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This post is more than 5 years old


August 1st, 2012 05:00

MultiHomed Networker server and child domains?

We have our Networker server ( and our storage node (same version) on our domain.

We are attempting to back up servers on our DMZ - child domain. 

For the purpose of this, we created the Netwoker server and storage node with mulitple nics.  They each have their own nic connected directly into the DMZ.  The ip addresses for these DMZ nics are in a different network than the primary nics.

However when we attempt to backup the clients in the DMZ the jobs will just hang.  No error message really, just hangs.

We contacted support, and worked with them for the better part of the day and the problem came down to was that the clients couldn't resolve the DMZ ip address to the  (It was resolving to it's DMZ dns entry

Supports solution was to basically modify the local host file on the client side so that the DMZ ip address resolves to

Now, that presents it's own administrative nightmare.  I can't believe an enterprise class backup solution will have us manage 100+ servers local host files in order to do backups.

Maybe I'm missing something in my own configuration, but there has to be a better solution than modifying local host files to get backups to work on the DMZ.

Any ideas?

40 Posts

August 1st, 2012 06:00


We ran into this same problem, I'm not sure if the "server network interface" attribute in the clients will help you.  I've heard others mention of it. It's worth checking it out..

I went the route of managing the host files cause we didn't have that many clients at first.. Now we have several hundred clients scattered through multiple domains, and multiple storage nodes..  :-/  Good thing is when a server is built I created a script we run that will automatically install the networker client and make the needed host file changes based on the client's ip address.

I agree, managing host files manually would be a pain...

14.3K Posts

August 2nd, 2012 04:00

I have similar setup (not DMZ, but multiple VLANs with full isolation so at the end of the day same thing as far as network path for backup goes).  It is very simple:

- create FQDN with DMZ NIC for client

- in server backup intergace place hostname.DMZ.domain of the server

- in storage node place hostname.DMZ.domain of the storage node

- make sure routing is set correctly

And that's it.

14.3K Posts

August 2nd, 2012 04:00

Duplicate... refer to for further discussion on this subject.

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