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August 8th, 2013 10:00

39078:nsrjb: RAP error: No jukeboxes are currently usable

My company ust recently moved locations here locally and I am trying to get the backups up and running again but I am running into the "39078:nsrjb: RAP error: No jukeboxes are currently usable" error. I read somewhere online of the jbverify commands and what it does, so hopefully this will help. The main issue I am running into is when the Networker goes to switch tapes in the IScalar Jukebox it fails and sits and retry and will constantly retry to unload the tape (There are no tapes loaded into the tape drives because I manually logged into the Juke and ejected them). Below is the jbverify results and any help would be greatly appreciated:

H:\>Nsrjb -II

39078:nsrjb: RAP error: No jukeboxes are currently usable.



Jbverify is running on host alcbackup01, Windows Server 2003 5.2


Processing stand-alone devices...


Processing q:\SQL\_AF_readonly


Finished processing q:\SQL\_AF_readonly


Processing g:\File_Servers\_AF_readonly


Finished processing g:\File_Servers\_AF_readonly


Processing q:\exch\_AF_readonly


Finished processing q:\exch\_AF_readonly


Processing q:\SQL


Finished processing q:\SQL


Processing q:\exch


Finished processing q:\exch


Processing p:\NDMP\_AF_readonly


Finished processing p:\NDMP\_AF_readonly


Processing p:\OracletoDisktwo


Finished processing p:\OracletoDisktwo


Processing g:\File_Servers


Finished processing g:\File_Servers


Processing p:\OracletoDisktwo\_AF_readonly


Finished processing p:\OracletoDisktwo\_AF_readonly


Processing p:\NDMP


Finished processing p:\NDMP


Processing g:\OracletoDisk\_AF_readonly


Finished processing g:\OracletoDisk\_AF_readonly


Processing g:\OracletoDisk


Finished processing g:\OracletoDisk


Finished processing stand-alone devices.


Processing jukebox devices...


Processing jukebox ALCJUKE:

16024:jbverify: Unable to open SJI device scsidev@3.2.1. Check device, connections and drivers.

39078:jbverify: SYSTEM error: No such file or directory

39077:jbverify: error, Cannot initialize jukebox! Driver may not be loaded!


Failed while processing jukebox ALCJUKE on alcbackup01


Finished processing jukebox devices.


                 Summary report of jbverify

                 ======= ====== == ========

Hostname   Device Handle    Blocksize  Jukebox  Drv No. Status

--------   -------------    ---------  -------  ------- ------

alcbackup01 q:\SQL\_AF_readonly 32768   N/A      N/A     Pass

alcbackup01 g:\File_Servers\_AF_readonly 32768 N/A N/A   Pass

alcbackup01 q:\exch\_AF_readonly 32768  N/A      N/A     Pass

alcbackup01 q:\SQL           32768      N/A      N/A     Pass

alcbackup01 q:\exch          32768      N/A      N/A     Pass

alcbackup01 p:\NDMP\_AF_readonly 32768  N/A      N/A     Pass

alcbackup01 p:\OracletoDisktwo 32768    N/A      N/A     Pass

alcbackup01 g:\File_Servers  32768      N/A      N/A     Pass

alcbackup01 p:\OracletoDisktwo\_AF_readonly 32768 N/A N/A Pass

alcbackup01 p:\NDMP          32768      N/A      N/A     Pass

alcbackup01 g:\OracletoDisk\_AF_readonly 32768 N/A N/A   Pass

alcbackup01 g:\OracletoDisk  32768      N/A      N/A     Pass

alcbackup01 Unknown          N/A        ALCJUKE  N/A     Fail



Exiting jbverify with failures.

H:\>16024:jbverify: Unable to open SJI device scsidev@3.2.1. Check device, connections and drivers.

2.4K Posts

August 8th, 2013 13:00

It really looks like this is an 'ALF' jukebox ... an alien life form because so far you only know what you have done.

What does 'moved location' mean ? - Did you physically move the hardware or did you make a host transfer ?

Has the hardware changed at all ? - SCSI drivers, tape drivers etc. ?

The OS seems to be W2K3 but which NW version do you run ?

Is the Windows RSM service disabled ? - Has it re-enabled again ?

If all these basics have been verified, i think it is easier and faster to delete and reconfigure the jukebox. Or let it NW detect it itself.

August 8th, 2013 15:00

Moved locations as in the physical building, the company moved locations locally and the servers are now stored offsite, The hard ware has not changed and the NW Version is 7.5.2 and yes the RSM is disabled.

2.4K Posts

August 8th, 2013 20:00

So what does "inquire" report? - does it see the robot and all drives as before?

Verify the SCSI addresses with your configuration.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

August 8th, 2013 22:00

Level 30 = Customers
    Not sure if this fits all the criteria but it is a strong hit Fact: NetWorker Server for UNIXFact: AIXFact: SolarisFact: Dell PowerStore L200 Library (differential SCSI)Fact: Integrated SCSI controller (single ended)Fact: Single ended tape controllerFact: Differential SCSI tape drive and librarySymptom: Having problem configuring autochangerSymptom: New jukebox installed and now having problemsconfiguring jukebox.Symptom: inquire does not see autochanger and tape devicesSymptom: sjiinq scsidev@b.t.l fails with Error:'No such deviceSJIINQ: Resource deviceCode:0x29, Str='Symptom: Looking at the device through the Operating Systemand checking the driver reports: "Driver not loaded"Change: A new jukebox was added to the systemFix: A differetial tape drive cannot be successfullyconnected to a single ended controller (and vice versa). Ensurethat all cabling, termination, and controllers match.Ensure that all hardware is visible by using a console levelSCSI probe.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

August 8th, 2013 22:00

I found two possible solutions to the issue.

Product                NetWorker Server for Unix 7.4.4, NetWorker Server for Unix 7.4.3, NetWorker Server for Unix 7.4.2, NetWorker Server for Unix 7.4.1, NetWorker Server for Unix 7.5, NetWorker 7.5, NetWorker 7.4.1, NetWorker 7.4.2, NetWorker 7.4.3, NetWorker 7.4.4

Originally Created By       Takayuki Kihara

Primus/Webtop solution ID           esg104177

External Source Webtop

Audience             Level 30 = Customers

Notes    Symptoms

NetWorker 7.4.x

OS: Solaris

Installing NetWorker to a non-default location as instructed in the Installation Guide succeeds and a jukebox can be configured. However, the jukebox cannot be accessed due to nsrlcpd failing to start up.

    # nsrjb -L -S1

    39078:nsrjb: RAP error: No jukeboxes are currently usable.

"# ldd nsrlcpd" shows that 2 library files are not linked to nsrlcpd, resulting the failure to start up.


The library files are installed in "/ /lib/nsr" when the installation is performed to a non-default location. However, there is no path set to this directory and nsrlcpd is dependent of 2 files that are not in the default lib directories for the OS.


LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable needs to be set to include the non-default lib directory prior to NetWorker started up.

The document escalation (LGTsc28531) has been opened to address this issue and make a note in the Release Notes for the later releases (both 7.4.x & 7.5.x).

The following is added to the Release Notes:


With JRE 1.4.2 on Microsoft Windows, current user locale is used


Due to a bug in JRE 1.4.2 (Sun bug ID bug_id=4891531), on Microsoft Windows,

the JRE uses the system local rather than the current user local.


This bug is fixed in JRE 1.5, which is provided by default with the NetWorker

installation software.  If you are using JRE 1.4.2 and need to change the

locale for the NetWorker software, you should change the Windows system

locale rather than the current user locale.

Audience  Level 30 = Customers 


Notes  Goal: What are the jbverify command switches?

Goal: How to use jbverify command?

Fact: NetWorker



jbverify - check jukebox/device configurations in NetWorker.


jbverify [ -a ] [ -d { -i"-u } ] [ -D devicename ]...

[ -f filename ] [ -F ] [ -h ] [ -H hostname ]...

[ -I Invoker ] [ -j ] [ -J JB name ]... [ -l ] [ -M ] [ -n ]

[ -N ] [ -P port ] [ -q ] [ -Q ] [ -r no. of retries ]

[ -R ] [ -S slot ] [ -s server ] [ -t ] [ -v ]... [ -Z ]


jbverify verifies the devices defined in the NetWorkerdatabase, making sure that each one of them is con-

figured properly by checking them for accessibility andusability. To do this, jbverify makes use of Net-

Worker processes and requires that the NetWorker server(nsrd) be running on the server machine, and the

NetWorker client (nsrexecd) be running on the clientmachines.

By default, jbverify checks all devices in the NetWorkerdatabase, but can be instructed to check only jukeboxes,

only stand-alone drives or only local devices using the -j,-d and -l options respectively. Individual

jukeboxes and drives can also be checked for by using the -Jand -D options. Devices belonging to specific

hosts can be checked using the -H option.

For jukeboxes, jbverify ensures proper configuration byloading a tape into each drive and unloading them,

without performing any write operations on the tape. The onlyexception to this is if the -t option is used,

explained below. A slot to be used for the test can bespecified by using the -S option. If no slot is specified,

jbverify goes through all the slots defined as available toNetWorker and loads the first one available.

Apart from checking for accessibility and usability, jbverifycan run a series of tests on tapes loaded into

the drives being tested by calling on NetWorker’stapeexer program (see tapeexercise (1m)), when used

with the -t option.

Running tapeexercise involves writing to the tape todetermine the tape drive’s usability, so when -t isspeci-

fied, any volume which has a NetWorker label on it isimmediately rejected as unusable and the next slot is

  1. If there are no non-NetWorker tapes in any of theslots, jbverify exits without doing any tests.

jbverify can be run on any storage node, and can be used totest any device on that storage node provided

the device has been configured in NetWorker. When run on theNetWorker server, it can be used to test any

device on the network which has been configured in NetWorker.For a storage node which is not a Net-

Worker server to be able to test devices other than its own,the nsrexecd on the target machine will have to

be started with the -s option with the invoking storage nodeas the argument, or have the invoking storage

node listed in the target machine’s’servers’ file.

For example, if the NetWorker server is node NS, and thereare two storage nodes Sto1 and Sto2: for Sto1

to test devices on Sto2, the nsrexecd on Sto2 should bestarted as "nsrexecd -s NS -s Sto1." Or the

servers/rservers file on Sto2 should have Sto1 listed as oneof the valid servers.

SmartMedia devices are not tested by jbverify.

jbverify has extensive verbose messages built into it. Incase of error in operation or inexplicable

behaviour, it is always helpful to use the -v options todiagnose the behaviour.


-a Tells jbverify to check all devices, even if they aredisabled. By default, disabled devices are not

  1. This option is not supported at present.

-d This option tells jbverify to check only stand-alonedrives. No jukebox devices are tested.

-D This option is used to test a specific drive. The drivename should exactly match the name speci-

fied in the NetWorker drive resource. Multiple drives can bespecified by using the -D option multiple

  1. If a jukebox drive is specified using this option, itis treated as a stand-alone drive.

-f Used to redirect jbveri.fy’s output to a file.The argument is the file name to which the output is to

be redirected.

-F Reserved. This option is used internally by jbverify toindicate that this is a remotely forked jbverify.

-h Show the help options.

-H Tests the devices on the hostname mentioned. Use thisoption multiple times to test multiple hosts.

Any other option specified on the command-line along with -Hwill be propagated to the remote

host being tested, except for the -D and -J options. When -His used, only devices belonging to that

host are tested and hence only those -D and -J options whichspecify devices belonging to that host

are propagated forward.

-i Go into interactive mode. Used with -d for stand-alonedevices. This option is useful when testing

stand-alone devices on the local machine. If a particularstand-alone device does not have a tape

loaded, the -i option prompts the user to load a tape orcancel the operation so that it can skip to

the next drive. The -l option has to be specified with the -ioption. Cannot be used with jukeboxes.

-I Reserved. Used internally by jbverify to specify the nameof the invoking host machine to a

remote jbverify.

-j Check jukebox devices only. jbverify checks only jukeboxdevices defined in the NetWorker

  1. All other devices are ignored.

-J This option is used to test a specific jukebox. Thejukebox name should exactly match the name

specified in the NetWorker jukebox resource. Multiplejukeboxes can be specified by using the -J

option multiple times.

-l Check local devices only.

-M Reserved. Used internally by jbverify to indicate that itis being invoked by a NetWorker process.

Messages are sent to the NetWorker server instead of beingechoed to the stdout.

-n Perform tests in the no-op mode. Jbverify runs through themotions of testing the devices after

duly processing all given options but does not actually dothe tests.

-N For a remote jbverify, put nsrexec into the same verbosemode as the jbverify. Usually redundant,

but may be useful for debugging.

-P Reserved. Used internally by the jbverify process toindicate to a remote jbverify the port number

on which the server is listening.

-q Run both the local and the remote jbverify in the quietmode.

-Q Run only the remote jbverify in the quiet mode. Theresults of the remote jbverify operation can

still be seen in the final status report printed out by thelocal jbverify. If -v is used on the command-

line with -Q, the local jbverify will run in the verbose modewhile the remote jbverify runs

  1. -q and -v are mutually exclusive. Specifying bothwill result in jbverify running in level 1

verbose mode.

-r Number of retries on error. Chiefly used on load andunload errors. jbverify will retry the number

of times specified if there is an error in operation.

-S Slot to be used for jukebox devices. The given slot willbe used for loading tapes into jukebox

devices during the test. If multiple jukeboxes are to betested, make sure that the same slot in each

of those jukeboxes has a valid tape. If -t is specified, thetape in the slot has to be a non-NetWorker

tape, else jbverify exits with an error.

-s Name of NetWorker server being tested.

-t Perform tapeexercise on tapes. see tapepexercise (1m) fordetails on tapeexercise. If -t is specified,

there has to be a non-NetWorker tape in one of the slots forthe exercise to proceed. If -S is speci-

fied, the specified slot has to contain a non-NetWorker tape.

-u Run in unattended mode. Similar to the -i option and usedfor stand-alone devices only. If any

device is not loaded with a tape, the -u option skips thedevice and goes on to the next one in the

  1. Either -u or -i has to be specified with the -d option.

-v Run in verbose mode. Multiple -v options can be specifiedto increase the level of verbosity.

Higher the level, more verbose the output. Currently has amaximum of 5.

-Z Reserved.


The following are the error numbers with which jbverify couldexit:

  1. ENWTAP.E (501) : Found NetWorker tape when trying to run
  2. tapeexercise.

ELOADDETECT (502) : Unable to detect loaded state of a

  1. device.

EMEMORY (503) : Out of memory.

ESRCEMPTY (504) : The source slot was empty.

EDSTFULL (505) : The destination drive was full.

EUNLOAD (506) : Error in unload.

EUNKNOWN (507) : Unexpected error.

ERDLABEL (508) : Error in read label operation.

ESPAWN (509) : Error in spawn operation.

EREAP (510) : Error in reaping tapeexercise

  1. program.

ELOADED (511) : Drive already loaded.

ECONNECT (512) : Error in connect operation.

EBASICTEST(111) : Error in basic test in

  1. tapeexercise.

EEOTTEST(222) : Error in EOT test in

  1. tapeexercise.

EFSFTEST(333) : Error in FSF test in

  1. tapeexercise.


Testing all devices without tapeexercise:

To test all stand-alone and jukebox devices, just runjbverify without any options:


To test all devices with verbose messages, use the -v optionthe required number of times:

jbverify -v -v -v

Testing only stand-alone devices, in interactive


To test only stand-alone devices, use the -d option. -i setsthe interactive mode:

jbverify -d -i -l

The -l option has to be specified when using the -i optionsince interactive mode is not supported

for remote devices.

Testing only jukebox devices:

To test only jukebox devices, use the -j option:

jbverify -j -v -v

Redirecting output to a file:

To redirect the output of jbverify to a file, use the -foption:

jbverify -j -f output.jbv -v -v -v

Testing remote hosts

To test all the jukebox devices on hosts A and B, use the -Hoption:

jbverify -H A -H B -j -f outputfile

This tests only the jukebox devices on both hosts A and B andredirects the output to outputfile.

Running in quiet mode

To run jbverify in the quiet mode, use the -q option:

jbverify -q

This will result in only the final status report beingprinted. To run the local jbverify in the verbose

mode, but all remote operations quietly, use the -Q option:

jbverify -v -v -v -Q

This will result in verbose output for all local operationsbut none for the remote ones. The status

of the remote operations can be seen in the final statusreport.

Specifying no. of retries on load/unload operations:

To specify a certain no. of retries on errors, use the -roption:

jbverify -j -r 10 -S 12 -v

The above command makes jbverify use slot 12 of the jukeboxfor load and unload operations and

makes it retry 10 times on errors.

Running tapeexercise on tapes:

To run tapeexercise on tapes loaded into devices, use the -toption:

jbverify -j -S 12 -t -v


/nsr/res/nsr.res The NetWorker resource database.


jbconfig(1m), jbexercise(1m), nsrjb(1m), nsr_device(1m),nsr_jukebox(5), nsr_storage_node(5),



The following are the error messages that jbverify mightproduce along with their implications and possible

  1. solutions.

Bad resource database file!

jbverify was unable to get the resource information aboutdevices from the NetWorker RAP

  1. Check if the NetWorker Server is up and running andif it is reachable from the current
  2. host.

Basic Test in tape exercise failed!

The Basic Test in tapeexercise failed on the loaded tape. Seetapeexercise (1m) for more details.

Can’t specify both -i and -u at the same time!

The -i and the -u options are mutually exclusive. Choose oneof them and retry operation.

Cannot use slot for stand-alone devices! Ignoring...

The -S option is useful only for jukeboxes. This is just awarning that the option is being ignored.

Cannot run in interactive mode for remote devices

-- use -l!

The -i option is currently supported only for local devices.Specify -l to test only the local devices.

Could not connect to server! Quitting...

The remote jbverify could not connect to the main jbverifyfor some reason. Examine other error

messages to establish cause.

Could not establish server socket! Quitting...

jbverify could not open a socket to receive requests fromremote jbverifys. Examine previous error

messages for exact cause of problem.

  1. Coul.d not extract control port info.

jbverify was unable to parse the jukebox resource informationit obtained about a jukebox from the

RAP database. This might indicate a corruption of the RAPdatabase in NetWorker. Check if you

can see the contents of the jukebox resource from the nwadminGUI. Retry operation.

Couldn’t find control port in JB definition!

jbverify was unable to parse the jukebox resource informationit obtained about a jukebox from the

RAP database. This might indicate a corruption of the RAPdatabase in NetWorker. Check if you

can see the contents of the jukebox resource from the nwadminGUI. Retry operation.

Could not find enabled drive in database!

A device was specified to be tested and jbverify could notfind this device in the resource database

of NetWorker. The most common reason would be incorrectlyspecifying a device name. The

device name has to exactly match the name given in theNetWorker device resource, including the

"rd=..." prefix, if any.

Could not find jukebox in database!

A jukebox was specified to be tested and jbverify could notfind this jukebox in the resource

database of NetWorker. The most common reason would beincorrectly specifying a jukebox

  1. The name has to exactly match the name given in theNetWorker jukebox resource, including

the "rd=..." prefix, if any.

Could not get block size for this tape!

jbverify could not find the defined blocksize for this tape.A default of 32k is usually assumed.

EOT Test in tape exercise failed!

The EOT Test in tapeexercise failed on the loaded tape. Seetapeexercise (1m) for more details.

Error in checkmedia operation on host !

The remote jbverify reported an error in checking the statusof the device. See earlier error messages

for more information.

Error! Directory doesn’t exist!

This message is printed when processing a disk file drive andthe said directory does not exist.

Error in eject tape from drive ! Skipping...

There was a problem in ejecting the tape in the said drive.jbverify will skip testing this device and

continue on with the next in line.

Error in read label operation! Cannot proceed with test!

There was a problem while trying to read data off the loadedtape. Check previous error messages

to find the cause.

Error in resdb_query in getting device info.

jbverify was unable to get the resource information aboutdevices from the NetWorker RAP

  1. Check if the NetWorker Server is up and running andif it is reachable from the current
  2. host.

Error in resdb_query in getting JB info.

jbverify was unable to get the resource information aboutjukeboxes from the NetWorker RAP

  1. Check if the NetWorker Server is up and running andif it is reachable from the current
  2. host.

Error in unload. Drive ( ), slot

There was an error in the unload operation of the said drive.Check previous error messages for

possible cause and error no. Try operation again in a higherverbose mode.

Error in unloading jukebox drives:

There was an error while trying to unload the said drive.Check other error messages for cause.

Error reported in eject tape from drive ! Deviceis

  • offline.

There was an error reported by the NetWorker process duringthe eject operation, but the tape

seems to have been ejected; jbverify will continue to unloadthe tape to its slot.

FSF Test in tape exercise failed!

The FSF Test in tapeexercise failed on the loaded tape. Seetapeexercise (1m) for more details.

Failed to create xdr stream!

This usually denotes lack of enough physical memory in thesystem. Check earlier error messages

for more information.

Failed to detect loaded volume on drive even

after tries. Giving up...

jbverify failed to detect a loaded tape drive after putting atape into the drive. Sometimes this

might happen if the drive is slow and the delay is toolittle. Try the operatio.n again with a high

number as the argument to the -r option or increase the loadsleep attribute in the jukebox

  1. resource.

Failed to get connection from remote jbverify!


jbverify started a remote jbverify and is waiting for it toconnect to it but has timed out without

getting a connection request. Examine other error messages tofind the cause. One common cause

is that the machine you are running jbverify on does not havethe permission to request execution

on the remote machine. To obtain permission, the nsrexecd onthe remote machine has to be

started with "-s ." See example inthe main section of this man page for

more information.

Failed to get response for check media from remote


jbverify failed to get response from the remote jbverify on arequest for checking the status of a

  1. This could be because the remote jbverify was killedor terminated abnormally, the remote

machine went down, or just network problems. Check if you canping the machine and retry operation.

Failed to get stat packet!

jbverify failed to receive an expected status packet from theremote jbverify. This could be because

the remote jbverify was killed or terminated abnormally, theremote machine went down, or just

network problems. Check if you can ping the machine and retryoperation.

Failed to read request packet from server!

A remote jbverify failed to receive a request packet from themain jbverify. This could be because

the main jbverify was killed or terminated abnormally, themachine went down, or just network

  1. Check if you can ping the machine and retryoperation.

Failed to redirect output to . Errno

A system call failed. Run in verbose mode and contact supportwith error numbers and messages.

Failed to send FMEDIA on sock ! Errno

jbverify failed to send a request to check device status tothe remote jbverify. This could be

because the remote jbverify was killed or terminatedabnormally, the remote machine went down,

or just network problems. Check if you can ping the machineand retry operation.

Failed to spawn tapeexer!

Failed to exec the NetWorker binary tapeexer. Check if thebinary exists and if it has the adequate

  1. Check other error messages for causes.

Failed to start nsrexec! errno:

jbverify failed to start the nsrexec process on the localmachine. Examine previous error messages

for exact cause. Some of the causes could be missing nsrexecbinary, missing execute permissions,

corrupt file etc.

Failed to start remote jbverify on ! errno

jbverify was unable to start jbverify on a remote machine.Check earlier messages for more information.

Some of the causes could be that nsrexecd is not running onthe remote machine, nsrexecd

is of a version prior to 6.1, you are running jbverify on amachine which is not the server and

which is not allowed to request execution on the remotemachine. The last can be rectified by running

the remote nsrexecd with "-s -s " option where is the

NetWorker Server machine and is the machineon which you are running jbverify. See

explanation and example in the main section of this man-pagefor more details.

Have to specify -i or -u with -d option.

The -d option has to be specified with either the interactive(-i) or the unattended mode (-u).

Choose one of them and retry operation.

Invalid option specified: .

An invalid option was specified. Use the -h option to get alist of valid options.

Malloc error

System is out of physical memory. jbverify failed to allocatethe required memory for an operation.

Exit some applications and retry the operation or increasethe amount of memory on the

  1. machine.

NetWorker tape (

with test!

The drive has a tape with the said NetWorker label on it. Ifjbverify is run with -t, .it needs a tape

without a NetWorker label on it to successfully run thetapeexercise program on it. If there is no

non-NetWorker tape in any of the slots, place one into one ofthe slots and retry the operation.

No block size found for this device: !

jbverify could not find a blocksize defined for this devicein the NetWorker database. This usually

means that a default of 32k is assumed for this device.

No enabled stand alone devices found.

The current configuration has no stand-alone device defined.This is just an informational message.

No enabled jukeboxes found in database.

The current configuration has no jukeboxes defined. This isjust an informational message.

No tape in slot . Quitting...

If -S was specified and there is no tape in the specifiedslot, jbverify posts this message and quits.

Put a tape in the slot or specify another slot with a tape init and retry operation.

Query resdb failed, err: .

A RAP query to the NetWorker database failed. Check if theNetWorker Server is up and running

and if it is reachable from the current host.

Ran out of slots to choose from! Quitting...

While trying to find a slot to use to load a tape into ajukebox device, jbverify has run out of slots

to try. If run with -t, jbverify needs to find a slot whichhas a tape without a NetWorker label on it

as it will not overwrite NetWorker tapes even if they are nolonger in the media database.

Received inv alid request from server:type: %d

jbverify received an unexpected request from the mainjbverify. This could happen if the two

machines involved are running different versions of jbverify.Check and make sure that this is not

  1. This could also mean memory corruption. Retry operationat verbose level 5 and if error persists,

send log to customer support at Legato.

Received unknown packet from remote host !

jbverify received an unexpected packet from the remotejbverify. This could mean memory corruption.

Retry operation at verbose level 5 and if error persists,send log to customer support at

  1. Legato.

SCO postion Test in tape exercise failed!

The SCO position Test in tapeexercise failed on the loadedtape. See tapeexercise (1m) for more

  1. details.

Skipping disabled drive

jbverify, at present, does not test drives disabled in NetWorker. In the future, the -a option may be

enabled to do so.

Skipping to next drive in list...

After a load/unload error, jbverify is stopping the test of adrive and moving on to the next one in

its list.

Slot has Networker tape.

The -t option was used and the slot from which the drive wasloaded contained a NetWorker tape.

If the -S option was used, this is a fatal error. If not,jbverify will try other slots to see if it can find

a non-NetWorker tape.

Slot needs to be a valid number!

The slot specified with the -S option has to be a realnumber.

Source slot empty!

The -S option was used but the specified slot did not containa tape. Specify a slot which has a tape

in it. If the -t option is also being used, specify a slotwith a non-NetWorker tape in it.

Tapeexer executable not found!

The tapeexer executable was not found. Check if it exists.

Tapeexer exited on signal

The tapeexer process was killed by the given signal.

Tapeexer exited abnormally with exit code

The tapeexer process exited abnormally with the given exitcode.

Tapexercise on exited without an exit status!

jbverify was unable to get the exit status of the tapeexerprocess. This is a very rare case and might

never happen unless the OS has a bug.

Unable to authenticate remote process!

jbverify was unable to authenticate a connection request fromthe remote process.

Unable to get JB name! Skipping to next...

jbverify was unable to find any name specified for thejukebox in the jukebox resource. Check the

jukebox resource for any corruption and restore the NetWorkerresource directory if needed.

Unable to find any in jukebox!

jbverify was unable to find any devices configured for thejukebox. This is an error condition since

it is not usually possible to have an enabled jukebox inNetWorker with no defined devices. Check

NetWorker configuration and run jbverify again.

Unable to get device info for

jbverify could not find any info for this device in theNetWorker database. Check that the name of

the device matches exactly with the name defined in theNetWorker resource, including the "rd=..."

prefix if it is a remote device/jukebox.

Unable to get JB name! Skipping to next...

jbverify was unable to parse the jukebox resource informationit obtained about a jukebox from the

RAP database. This might indicate a corruption of the RAPdatabase in NetWorker. Check if you

can see the contents of the jukebox resource from the nwadminGUI. Retry operation.

Unable to load tape into drive ( ) asit seems

to be loaded!

The said drive contains a tape even though jbverify must haveunloaded it before trying the load.

This might happen if the drives are not configured in theright order in the jukebox. Check if the

order of the drives is correctly configured in NetWorker.

Unable to to malloc for connlst! errno:

System is out of physical memory. jbverify failed to allocatethe required memory for an operation.

Exit some applications and retry the operation or increasethe anount of memory on the

  1. machine.

Unable to open . Errno:

jbverify was unable to open the filename specified with the-f option. Check if you have permissions.

Unable to proceed to test drive ( ) in

JB as device is still loaded!

jbverify found the said drive to be loaded inspite ofunloading it before accessing it. Check if any

other application is using this jukebox. Also check if theprevious unload operation by jbverify failed

by looking at the error messages or by running in higherverbose mode.

Unable to unload drive ( )! May not be

configured right!

jbverify was unable to unload the said drive. This mighthappen if the drives are not configured in

the right order in the jukebox. Check if the order of thedrives is correctly configured in Net-

  1. Worker.

Unknown state. Quitting...

jbverify cannot determine the status of a load. This mighthappen with corrupted memory. Try

operation again and contact support in case offailure..

August 9th, 2013 06:00

Reading the inquire command it seems like it is just the connection, or am I missing something? It shows it reads the tape drives, just not the Juke.

August 9th, 2013 06:00

I did the inquire command and this is what it said:


scsidev@0.0.0:HL-DT-STCDRW/DVD GCC4244B101|CD-ROM

scsidev@2.0.0:DELL    PERC 5/i        1.00|Disk


scsidev@2.64.0:  RAID   DummyDevice    0001|Unknown Device Type

scsidev@3.0.0:IBM     ULTRIUM-TD3     93G0|Tape, \\.\Tape0

                                           S/N: 1210154483

                                           ATNN=IBM     ULTRIUM-TD3     1210154483




scsidev@3.1.0:IBM     ULTRIUM-TD3     93G0|Tape, \\.\Tape1

                                           S/N: 1210366255

                                           ATNN=IBM     ULTRIUM-TD3     1210366255




scsidev@4.0.0:DGC     RAID 5          0219|Disk

                                           S/N: FCNPR061300136



scsidev@4.0.1:DGC     RAID 5          0219|Disk

                                           S/N: FCNPR061300136



scsidev@4.1.0:DGC     RAID 5          0220|Disk

                                           S/N: FCNPR062301112



scsidev@4.2.0:DGC     RAID 5          0220|Disk

                                           S/N: FCNPR062301112




H:\>jbverify -j


Jbverify is running on host alcbackup01, Windows Server 2003 5.2


Processing jukebox devices...


Processing jukebox ALCJUKE:

16024:jbverify: Unable to open SJI device scsidev@3.2.1. Check device, connections and drivers.

39078:jbverify: SYSTEM error: No such file or directory

39077:jbverify: error, Cannot initialize jukebox! Driver may not be loaded!


Failed while processing jukebox ALCJUKE on alcbackup01


Finished processing jukebox devices.


                 Summary report of jbverify

                 ======= ====== == ========

Hostname   Device Handle    Blocksize  Jukebox  Drv No. Status

--------   -------------    ---------  -------  ------- ------

alcbackup01 Unknown          N/A        ALCJUKE  N/A     Fail



Exiting jbverify with failures.

2.4K Posts

August 9th, 2013 07:00

NW's 'INQUIRE' command uses the SCSI INQUIRE command.

In general, it 'pings' each possible SCSI and see whether the target answers. Then it uses additional information to get the details like type and vendor. That's the brief description.

As it turns out, you see the drives but not the robot (if it should be connected to the same computer). Here is ours:

scsidev@nn.0.0:GRAU    ITL-5000l       1.7 |Autochanger (Jukebox)


So check the connectivity issues and make sure that you see the hardware via the OS. Then rerun inquire before you proceed with anything else.

August 9th, 2013 08:00

Thank you for the input Bingo and I think you got it right. It has to be the connection. I just hung up the phone talking to the Co-lo IT department that we are using to store or servers and they noticed one of the connections is not online, so this has to be the issue. I will update when I get back from going to the data center.

2.4K Posts

August 13th, 2013 07:00

This is a Windows server - there is nothing to be set.

If INQUIRE sees the jukebox, simply detect it (Devices > your_server > Scan for Devices).

Once it is visible here, select it and open the menu with a right mouse-click.

Then select Configure All Libraries or Re-configure Library.

August 13th, 2013 07:00


How do I do the following?

LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable needs to be set to include the non-default lib directory prior to NetWorker started up.

August 13th, 2013 07:00

After much wire connection chasing, everything seems to be connected properly. Still having the same issue.

2.4K Posts

August 14th, 2013 09:00

So what is the problem to delete the jukebox and detect/configure it from scratch.

This is not affecting the media DB so you would not loose any backups.

Just run an inventory later.

August 14th, 2013 09:00

I cannot reconfigure the library because the Juke is not enabled. The tape drives are visible, but it is only the Arm that it is not seeing.I found this information on the web:

"Run the inquire command and compare the scsidev@b.t.l number for the library to the target path reported in the nwadmin GUI (right click the library --> edit) Change the target path to match the one reported by the inquire command and save the change."

Everywhere I am reading, people are stating that the configuration has been changed (probably through improperly shutting the unit down) and it will not see the configuration because it was defaulted. I am new on configuring a Library, so any help would be grateful.

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

August 28th, 2013 07:00

Too much text for such a obvious problem.  You moved library and first connection was wrong and therefore inquire could not detect jukebox.  Then you apparently addressed that problem, but you claim to have still the issue.  I say apparently because I didn't see inquire output after connection issue was addressed (stop running jbverify and run rather changers instead). Assuming that you do see library now, the address has most likely changed which can be addressed in following way:

- when jukebox is disabled, this can be changed from GUI

- you can use nsradmin from CLI to change it

- you can reconfigure library (nowadays why would you do that unless you suspect drive order has changed too)

If you believe connection (SAN wise) is ok, try to confirm that by checking device management on OS level to see if library is indicated there.

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