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October 25th, 2012 07:00

Directives question.

I have a client that has a few servers that house a very large quantity of small files.

The largest of these is a 2TB drive used to house the login profiles of users. Since users are added and removed on a regular basis, they do not want to break the backup into smaller subsets, for fear of missing a newly added user. The issue is that the full backups of these areas do not complete, and usually hang.

My thought would be to exclude files smaller than a specified size. Can this be done with a directive? If so, what would that syntax be?

My only other option would be to write a driective to exclude all sorts of directories like *favorites*, and I'm not sure if this is possible either.

736 Posts

October 26th, 2012 00:00


You could use directives to split this backup up in the following way:

- Have 2 groups

- 1 client instance in each group with the same saveset defined

- Define 2 different directives like this (using Program Files as an example)

Directive 1:

<< "C:\Program Files" >>

skip: [AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm]*

Directive 2:

<< "C:\Program Files" >>

skip: [NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz0123456789]*

- Assign a different directive to each client instance.

In this way, the backup is split in two and if there is a case where the directive does not pick up on a file or directory, then it will still be backed up (albeit twice instead of once).


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