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This post is more than 5 years old


July 15th, 2014 11:00

ULT 3582 and Networker auto-cleaning


I'm  trying to enable the ULT 3582 auto-cleaning but when configuring it came back with no cleaning cell.

I'm not sure whether the NetWorker 76 build 142 for AIX 6.1 is configured correctly or not.   Could you help to check if the NSR jukebox and NSR device for rmt0.1 and rmt1.1  are OK?  The goal is to let the ULT3582 to do the cleaning.  (Not sure if this is better than using the NetWorker).

Your help is apprecaited.

Ren Wong


                1:      sdp_nsr         [enabled]

There is only one enabled and configured jukebox: sdp_nsr

Jukebox sdp_nsr: (Ready to accept commands)

slot  volume                                    pool          barcode  volume id        recyclable

   1: CMV007 MainDBbackup  CMV007   3535443941       no

   2: CMV025 MainDBbackup  CMV025   3518666916       no

   3: CMV009 MainDBbackup  CMV009   3501889859       no

   4: CMV004 MainDBbackup  CMV004   3485112765       no

   5: CMV002 MainDBbackup  CMV002   3468335689       no

   6: CMV001                                    MainDBbackup CMV001   3451558802       no

   7: CMV003 HistDBbackup  CMV003   3434781849       no

   8: CMV00H HistDBbackup  CMV00H   3418004816       no

   9: CMV00C                                    HistDBbackup  CMV00C 3401227707       no



  12: CMV008                                    HistDBbackup  CMV008 3384450641       no



  15: CMV019                                    HistDBbackup CMV019   3367673594       no

  16: CMV005 HistDBbackup  CMV005   3350896505       no

  17: CMV01G HistDBbackup  CMV01G   3334119407       no




  21: CMV00F                                    bootstrap     CMV00F 4189542823       no

  22: Cleaning Tape (46 uses left) CLNI05                     CLNI05   -    

  23: Cleaning Tape (47 uses left) CLNU63                     CLNU63   -    

        *not registered in the NetWorker media data base

drive 1 (/dev/rmt0.1) slot 21: CMV00F (mounted)

Latest Frimware release 2005/7/12


Driver 73V1

Confirm from IBM site which are the latest

Try to turn off the host autocleaning

nsradmin> print type: NSR jukebox; name:sdp_nsr

                        type: NSR jukebox;

                        name: sdp_nsr;

                     comment: ;

                 description: "scsidev@2.1.1: Standard SCSI Jukebox";

                       model: Standard SCSI Jukebox;

                     enabled: Yes;

                control port: scsidev@2.1.1;

                     devices: /dev/rmt0.1, /dev/rmt1.1;

              number devices: 2;

               number drives: 2;

  SmartMedia update interval: 12;

             bar code reader: Yes;

       match bar code labels: Yes;

       jukebox serial number: ATNN=IBM     ULT3582-TL      0000013387791000;

             max parallelism: 1;

                STL barcodes: CMV007, CMV025, CMV009, CMV004, CMV002, CMV001,

                              CMV003, CMV00H, CMV00C, "", "", CMV008, "", "",

                              CMV019, CMV005, CMV01G, "", "", "", CMV00F,

                              CLNI05, CLNU63;

            RSM Library GUID: ;

              RSM Media Type: ;

             RSM Drive GUIDs: ;

             RSM Media GUIDs: ;

            STL device names: ;

          STL device sharing: ;

      STL device reservation: ;

           STL interface lib: ;

              STL identifier: ;

                  auto clean: Yes;

      verify label on unload: No;

              cleaning slots: 22-23;

           default cleanings: 50;

       auto media management: Yes;

            application name: ;

             application key: ;

               read hostname: ;

                NDMP jukebox: No;

               NDMP hostname: ;

         NDMP jukebox handle: ;

                       ready: Yes;

             virtual jukebox: No;

     virtual jukebox frameid: ;


nsradmin> print type: NSR device; name: /dev/rmt1.1

                        type: NSR device;

                        name: /dev/rmt1.1;

                     comment: ;

                 description: ;

                message_I18N: "writing, done ";

                     message: "writing, done ";

                 volume name: CMV00F;

                media family: tape;

                  media type: LTO Ultrium-2;

                     enabled: Yes;

                   read only: No;

             target sessions: 32;

                max sessions: 512;

              parent jukebox: sdp_nsr;

           cleaning required: No;

           cleaning interval: 6 months;

           date last cleaned: "Mon Mar 17 14:24:34 2014";

       auto media management: No;

                        ndmp: No;

      dedicated storage node: No;

                 remote user: ;

                    password: ;

                 hardware id: ;

                         CDI: SCSI commands;

Warn on suspect volumes (%): 0;

          TapeAlert Critical: Read failure;

           TapeAlert Warning: Hard error, Diagnostics required,

                              Tape directory corrupted on load;

       TapeAlert Information: ;

                WORM capable: No;

             DLTWORM capable: No;

      WORM cartridge present: No;

        device serial number: ;

          Network Write Size: 8192;

                      Server: ;

        Send/Receive Timeout: 90;

           Number of Retries: 3;

Network Failure Retry Interval: 5;

                 Compression: Compression Speed Fast;

                  Encryption: AES 256 Encryption;

                  Throttling: No;

                   bandwidth: ;

nsradmin> print type: NSR;  name: sdp_nsr

                        type: NSR;

                        name: sdp_nsr;

                     version: NetWorker 7.6.Build.142 Power Edition/12;

                     comment: ;

                 parallelism: 32;

                manual saves: Enabled;

             public archives: Disabled;

             volume priority: NearLine Priority;

       SmartMedia save mount: volume by characteristics;

              license server: ;

             update licenses: No;

         device sharing mode: maximal sharing;

WORM pools only hold WORM tapes: Yes;

WORM tapes only in WORM pools: Yes;

      Job inactivity timeout: 0;

    Jobsdb retention in days: 3;

    Jobsdb maximum size (KB): 40960;

                  BMR server: ;

     Savegroup log by job id: No;

               administrator: "user=root,host=sdp_nsr",




"user=root,host=sdp", "user=root,host=sdp1",











                contact name: ;

                     company: ;

              street address: ;

                   city/town: ;

              state/province: ;

             zip/postal code: ;

                     country: ;

                       phone: ;

                         fax: ;

               email address: ;

              server OS type: AixOS;

                     site-id: ;

       support email address: ;

               purchase date: ;

       product serial number: ;

        datazone pass phrase: ;

     Keep Incomplete Backups: No;

1 Attachment

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

July 15th, 2014 12:00

76 build 142???  Come on   You must patch that. Normally, when cleaning is configured to be done via library itself (see,Operator,Svc_Guide_a67po0ct.pdf) then this won't represented to outside world and you will see only available slots outside that, but this may depend on library too (my experience comes from Quantum lib).  If visible, you can lock working range via available slots and disable NetWorker cleaning in NW. 

34 Posts

July 15th, 2014 13:00


I suppose the "auto media management" attribute in the NSR jukebox should be set to "No"?



2 Intern


14.3K Posts

July 15th, 2014 13:00

No, auto media management is not related to cleaning in NetWorker. Auto clean should be set to No and available slots should exclude cleaning slots if you see them.

4 Operator


1.3K Posts

July 16th, 2014 02:00

Is the library disabled and enabled after you have done the changes. Also, i hope you have not mentioned these slots in the available slot range.

34 Posts

July 16th, 2014 05:00


Where can I see that the the cleaning slots are not included in the  available slots ? At the ULT 3582?

I don't see anything useful from the NetWorker side.

Thanks for your suggestion.


5 Posts

July 16th, 2014 05:00

When you look at the properties of the tape library there should be a check mark field to turn on/off auto-cleaning.  Next to that there should be a field where you can put in available tape library slots.  In your case it looks like that would need to be 1-21

4 Operator


1.3K Posts

July 16th, 2014 06:00

Hi Ren,

     First enable Diagnostic mode on the NMC, to do this to to NMC - > View -> diagnostic mode. once enabled go to the properties of your Jukebox -> Advanced Tab -> Available slots. it should be 1-21 in your case. Disable the library and enable it for the changes to take affect.

34 Posts

July 16th, 2014 06:00

Hi crazyrov,

The unit does not have NMC.  Is there any other way?



2 Intern


14.3K Posts

July 16th, 2014 06:00

nsradmin.  And I doubt you do not have NMC installed anywhere else.

5 Posts

July 16th, 2014 07:00

If you're not completely familiar with using nsradmin in edit mode to change the jukebox resource as you need to run nsradmin, skip the first part and look at the part of editing the resourcefile directly while networker is down.

For the nsradmin way; do this while first disabling the jukebox to prevent access to the resource!!!

1). the nsradmin way
# nsradmin
# nsradmin> . type:nsr jukebox;name:put_jukebox_name_here
# nsradmin> edit

Then the jukebox resource opens in a vi-like session, available for manual editing.

- change "available slots" parameter
- change "physical slots" parameter
- for the part "volume ids" delete the slot entries from behind so that there are only desired amount of slots left
- for the part "volumes" delete the volume entries from behind so that there are only desired amount of slots left

save and quit

NOTE! When using nsradmin to edit a resource pay attention to the fact that there is 1 space character at the end of each line! Do not forget to have that space at the end of a line when adding/removing lines from a resource file.

2). the editing of the resourcefile while networker is down
In stead you could better try to change the jukebox resourcefile while networker is down. The benefit is that you first can copy that file as a fast fallback in case you make an error. With nsradmin you sometimes can get in a stuck situation

Look for the jukebox resourcefile in directory /nsr/res/nsrdb/ (every jukebox has its own resourcefile in NW 7.x)

# egrep -i "physical slots|available slots" /nsr/res/nsrdb/*/*
07/8a1713b63f5b5876a3af2c1b:available slots: 1-678;
07/8a1713b63f5b5876a3af2c1b:physical slots: 1, 678;

In this case it's a stk L700 with 678 slots, the resourcefile of which is called 8a1713b63f5b5876a3af2c1b and is in directory 07.

If you want to change the the slots you should:
- shutdown networker
- edit the resourcefile and change parameters available slots (1-23;) and physical slots (1, 21;) so that it reflects to the situation you want
- start networker again

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

July 16th, 2014 08:00

If using nsradmin, visual mode be better option if using it for first time.

4 Operator


1.3K Posts

July 16th, 2014 08:00

You can see it in the nsradmin with the hidden options.

# nsradmin

nsradmin> . type: nsr jukebox

nsradmin> option hidden

nsradmin> print

5 Posts

July 16th, 2014 11:00

It looks like autoclean is on.  You will want to turn that off if you are getting to let the library manage the drive cleanings

34 Posts

July 16th, 2014 11:00

Hi crazyrov,

Thanks for the detailed reply.  The hidden info is shown below.

The available slots is 1-21 which excldues the cleaning slot 22 and 23.  The "volume" attribute include CLNI05 and  CLNU6 cleaning tapes which should be removed?  Same apply to "volume ids"?



nsradmin> . type: nsr jukeboxc

Current query set

nsradmin> option hidden

Hidden display option turned on

Display options:

        Dynamic: Off;

        Hidden: On;

        Raw I18N: Off;

        Resource ID: Off;

        Regexp: Off;

nsradmin> print

                        type: NSR jukebox;

                        name: sdp_nsr;

                     comment: ;

                 description: "scsidev@2.1.1: Standard SCSI Jukebox";

                       model: Standard SCSI Jukebox;

                     enabled: Yes;

              physical slots: 1, 23;

                control port: scsidev@2.1.1;

                     devices: /dev/rmt0.1, /dev/rmt1.1;

              number devices: 2;

               number drives: 2;

         device hardware ids: "", "";

                   slot tags: "S:004096", "S:004097", "S:004098", "S:004099",

                              "S:004100", "S:004101", "S:004102", "S:004103",

                              "S:004104", "S:004105", "S:004106", "S:004107",

                              "S:004108", "S:004109", "S:004110", "S:004111",

                              "S:004112", "S:004113", "S:004114", "S:004115",

                              "S:004116", "S:004117", "S:004118";

                  drive tags: "D:000256", "D:000257";

                   port tags: ;

         idle device timeout: 0;

  SmartMedia update interval: 12;

                  mount type: ;

             bar code reader: Yes;

       match bar code labels: Yes;

           volume expiration: ;

             available slots: 1-21;

                enabler code: 4fdad1-32ab91-dedd15;

               enabled slots: 32;

                   operation: ;

       jukebox serial number: ATNN=IBM     ULT3582-TL      0000013387791000;

           operation message: ;

      operation message_I18N: ;

                     command: nsrjb -IIv;

            operation device: ;

operation drive element address: ;

             operation slots: ;

             operation ports: ;

           operation options: ;

                 eject sleep: 5;

              cleaning delay: 60;

                unload sleep: 5;

                  load sleep: 5;

             deposit timeout: 15;

            withdraw timeout: 15;

         port polling period: 3;

            jukebox features: volume_tags, elements_status,

                              read_elem_unload_fail, barcode;

             jukebox options: ;

             max parallelism: 1;

          operation barcodes: ;

          operation response: ;

       operation report mode: verbose1;

       operation label state: recycle;

   operation volume capacity: ;

       operation volume type: ;

        operation ineligible: ;

              operation task: fast inventory;

      operation init element: ;

          operation instance: 650;

          operation hostname: ;

      operation dev hostname: ;

          operation template: ;

       operation number uses: ;

       operation volume pool: ;

       operation source pool: Default;

                     volumes: CMV007, CMV025, CMV009, CMV004, CMV002, CMV001,

                              CMV003, CMV00H, CMV00C, "", "", CMV008, "", "",

                              CMV019, CMV005, CMV01G, "", "", "", CMV00F,

                              Cleaning Tape (46 uses left) CLNI05,

                              Cleaning Tape (47 uses left) CLNU63;

                  volume ids: 3082528183, 3518666916, 3501889859, 3485112765,

                              3468335689, 3451558802, 3434781849, 3418004816,

                              3401227707, "", "", 3384450641, "", "",

                              3367673594, 3350896505, 3334119407, "", "", "",

                              1220984242, -, -;

        volume cartridge ids: ;

                STL barcodes: CMV007, CMV025, CMV009, CMV004, CMV002, CMV001,

                              CMV003, CMV00H, CMV00C, "", "", CMV008, "", "",

                              CMV019, CMV005, CMV01G, "", "", "", CMV00F,

                              CLNI05, CLNU63;

            RSM Library GUID: ;

              RSM Media Type: ;

             RSM Drive GUIDs: ;

             RSM Media GUIDs: ;

           allocated devices: ;

              loaded volumes: CMV00F, CMV003;

            loaded bar codes: CMV00F, CMV003;

                loaded slots: 21, 7;

            STL device names: ;

          STL device sharing: ;

      STL device reservation: ;

           STL interface lib: ;

              STL identifier: ;

                   event tag: 1405533882;

               event message: \

Hardware status of jukebox 'sdp_nsr' changed from 'detected hardware change' \

to 'ready';

          event message_I18N: \

Hardware status of jukebox 'sdp_nsr' changed from 'detected hardware change' \

to 'ready';

                    messages: "09/17/12 14:06:21 CREATED";

               messages_I18N: "07/14/14 16:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 16:30:52 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 17:00:51 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 17:30:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 18:00:48 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 18:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 19:00:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 19:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 20:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 20:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 21:00:51 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 21:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 22:00:52 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 22:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 23:00:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/14/14 23:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 00:01:30 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 00:31:03 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 01:00:53 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 01:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 02:00:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 02:30:55 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 03:01:08 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 03:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 04:00:46 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 04:30:49 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 05:00:57 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 05:30:47 nsrjb -IIv",

"07/15/14 05:54:53 Load volume `CMV009', volume id `3501889859'.",

                              "07/15/14 06:00:43 nsrjb -IIv",

"07/15/14 06:27:27 Load volume `CMV004', volume id `3485112765'.",

                              "07/15/14 06:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

"07/15/14 06:47:09 Load volume `CMV003', volume id `3434781849'.",

"07/15/14 06:55:40 Load volume `CMV00F', volume id `4189542823'.",

                              "07/15/14 07:00:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 07:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 08:00:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 08:30:48 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 09:00:50 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 09:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 10:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 10:30:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 11:00:46 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 11:30:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 12:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 12:30:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 13:00:46 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 13:30:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 14:00:48 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 14:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 15:00:46 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 15:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 16:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 16:30:50 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 17:00:50 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 17:30:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 18:00:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 18:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 19:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 19:30:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 20:00:54 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 20:30:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 21:00:46 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 21:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 22:00:52 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 22:30:48 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 23:00:50 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/15/14 23:31:07 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 00:00:56 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 00:31:02 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 01:00:49 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 01:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 02:01:04 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 02:31:01 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 03:01:09 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 03:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 04:00:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 04:30:48 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 05:00:56 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 05:30:46 nsrjb -IIv",

"07/16/14 05:53:12 Load volume `CMV004', volume id `3485112765'.",

                              "07/16/14 06:00:45 nsrjb -IIv",

"07/16/14 06:15:19 Load volume `CMV00F', volume id `4189542823'.",

"07/16/14 06:26:30 Load volume `CMV00F', volume id `4189542823'.",

"07/16/14 06:28:39 Load volume `CMV003', volume id `3434781849'.",

                              "07/16/14 06:30:40 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 07:00:42 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 07:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 08:00:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 08:30:48 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 09:00:48 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 09:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 10:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 10:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 11:00:48 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 11:30:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 12:00:48 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 12:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 13:00:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 13:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 14:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 14:30:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 15:00:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 15:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 16:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 16:30:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 17:00:49 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 17:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 18:00:46 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 18:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 19:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 19:30:44 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 20:00:45 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 20:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 21:00:47 nsrjb -IIv",

                              "07/16/14 21:30:43 nsrjb -IIv",

"07/16/14 22:00:14 /usr/bin/nsrjb -RLY -b bootstrap -s sdp_nsr -f /dev/rmt0.1\


                              "07/16/14 22:00:49 nsrjb -IIv",

"07/16/14 22:01:27 Load volume `CMV00F', volume id `1220984242'.",

                              "07/16/14 22:30:43 nsrjb -IIv";

               minimum space: ;

            current capacity: 2367 GB, "Cust2DBbackup: 0 KB",

                              "Default Clone: 0 KB", "PC Archive: 0 KB",

                              "CcdbDBbackup: 0 KB", "MainDBbackup: 884 GB",

                              "TpDBbackup: 0 KB", "PC Archive Clone: 0 KB",

                              "bootstrap: 190 GB", "Indexed Archive: 0 KB",

                              "Cust3DBbackup: 0 KB",

                              "Indexed Archive Clone: 0 KB",

                              "HistDBbackup: 1292 GB", "Full: 0 KB",

                              "VcdbDBbackup: 0 KB", "NonFull: 0 KB",

                              "Cust4DBbackup: 0 KB", "Default: 0 KB",

                              "CtlgDBbackup: 0 KB", "Offsite: 0 KB",

                              "Cust1DBbackup: 0 KB", "Wp1DBbackup: 0 KB",

                              "PcatDBbackup: 0 KB", "Archive: 0 KB",

                              "Archive Clone: 0 KB", "BlusDBbackup: 0 KB",

                              "Wp2DBbackup: 0 KB", "CustDBbackup: 0 KB";

    update capacity interval: 30;

                  auto clean: Yes;

      verify label on unload: No;

              cleaning slots: 22-23;

           default cleanings: 50;

       auto media management: Yes;

                 reset class: initialize unload;

            application name: ;

             application key: ;

               read hostname: ;

               nsrjb release: 7.0;

                NDMP jukebox: No;

                   NDMP Type: ;

               NDMP hostname: ;

                 remote user: ;

                    password: ;

         NDMP jukebox handle: ;

             NDMP bus number: ;

    server network interface: ;

               autodetect id: ;

                 hardware id: \

IBM     ULT3582-TL      ATNN=IBM     ULT3582-TL      0000013387791000;

                      ASCAPI: Yes;

           debug trace level: 0;

          operation lifespan: 1800;

           operation timeout: 1800;

                       ready: Yes;

             virtual jukebox: No;

     virtual jukebox frameid: ;

  library drive base address: 256;

        unconfigured devices: ;

          existing drive ids: \

"Serial Numbers:ATNN=IBM     ULT3580-TD2     1110223169",

"Serial Numbers:ATNN=IBM     ULT3580-TD2     1110223172";

    existing drive addresses: 256, 257;

      unconfigured drive ids: ;

unconfigured drive addresses: ;

                    hostname: sdp_nsr;

               administrator: "user=root,host=sdp_nsr",




                              "user=root,host=sdp", "user=root,host=sdp1",











          ONC program number: 390110;

          ONC version number: 1;

               ONC transport: TCP;

No Events found!
