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This post is more than 5 years old


December 14th, 2013 08:00

UP3214Q/UP2414Q - 1/2 screen issue and/or No picture after powering off, then on

I got some more problems with the UP3214Q: Every couple of computer starts, once I get the login screen displayed, only half the screen shows a picture (the right hand side), with the left half being black. After login, I get the full picture. Prior to the login screen, I also have full screen picture (BIOS screen, Windows loading screen). The second issue is even more annoying: If I power off the device while my PC is still running, then power it back on, I will never get a picture again. No amount of hitting random keys and klicking about (I can hear windows and moan in the background If I manage to blindly hit the wrong option) will get back any picture. Neither will switching to another input then back, nor will unplugging the displayport cable from the machine, or putting the machine to sleep and returning it back from sleep. The only way to get the picture back is to shut down the shut down the machine completely, then boot it up again. Is this supposed to happen or is something wrong with my display?

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

April 9th, 2014 09:00

The current issues you are experiencing are a Nvidia driver compatibility issue with the monitor. Dell has been working closely with Nvidia graphics team to address this issue with a driver fix. This fix, as confirmed by Nvidia, is undergoing final checks and will be available for customer download in the very near future. In the meantime, customers with Nvidia graphics driver version 331.xx or later should downgrade their Nvidia driver to an earlier version, 327.xx which has been tested for compatibility with Dell’s Ultra HD monitors.

Customers may contact Dell Tech Support for monitor replacements. Used/Refurbished monitor exchanges are available now with the new firmware. Brand new service replacement with the new firmware will be available by late April.

We will never release the firmware to the public.

6 Posts

April 9th, 2014 10:00

So Chris, for clarification does the firmware correct a bug, or simply make the monitor more robust to different driver communications?


In other words, if purely a driver issue why was firmware developed? Also, I believe some with AMD cards were having this issue as well, although to a lesser extent.

38 Posts

April 9th, 2014 11:00

Hi Chis is this for 24 inch and 32inch or both?

Since I knew dell will fix the issue.

I recently bought a 32 as well, and so I want to swap both at the same time.


18 Posts

April 9th, 2014 13:00

So a combination of firmware update and drivers to resolve the issue?

While I agree the 327.23 driver works better than later revision it still has issues which I assume are resolved by the firmware.

25 Posts

April 9th, 2014 14:00

From what I see - it seems that firmware is just one way to resolve it. Drivers will do it soon. That means we can wait and have our monitors work fine.

Although, one question remains: shall turning off MST prior to shutdown and turning it back on afterwards, make it all work - at least regarding this "no signal" problem? Gotta try that tonigh.

April 9th, 2014 14:00

So Chris, are you saying if I were to buy 1 brand new, by late Apr. your co. will have it available w/ the firmware upgrade?

So how do I know what stock has the firmware and what stock doesn't?  How do we identify it?

19 Posts

April 9th, 2014 15:00

?? I have a R290x and I have the issue too, occasionally mostly.

32 Posts

April 9th, 2014 18:00

Awhile back someone asked me for an update - I've been out of the country. Someone may have already have beaten me to the punch but I should have an updated UP3214Q within a week or two. I'll report back then.

6 Posts

April 9th, 2014 18:00

My UP2414Q experience did not go so well. I did not even get as far as any of you. Right out of the box, none of the face buttons aside from the power button worked. I couldn't even change the video input, all of the capacitive buttons were dead. Combine this with no guarantee of getting one with proper firmware as a replacement, and it appears refund is the best course. Oh well. :-/

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

April 9th, 2014 23:00

for clarification does the firmware correct a bug, or simply make the monitor more robust to different driver communications?
* That information was not made available to me.

if purely a driver issue why was firmware developed?
* According to the team, it should not have been developed.

is this for 24 inch and 32inch or both?
* Both.

are you saying if I were to buy 1 brand new, by late Apr. your co. will have it available w/ the firmware upgrade?
* That is what I have been told.

So how do I know what stock has the firmware and what stock doesn't? How do we identify it?
* That information was not made available to me.

25 Posts

April 10th, 2014 00:00

OK, to help a bit and to make it clear, from what I understood Chris:

This is purely a driver issue and should be fixed soon by Nvidia. No idea for AMD. Firmware was created only to close the time gap and offer customers that RMA some kind of a solution.

... and from my experience:

System: Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit

VGA: "MSI Nvidia 780Ti Gaming 3G OC"

VGA driver: 337.50 beta released on 7th of April 2014

Display: UP3214Q - unknown firmware (no idea how to check it)

Issues: 1

Issue #1: From cold boot display does not turn on and reports "no signal" from DisplayPort cable.

Workaround #1: Connect display to a switch equiped power cord extension. Before or during a working PC, power off the screen, power off and back on the cord switch, power on the screen. Display will work in 100% cases (tried 21 times). This works for MST set up display.

Workaround #2: Before shutting down the PC, put display back to DisplayPort 1.1 mode (no MST). When booting without MST, display works flawlessly.

I had no other issues so far.

19 Posts

April 10th, 2014 14:00

No idea about AMD?, this ends not here I hope, what about AMD I'm asking again..

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

April 10th, 2014 19:00

We have not heard anything from AMD. Of the 44 users in this thread, only eight were on AMD. Three of those were on macbook so do not count since they are mobile and most likely have to get their drivers from apple. That leaves five users:
Aberlinger, AMD W5000, driver
BelleTech, AMD R9 290, driver 13.12
You, AMD R9 290X, driver 14.2
HatlessChimp, AMD R9 290X, driver ?
Humba, AMD HD6970, driver ?

The latest beta I see is 14.3:

9 Posts

April 11th, 2014 02:00

Oh, and also - I've had a case open with Dell technical support for what seems like over a month now, and every other day I get a call from someone completely different saying "we're still waiting on a reply from... ". Once they even just randomly closed my case and I had to completely start from scratch. Nobody calling ever seems to be really informed about the issues (today someone suggested I just disable power savings). I understand that from their perspective...they're not able to communicate with anyone, and the issue is rather messy and convoluted, but it's a waste of everyone's time.

I don't mind patiently waiting on a solution, but it is rather frustrating when nobody seems to be able to communicate with anyone else at Dell (they keep telling me they're unable to get word back from X/Y/Z etc on every single call). From the comments you have made, Chris, it seems like they won't even communicate things to you, and you seem to be the only one who has gotten ANY information (the support division has absolutely no information available to them at all about this) from them. I've had to repeatedly direct them to this forum thread, which I shouldn't have to do - they should have some internal notes regarding 'known issues' with a given model.

I don't know if there's any avenue to do so, but I think support really needs to be sent a memo informing them of the current status of this issue and giving them some means of communicating with someone who knows about the issue on the team working on this problem.

9 Posts

April 11th, 2014 02:00

Regarding AMD:

As for the problem with the monitor and firmware vs drivers - Anand did comment that the firmware fixed the issues he was experiencing. I imagine that this is one of those issues which could probably be resolved from multiple angles, though it's hard to be too certain when absolutely nobody is providing any technical information at all regarding what is actually occurring. My impression is that everyone is playing a game of 'hot potato' with the problem to avoid having to be the side that deals with it. Nevertheless, if it can (and has, according to Anand) been resolved via firmware already, then it seems like Dell has taken ownership of the issue. Since the problem occurs with multiple graphic driver vendors, that makes sense - the burden to make a new product work with existing technology is with the group that releases the new technology. If some new feature would have required work from other tech vendors which hasn't yet been accomplished, and thus, the new feature would never have worked to begin with under any circumstance, then selling a product with that as a feature (60hz) would be false advertising.

Also...regarding the fairness of Anand being given the firmware to flash himself - I agree that it isn't fair and it shouldn't have happened if others aren't also given that opportunity........ but I'm not surprised. Anand is one of the most significant figures in the hardware review world. I remember once reading a review of a new intel CPU in which he commented that he had some problems in a prototype that Intel sent him, and Intel FLEW a TEAM of engineers to his office to try to resolve the issue. If that's not weight, I don't know what is. I'd be very surprised if Dell decided to upset someone with that large of a potential influence on their sales. Finally, as a computer engineer, I understand the frustration regarding not being sent the firmware to apply onself, but I would imagine that the issue is that there is a high likelihood that applying it might brick the monitor. If the issue is one of liability, then, stupid as it all may be, I do understand why a company might make the decision - we just need the option to get new monitors with the firmware now. Again, more forthright information regarding whether that's the case (the firmware being risky), rather than ridiculous information blackouts, would probably appease everyone.

And finally, Chris, I'd just like to say - this whole situation is awful, and I understand everyone being upset... but I really don't envy you being the representative of it. Reading some of the comments on here I've found myself feeling sorry for your position repeatedly.

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