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July 27th, 2005 13:00

2005fpw Adjustable Stand Not Working


I just got a 2005fpw, but I'm having a problem with the vertical adjustable stand.

Essentially, the locking mechanism doesn't seem to be functioning properly. When I have the stand all the way in the down position, it is locked, but I can't simply press in the locking release button on the back to release it. The only way to be able to press it in is if I hold the top of the stand down (so it is pressing further down), at which point the button can be pressed. However, when I do this, and "unlock" it, the stand automatically goes up to the full height. I can't actually adjust it to any other point (so, essentially, I can only use it in the full down position, or the full up position, but nothing in between). It seems like it is not working correctly.

Any ideas? Or should I just return it?

July 27th, 2005 13:00

That sounds normal to me. I have to push down on it slightly to push the release button, I believe they may have designed it that way to prevent the screen from just popping up when you push the button. I agree though that the spring/hydraulics/etc or whatever they use in there is a bit strong, eventually it will get a little softer though. I can usually make it rest about halfway up as long as you move it slowly.

96 Posts

July 27th, 2005 13:00

You'll find it should change with a bit of playing around. Start working it up and down for a while, but do it gently, don't let it spring up on its own. I've got a 1905FP and initially I had the same problem, but now I can set it anywhere in between. In fact, I can no longer lock it into its upper position...the mechanism for the uppermost height doesn't kick in for some reason.

96 Posts

July 27th, 2005 14:00

Nothing stupid about it...I thought the same thing when I got mine, just that I didn't remember it straight away. That's why I took my screen off to check. cause I had a slight recollection of the "problem". :-) It would help if there was more informnation in the documentation about these sorts of things. Glad it solved your issue.

8 Posts

July 27th, 2005 14:00

OK, I can understand that. The problem I'm experiencing is that no matter how slowly I go or what I try, the hydraulics do not seem to be working properly. I can't get it in any mode where it stays at a certain position in between the maximum height and the lowest height. When I "unlock" it, the hydraulics push it all the way up.

Thanks Steve. I'm not quite sure, but I've been trying to move it up and down gently, but I don't see anything happening that would indicate it is going to lock properly in another position. The locking release button is completely loose in anything other than the down "locked" position, and when I just move it up and down, the only thing keeping it in a certain position is whatever pressure I put on it. It just springs up otherwise. I'm glad to try and keep working it, but I'm not seeing what it would do to change what is going on with it now.

96 Posts

July 27th, 2005 14:00

Just done some testing on mine. You say you just got your screen... would you happen to be trying out the stand without the monitor attached? Reason I ask, is that when I remove my screen from the stand, the spring causes the stand to shoot up on its own. The weight of the attached screen is what keeps my stand from doing this and allows me to make the variable height adjustments. Without the screen attached, it springs up all the way.

96 Posts

July 27th, 2005 14:00

That's a real worry. Maybe they should read the forums and learn something!

July 27th, 2005 14:00

glad to hear its all better! I always prefer it when a problem is one caused by a brainfart rather then one that requires product replacement =P

8 Posts

July 27th, 2005 14:00

Hrmm, duh....:) That might be it. I was actually testing it out here, and noticed the problem when using the stand by itself. I'll take the screen out of the box and try it out and post my results.

If that is it, I feel kind of stupid...:) Glad I didn't try and get Dell to replace it over that...:)

8 Posts

July 27th, 2005 14:00

OK, I am, in fact, an idiot....:) Put the screen on, and the hydraulics work perfectly.

Thanks, and sorry for wasting everyone's time...:)

July 27th, 2005 14:00

Tech support is usually completely daft when it comes to any kind of actual problem. IMO, the only thing they are generally good for are connecting you to customer care to get a replacement.

8 Posts

July 27th, 2005 14:00

Yeah, I feel the same way. I am just glad it was "user error", and not anything wrong with the product itself.

And I have to say, thank you for the quick responses. I had actually called the Dell tech support as well, but they didn't really know what the problem might be, and actually were just going to have me get Dell to send me a replacement.
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