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This post is more than 5 years old



March 2nd, 2018 09:00

How do I set NetWorker manual saves to expire in 1 month?

We have scripts that run saves on various clients in our NetWorker environment.  They are not attached to a policy or group so the data does not expire even when the expiration has been reached.  The data is written to Data Domain.  The clone retention time shows a past the 30 day expiration but it will not remove unless I manually delete it.  Is there a way in the script that runs the backup to do this?  I see commands -e and -y but they appear to need an actual date and not 30 days in the future.

2.4K Posts

March 5th, 2018 03:00

Your observation is correct - because you manipulate the save set in the media db.

Here the policy (period) is converted to an absolute date when the backup is run.

Consequently you can just specify another absolute retention date, but not a relative retention period.

If you want to script such a process, you must

  - get the actual date

  - add the length of your policy (very easy in Powershell)

  - use the expiration date along with the nsrmm command.

263 Posts

March 5th, 2018 07:00

With the save command, you can specify relative time as well as absolute time.

So if you want to specify browse/retention time as 30 days from time of backup, just use:

     save -w 30day -y 30day ...

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