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March 7th, 2016 15:00

UP3216Q, color uniformity complaint

I purchased a UP3216Q and a U3415W recently. For an £800 professional grade colour managed screen it cant even display an even neutral color. The UP3216Q is used for business purposes where colour management and colour accuracy are required. There is a pink cast on the left of the screen, flowing to a roughly neutral middle, flowing into a green cast on the right. This affects all neutral tones, all light colours, all light uniform shades and means I cannot use this screen for the purpose it was purchased for because I can't trust what I see on the screen. Then there is the issue with hardware calibration and Lut. Using CAL1 and CAL2 you get banding. Revert to aRGB or sRGB and the banding goes away.  Now that I can live with that (until a fix is available) IF the screen could actually display a reasonably neutral uniform image..... but it can't. When I edit in black and white, for instance, it is like I have some weird split tone image, pink highlights one side, green highlights the other side. I see your policy is you send out "refurbished" screens. Not this time. Not impressed. Oh the U3415W is great but I don't edit colour work on it so I don't even know if it has the same problems, nor do I care if it does.

March 9th, 2016 08:00

After a 6 hour disjointed conversation with Dell support via farcebook where I provided them with the same information several times, they gave me this number/reference. But this does not bring up any result when I do a support search? What gives, Dell? Care to shed some insight into this mystery for me?

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

March 9th, 2016 09:00

That appears to be a private dispatch or order number which will not appear on the public website to protect your privacy. Also removed it from public view. Perhaps you could explain what they said they were going to do and we could then figure out what the number was. Also curious how you got one for £800? New from Dell UK is £1,171. So that one has to be from a reseller? What was the 20 digit serial number? (Not the service tag number which is private).

March 9th, 2016 11:00

Well they gave me that as the reference number about 36 hours ago. And as you confirmed now, it will not show any information so is usless for my attempt at seeing where we are in this process.

I went back and asked what this number they gave me was/is for and I now have a new/different number which does show up and has an estimated delivery date of 18-03-16

I only found this out because I raised the question after reading your response, so would have been oblivious otherwise.....

To this point I have nothing sent in response (as in an email with some sort of confirmation) as proof that this is being processed, what stage of process, what is going to happen, etc... I had to ask.....

I don't even know if Dell have "spares" to swap-out at this point.... this is just an estimated date that can mean something or nothing.

This is meant to be a next business day warranty, but if nothing is available to swap with then that falls flat...


Also, I tried to register my screen (as per the sticky-guide on this support forum) and the page does not accept UK as an address locale.... select UK, hit next.... it defaults back to USA.....and asks for state......

So, "State" in this case could accurately be described as "Frustrated Customer", but that is not an option I can select.

I then added the product, by servic tag, to "my dell profile" and it shows as mine, registered to the account I log in with, which is also the same email, address etc... I provided when raising this.... but...

I cannot see the information about this request when using this "new number".... I get "You are not authorized to view the information"

When I log out, I get Sign in to see your information.

So I'm not even sure who where what why or how now.....
It's almost funny......

So I have requested they look at this again, and tie in the service TAG with my account details so I can!



Community Manager


54.9K Posts

March 9th, 2016 13:00

Here is the UK Service Tag Transfer form. Bottom right in blue it shows United Kingdom. Is that where you started?

March 9th, 2016 14:00

This was the link in the sticky-guide

For registering not transferring, we are the original purchaser/owner. The 2 screens we purchased were from who are an authorized Dell reseller so this was just me trying to register our purchase for warranty....

March 9th, 2016 14:00

The FAQ on this site says follow these steps for warranty replacement etc... I looked down the list and it says under "monitors with a tag purchased from resellers .... do this...
Part of that is "register your product...." and within 15 days you will get confirmation...

It is that form that is not accepting UK or other countires.... it kept reverting to USA when you click next....

This is your FAQ page for Peripherals Link
 which you can follow and see for yourself

Seems my "other" post is in the ether somewhere.

I was trying to register a new purchase for warranty. Not transfer ownership. We are the original purchaser just trying to register our 2 screens for warranty (UP3216Q and U3415W) since they represent £1600 worth of kit, and of course trying to get the defective UP3216Q replaced.

Fun & games.....

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

March 10th, 2016 09:00

I agree that this is very confusing. The original owner is the reseller. They have the original Dell order number, customer number, and the service tag is tied to those numbers. So you are transferring the warranty from the reseller to you. So you must do this form. Or, contact Dell UK via email. Give them the resellers data (name. address, phone, date of purchase) and your data (name, address, phone, email). Ask them to contact the Tag Team to facilitate the Tag transfer.

March 10th, 2016 10:00

Not confushing at all, I have had several SMB I.T. roles where we used Dell for our desktop/laptop/server supply so I'm used to it at the corporate level, just wasn't expecting the retailer to be classed as the original owner in this instance.  I'll get the tags reassigned to us then.


March 17th, 2016 10:00

Replacement came today.

It is awful, worse than the screen it was meant to replace. Really bad unifomity on the right, darkens and turns pink, diagonally, from the center on to the right.

Hugely noticable when working on black and white, light (high key) images or video or neutral tones, it is so polluted that you just can't callibrate this abberation away nor can you trust this screen for colour work, which is hillariously, its selling point.

Photos of the screen below, captured with Nikon D750, camera RAW netural profile (no colour enhancement, no contrast boosting, no sharpening, no shadow boosting (ADL) etc... just a flat professional 14-bit adobe RGB RAW profile. Which means colours are less saturate than you see with the eye,. and still you can clearly see the pink-green colour shift across the screen.

"Uniformity Compensation" turned on! = NOT UNIFORM AT ALL.
50% bright, 50% contrast, 50% grey background
Try and spot the "grey"? it is non existant, it is all pinks and greens!



Adobe RGB profile enabled.
50% bright, 50% contrast, 50% grey background
Try and spot the "grey"? it is non existant, it is all pinks and greens!

Even browsing (the Dell Facebook) page you can see with 50% brightness 50% contrast, greys and neutrals all have colour cast. This panel is not capable of displaying WHITE or GREY without polluting the image displayed.

If the issue was even across the screen, you could just calibrate the whitepoint and be done.
You can't callibrate each zone so you cannot make this screen display neutral tones at all.

Meaning you will spend your time about with colour casts that you "think" are in the image, when in reality they are produced by the screen, so when you print, boom..... your image now has a cast that is not the same as your screen (the inverse if you corrected for it on screen), time, resources and money wasted.

How can you make a professional grade screen in this day and age that can't even display black > grey > white is quite appauling

This is a REV A01 screen, made in Jan 16, the original one was REV A00 made Oct 15.

So I'm guessing that the issue is not going to get any better..... will have to see what the replacement for the replacement yeilds, after that I give up and will migrate to another brand.

22 Posts

March 17th, 2016 12:00



Same issue here. I fact I am now looking at the monitor while I type. Mine is REV A01 manufactured January 2016. I already requested for a replacement. Fingers crossed!


March 17th, 2016 17:00

I've had a bit of time to go over the images and provide a better view of the problem by using patches from 4 sections of the image, swapped, left to right, to illustrate the colour differences on each side, top and bottom.


Screen set to Standard Mode, Brightness 50%, Dell Uniformity Compensation turned on.


Screen set to Standard Mode, Brightness 50%, Dell Uniformity Compensation turned on. Background is 50% grey in full screen view from Photoshop.  It should be an even, flat grey, no colour at all.

So as you can see, this problem is pretty clearly illustrated. If you use photoshop, open the 2nd image and try to set a grey point from the screen area, see how badly the colour changes all over as you pick different points. I ended up setting white and black points as illustrated within the pink circles, finding a grey point was impossible.

Even in Lightroom, using the original camera RAW files from the D750, it is impossible to make the screen area neutral with colour temperature. Go one way to fix green cast, you mess up everything else, and vice versa.



22 Posts

March 22nd, 2016 04:00

I received a replacement. Its REV A00 manufactured November 2015. Unfortunately it has the same problem. It turns red/pink from the center to the right. I am very disappointed! I tried a preset with uniformity calibration and I find it gets better. To the point I can consider acceptable. However this does not work for the sRGB preset which I use most of the time.

How did your replacement of replacement came out?

March 22nd, 2016 10:00

I'm in the process of getting the 1st replacement returned, as soon as the courier takes it they can get another one sent out.

Dell did offer to refund me, and said if I refused the refund it would not be a future option, I kindly pointed out the Dell don't write consumer laws in the UK, and I can get a refund at any point since these are clearly defective products not fit for purpose advertised, and I can prove it, so they shouldn't really be trying to mislead me with that pressured nonsense.

It's also none of Dells business anyway as I purchased through a Dell authorised reseller and my refund would be via them and the small claims court if they decided to decline to refund.

At this point, I want a working screen, I like these screens and I like Dell screens in general, they have been reliable for me over the past 10 years.

So, giving it one more try before I give up and move on... to ... I don't know what... not much reliable choice in the 4k arena currently (£3300 for an eizo? lol)... and I don't really want to move back to 2560x1440 for my work because of the ppi benefit that 4k brings to editing photography/comping/retouching.... (as in no visible pixels)... it would be a real step back!

Will update when I get the next iteration.....

3 Apprentice


725 Posts

March 23rd, 2016 08:00

"So, giving it one more try before I give up and move on... to ... I don't know what... not much reliable choice in the 4k arena currently (£3300 for an eizo? lol)... and I don't really want to move back to 2560x1440 for my work because of the ppi benefit that 4k brings to editing photography/comping/retouching.... (as in no visible pixels)... it would be a real step back!"

Yes... that's the way it is. If you want a 32" 4k widegamut with good uniformity you need at least a NEC PA322UHD which can be purchased in GERmany for 3000euro.

It does not matter if you do not like this "fact", I do not like it either, but it seems this is not going to change in near future.

My advice: do not even try with Dell monitors with prices beyond 800 euro, with the cheaper Dells you may be lucky. If you want "more features and QC" than a 800 euro Dell offers, then you need "more money".

22 Posts

March 30th, 2016 06:00

The only way to fix this as far as I know is to work on color presets that allow you to enable the Uniformity Compensation feature. Turning Uniformity Compensation to Calibrated works to fix this on my unit. However the sRGB, AdobeRGB, CAL1 and CAL2 presets are unusable in this monitor. The CAL1 and CAL2 presets also have the banding issue after calibration.

In my case I don't need a wide gamut monitor. There are not many options for a UHD 32 inch monitor in the market so I got this one. However I am returning it and will get an sRGB monitor instead. As far as I know the W-LED tech is less prone to these issues than GB-LED one.

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