tried solutions I've found online (uninstalling drivers then reinstalling - via online or via the internal system - many times).  Changed (and I've forgotten the exact solution) the 3 to a 1 via one suggested method. I can find out what that was if this is required info.

Aside from that I'm pulling my teeth out here!  I'm convinced it's a s/w issue. I've continuity checked the ribbon cable several times and each ten of the points has continuity.

Any suggestions would be greatly recieved.

Many thanks.

272 Posts

February 18th, 2020 06:00

Sounds like you need to take your system to a Dell service center and see get the problem resolved.

You have tried removing and installing the drivers. I would have tried the same thing.

2 Posts

February 18th, 2020 08:00

Yes - drivers checked etc.

Also ran the SupportAssist from Dell (failed the harware scan on the keyboard).

Even though the continuity was there on the ribbon cable I still half suspect that might be the issue (it looks a little bedraggled),

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