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This post is more than 5 years old


September 13th, 2017 07:00

Networker connecting to host failed: remote system error- No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it


I am NEW to Networker. We recently deployed Networker 9.2.0 in our environment. I have installed Linux host and it has installed successflly but while adding linux host on Networker following error

Networker connecting to host failed: remote system error- No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

After Googling, I exhausted all available solutions to fix this issue but still no success

I don't have any issues with DNS resolution and my Windows Firewall on the server as well as Virtual Machines is turned off.

I would appreciate your help 

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

September 13th, 2017 14:00

9.2 is fairly new (too new) and one version of it was pulled out so first question is if this is which is the latest released?  Second, this normally means that server could not connect to client.  When you do nsrrpcinfo -p from your server - do you get response?  If not, check if daemons are started as by default they are not after installation you need to do /etc/init.d/networker start on your linux client).  Last, check log on client (nsr_render_log /nsr/logs/daemon.raw) to see if there is any error.

3 Posts

September 14th, 2017 00:00

Thank you for looking into the issue.when i am executing  # /etc/init.d/networker start getting below error /etc/init.d/networker: line 47: /opt/nsr/admin/nsr_envexec: No such file or directory

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

September 16th, 2017 12:00

OK, now we know daemons are not started

I really can't say much about 9.2 as it is new fresh and I didn't test it so I will look back to 9.1.0.x example and you can compare it.

I suspect function start_service() fails... here is how it looks on 9.1.0.x:



        (echo 'starting NetWorker daemons:') > /dev/console

        if [ -x /opt/nsr/admin/nsr_serverrc ]; then

                . /opt/nsr/admin/nsr_serverrc || exit 1


        if [ -f /usr/sbin/nsrexecd ]; then

                if [ -f /usr/sbin/NetWorker.clustersvr ]; then

                        if [ -d /nsr.NetWorker.local -o \

                            -h /nsr.NetWorker.local ]; then

                                if [ -h /nsr ]; then

                                        rm -f /nsr

                                        ln -s /nsr.NetWorker.local /nsr




                "$NSR_ENVEXEC" -u "$NSRRC" -s "$NETWORKERRC" \

                        "/usr/sbin/nsrexecd" 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee /dev/console

                (echo ' nsrexecd') > /dev/console

        if [ -x /usr/sbin/nsrpsd ]; then

                /usr/sbin/nsrpsd -i



        if [ -f /usr/sbin/lgtolmd ]; then

                "$NSR_ENVEXEC" -s "$NETWORKERRC" \

                        /usr/sbin/lgtolmd -p /nsr/lic -n 1 2>&1 | \

                        /usr/bin/tee /dev/console

                (echo ' lgtolmd') > /dev/console


        if [ -f /usr/sbin/nsrctld -a \

            ! -f /usr/sbin/NetWorker.clustersvr ]; then

               "$NSR_ENVEXEC" -u "$NSRRC" -s "$NETWORKERRC" \

                        "/usr/sbin/nsrctld" 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee /dev/console

                (echo ' nsrctld') > /dev/console


        if [ -f /opt/nsr/nsrmq/bin/nsrmqd ]; then

                "$NSR_ENVEXEC" -s "$NETWORKERRC" \

                        /opt/nsr/nsrmq/bin/nsrmqd --config=/opt/nsr/nsrmq/nsrmq.cfg \

                        --pidfile=/opt/nsr/nsrmq/ \

                        --logfile=/opt/nsr/nsrmq/logs/nsrmq.log 2>&1 | \

                        /usr/bin/tee /dev/console

                (echo ' nsrmqd') > /dev/console


        if [ -d /var/lock/subsys ]; then

                touch /var/lock/subsys/networker



The bold line is line 47 and it seems like this might be the same.  Somewhere before that there is definition and comment that reads as following:


# Upgrading NetWorker will overwrite this startup script.

# End-users should place NetWorker environment variables in nsrrc, which will

# be sourced before starting NetWorker daemons. nsrrc must be a Bourne shell

# script, and environment variables in nsrrc must be exported to take effect.



# networkerrc defines environment variables, such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH, required

# to run NetWorker daemons.


In your case it seems like /opt/nsr/admin/nsr_envexec is not there.  Try to find it first... for example "find / -name nsr_envexec -print".

In my case it is /opt/nsr/admin/nsr_envexec as defined by script (same is defined in your script).  My best guess from seen so far is that this script is missing on your system.  Not sure if this is bug with installation or something else (one would need to check rpm).  In my case (but I do not know if this is compatible with 9.2 code base) this looks as following:

[root@foo ~]# file /opt/nsr/admin/nsr_envexec

/opt/nsr/admin/nsr_envexec: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable

[root@foo~]# cat /opt/nsr/admin/nsr_envexec



# $Id: //NW/dev/nw_9_1/nsr/scripts/ $ Copyright (c) 2011 EMC Corporation



# Copyright (c) 2011 EMC Corporation.


# All rights reserved.  This is an UNPUBLISHED work, and

# comprises proprietary and confidential information of EMC.

# Unauthorized use, disclosure, and distribution are strictly

# prohibited.  Use, duplication, or disclosure of the software

# and documentation by the U.S. Government is subject to

# restrictions set forth in a license agreement between the

# Government and EMC or other written agreement specifying

# the Government's rights to use the software and any applicable

# FAR provisions, such as FAR 52.227-19.



# Source Bourne shell scripts to set the environment, and then

# execute the remaining arguments as a shell command.




        echo "Usage: $1 [-u user_env_file] [-s sys_env_file] command [argument...]"


# Local variables



while getopts "u:s:" ARG


        case $ARG in

        u) USR_ENV_FILE=$OPTARG;;

        s) SYS_ENV_FILE=$OPTARG;;

        \?) usage "$0" >&2; exit 1;;



shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`

if [ $# -lt 1 ]


        usage "$0" >&2

        exit 1


# Source a user environment file if exists.

if [ -f "$USR_ENV_FILE" ]


        # Ensure that others are not given write permission

        m=`LC_ALL=C ls -l "$USR_ENV_FILE" | cut -c 9`

        if [ "$m" = "w" ]


                fmt >&2 <

WARNING: Ignored user environment file '$USR_ENV_FILE' for a security reason.

Examine the contents of the file, and ensure that the file has no write

permission to 'others'.



                . "$USR_ENV_FILE" || echo >&2 \

                        "WARNING: Unable to source user environment file '$USR_ENV_FILE'"



# Source a NetWorker system environment file if given.

if [ ! -z "$SYS_ENV_FILE" ]


        if [ -r "$SYS_ENV_FILE" ]


                . "$SYS_ENV_FILE"


                echo >&2 "WARNING: Unable to source environment file '$SYS_ENV_FILE'"



# Execute the remaining arguments as a shell command.

exec "$@"


2.4K Posts

September 17th, 2017 16:00

I understand that this is a message from a remote client (not the NW server itself).

It means that the communication between both clients is fine (by default they communicate via ports 7937 & 7938) -

however 'the connection has actively been refused'.

Usually it will be generated if the NW server is not allowed to access the client - the client will refuse the access.

How does NW control that? - via the file /nsr/res/servers. It should contain each allowed NW server - one per line.

So edit the file appropriately (it might contain a typo) or delete it (careful - in this case you would allow all NW servers to access the client).

Whenever you make a change to the file you must restart the NW daemon on the NW client to activate the change.

BTW - run 'nsr_render_log /nsr/logs/daemon.raw' on the client - it should tell you more.

17 Posts

September 29th, 2017 12:00

can you paste the output of the client name

From Networker server can you run

nsrrpcinfo -p

No Events found!
